TheTerrence McKenna Preservation Project
8 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Welcome to the Terrence Mckenna Preservation Project, a Labor of Community Love and Passion..Come and Join myself and my Fam, from the POSIJAM Community, as we attempt to share, learn and archive, the collective creative works, of the man the myth, the legend himself, Terrance McKenna. Help us preserve and pass along, to the world at large and the next generation, the Science..the Insights..the Philosophy..THE LOVE of one we all miss so much, with all our collective hearts...Terrance.. I bet the next stage of His journey is ..PHENOMENAL!
The World & it's double, Terrence McKenna
TempleOfDankThe World and its Double September 11, 1993 This workshop, held at the Nature Friends Lodge, revolves around how psychedelics dissolve boundaries, connect us to the transcendental, and (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/the-world-and-its-double) reveal the novel realities underlying our perceived mundane existence. Terence explores how shamanic techniques give access to higher dimensions of consciousness, and describes history as an ever-accelerating process approaching an eschatological transformation or singularity. Mentions Albert Einstein Mircea Eliade William James Timothy Leary Marshall McLuhan Alfred North Whitehead Welcome to the Terrence Mckenna Preservation Project, a Labor of Community Love and Passion..Come and Join myself and my Fam, as we attempt to share, learn and archive, the collective creative works, of the man he myth, the legend himself, Terrance McKenna. Help us preserve and pass along, to the world at large and the next generation, the Science..the Insights..the Philosophy..THE LOVE of one we all miss so much, with all our collective hearts...Terrance.. I bet the next stage of His journey is ..PHENOMENAL! Help Support the Temple OF Dank! SIGN UP TO RUMBLE WITH MY REFERRAL LINK & HELP SUPPORT THE TEMPLE OF DANK! https://rumble.com/register/TempleOfDank/ GO ABOVE AND BEYOND! Buy me a Coffee & help keep the Lights on, and improve future content https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TempleOfDank430 views 1 comment -
Shamans of the Amazon
TempleOfDankAn informative and compelling exploration of Shamanic use of Ayahuasca, the extraordinary visionary brew. Human Future will be designed on how conscious we will be able to make ourselves and if there are plants that can accelerate consciousness then we must seek out and utilize these things. Something could jump out of some unexpected dimension and change everything. - Terrence McKenna Shamans of the Amazon by Dean Jefferys is one of the best documentaries available on the use of ayahuasca in contemporary context, in traditional cultures that are being destabilized by the forces of globalization. As Jefferys' documentary makes clear, the revival of traditional shamanic practices with ayahuasca is proving to be a potent political and propaganda tool for reaffirming and preserving cultural values and identity in indigenous societies that are buffeted by environmental, economic, and societal forces beyond their control. - Dennis McKenna PhD, co-author The Invisible Landscape In a time when indigenous people, their culture and the natural environment are experiencing dramatic changes, this in depth series of programs examine what these "Shamans of the Amazon", their hallucinogenic rituals and their special relationship with nature have to offer humanity at this crucial time in history. Discover how westerners around the world are using Ayahuasca and other Shamanic plants to receive knowledge, to understand their relationship with nature and to seek visions of how best to deal with deep personal, spiritual and environmental questions. In a say no to drugs era, there is a new subculture emerging, with a basis of the ancient ritual of hallucinogenic plant use. —Paul Gerard Kennedy77 views -
The Best waiter..EVER!
TempleOfDankTERRENCE MCKENNA AND RAM DAAS, WERE HAVING A CONVERSATION IN A BAR, AND THEN... the most AWESOME Waiter..EVER appears on the scene, and then..70 views 3 comments -
Terrence McKenna Experiment at Petaluma 1990
TempleOfDankBehold the Verbage of McKennas intellect on display..hmm look out, you might even learn something! O.o Welcome to the Terrence Mckenna Preservation Project, a Labor of COmmunity Love and Passion..Come and Join myself and my Fam, from the POSIJAM Community, as we attempt to share, learn and archive, the collective creative works, of the man he myth, the legend himself, Terrance McKenna. Help us preserve and pass along, to the world at large and the next generation, the Science..the Insights..the Phillosophy..THE LOVE of one we all miss so much, with all our collective hearts...Terrance.. I bet the next stage of His journey is ..PHENOMINAL!247 views 1 comment -
Terrence McKenna Live Performance Art Sydney Australia 1997
TempleOfDankelcome to the Terrence Mckenna Preservation Project, a Labor of Community Love and Passion..Come and Join myself and my Fam, from the POSIJAM Community, as we attempt to share, learn and archive, the collective creative works, of the man the myth, the legend himself, Terrance McKenna. Help us preserve and pass along, to the world at large and the next generation, the Science..the Insights..the Philosophy..THE LOVE of one we all miss so much, with all our collective hearts...Terrance.. I bet the next stage of His journey is ..PHENOMENAL! BEHOLD! Terrence Mckenna in Sydney Australia in 1997264 views -
Terrence McKenna Aliens & Archetypes
TempleOfDankWelcome to the Terrence Mckenna Preservation Project, a Labor of Community Love and Passion..Come and Join myself and my Fam, from the POSIJAM Community, as we attempt to share, learn and archive, the collective creative works, of the man the myth, the legend himself, Terrance McKenna. Help us preserve and pass along, to the world at large and the next generation, the Science..the Insights..the Philosophy..THE LOVE of one we all miss so much, with all our collective hearts...Terrance.. I bet the next stage of His journey is ..PHENOMENAL!323 views 2 comments