DeVeRneYNovember 6/ 2024 CONGRESSWOMAN MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE THANKED GEORGIA;~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Special Message Thanking The Great People Of Northwest Georgia To Serve A Third Term In Washington D.C… *MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE* FOR *WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY* 2024*2025* Post: November 13/ 2024 November 13/ 2024 White Hats Military/ Red Hats Vets Crush FEMA At Michigan Airforce Base💂♀️💥⛑️👨🚀 https://realrawnews.com/2024/11/white-and-red-hats-crush-fema-at-michigan-air-force-base/ A coalition of White and Red Hats on Sunday assaulted federal forces at a decommissioned air force base where elements of FEMA, the FBI, and the ATF were mustering troops and trucks and rehearsing for a “mass casualty” event that involved crushing civil disobedience in the aftermath of a presidential coup, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. He said the White Hats became aware of the federal presence in north-central Michigan after confirming reports of FEMA management attending an Oct. 28 Oscoda Township board meeting at which agency leadership told the board it was, with Biden’s and Harris’ blessing, commandeering Oscoda-Wurtsmith Air Force base, decommissioned in the late 90s, to store vehicles and equipment for future disasters. FEMA didn’t mention suppressing civil unrest or a coup at the meeting. Instead, they told Oscoda Township Supervisor Bill Palmer that FEMA routinely “assesses the viability of sites that may be used in future disasters” and that citizens shouldn’t be alarmed by agency tractor-trailers and support vehicles assembling on or near the air base. For reasons unclear but easily imagined, elected officials were kept in the dark about the board meeting and learned of it from online sleuths posting concerns and potential conspiracy theories to social media. Assumptions ran the gamut, from readying the airbase to house illegal immigrants to frightful (but accurate) envisionings of FEMA subjugating or shooting innocent civilians. On Saturday, a four-man White Hat scout squad arrived outside the 2,200-acre base and flew civilian drones over the expansive area. Their worst fears were soon realized. They saw tractor-trailers, an armada of tactical trucks, and armed agents practicing what appeared to be field drills. No sooner had the drones photographed the nefarious activity than they were fired upon and shot from the skies. Meanwhile, FEMA had come under scrutiny for concealing its movements from state officials, with Michigan Rep. Mike Hoadley saying he was waiting for clarification from FEMA on behalf of constituents concerning the site’s and the agency’s activities. His inquiry prompted FEMA Deputy Chief of Staff Jenna Peters, whom White Hats say has led the agency since Deanne Criswell’s arrest, to retract earlier statements and instead outright deny that FEMA placed any vehicles at the airfield. “FEMA has no immediate plans to use Oscoda airport as a disaster response staging area, and stories about a large-scale FEMA presence are conspiratorial and fictional,” Peters said. “Disinformation often spirals out of control.” The truth, though, was evidently the opposite. By Saturday afternoon, Gen. Smith had decided to storm the base and assembled a Marine task force to repel or neutralize FEMA personnel and vehicles in the operational area. He chose Marines with experience fighting FEMA, Marines who had fought the evil agency on the shores of Lahaina, and other government-fashioned disaster zones. He had even phoned Colonel Kurtz, asking if Red Hats wished to contribute manpower to the mission. “Kurtz told the general he had some scores to settle and gladly supplemented our guys with his own,” our source said. The joint task force, or Union forces, arrived by air and land in Iosco County Sunday night and deployed scouts to surveil the base’s perimeter. To their surprise, FEMA had removed all but 20 tractor-trailers and four tactical trucks, ostensibly to minimize its footprint and ease public objection. White Hats would learn later that the bulk of FEMA’s forces left the airbase twelve hours earlier and headed north to the Canadian Border and entered Ontario via the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge, presumably owing to cooperation between the fading Harris-Biden regime and Justin Trudeau’s government. FEMA’s remaining forces at the airport, though, had no means of escape and were unprepared to oppose the onslaught of Union forces that, under the cover of darkness, breached the airbase’s fences and began massacring roving patrols that were underequipped and underprepared to fight their foes with countervailing force. Blood and brains, our source said, spewed everywhere as Union forces crushed their opponents mercilessly, ejecting depleted magazines and priming fresh ones every few seconds in a justifiable slaughter fest. Agents dashing for armed, armored tactical trucks were among the first to fall, dying with hands on door handles and feet touching running boards. Our source said FEMA had converted an old hanger into a makeshift barracks. The agents inside, awakened by gunfire, were pulling on their pants and shirts when Union forces smashed open the doors and unleashed a seemingly endless barrage of bullets upon the drowsy agents. Despite the carnage, two hostiles survived—a FEMA middle-management supervisor and an FBI “advisor.” It was the former, our source said, who told Union Forces that FEMA sent most of its forces to Canada, though he claimed not to know why. “Both men are in custody and will survive. We recovered a huge weapons cache, and we’ve impounded FEMA’s trucks. Never trust FEMA,” our source said. The malevolent agency recently came under fire after it was discovered that a supervisor ordered subordinates to bypass the homes of Trump supporters that were damaged by Hurricane Milton. The employee has been identified as Marn’i Washington, who said in an interview with YouTube podcaster Roland Martin Monday that FEMA routinely practices targeted discrimination. “We’ll arrest the foul beast,” our source said. “But, honestly, what she did pales compared to the laundry list of FEMA’s crimes against citizens. “I can tell you this—we’ve asked Trump to dissolve FEMA, but that’s ultimately his decision. We’ll keep doing what we do, and that’s take out the trash.” https://rumble.com/v1topew-trump-is-america-hope-and-freedom.html October 21/ 2024 Purchase President Donald J. Trump Latest New Book *SAVE AMERICA*❤️🇺🇸📘🛒 President Trump has a new must-read Book! Get your copy today at 45BOOKS.com August 31/ 2024 Get President Trump First Official Book Since He Left The White House📘🛒 His New Book *SAVE AMERICA* Is Filled With Stunning Images Recapping Significant Moments Of His Presidency❤️🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸💙🪽🏛️⭐️🕺 His new Book, SAVE AMERICA, is out next week, and is already a Best Seller! Trump hand-selected each photo, and wrote the captions📖✍️ It’s a MUST HAVE for every America First Patriot. Get your copy now at, https://45books.com/. August 24/ 2024 Buy Copy Of Our Great First Lady Melania Trump New Book💝🇺🇸🎀📓🛒🛍️ If you love our former First Lady as much as me,(DJT) and are ready for the Truth, buy her new book now! MELANIA provides an insightful perspective of her tenure as First Lady of the United States, highlighting our shared experiences, her entrepreneurial achievements, plus the challenges and triumphs she experienced since her childhood in Europe.Pre-Order Now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1510782699? https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113014542002462717 March 21/ 2024 Donate To Save America❤️Trump MAGA 2024💙🇺🇸⭐️🏛️ https://rumble.com/v4mbgjt-trumpmaga-2024donate-to-save-america.html February 17/ 2024 Get TRUMPSNEAKERS🇺🇸👟🇺🇸🎁 Get President Trump’s Official Sneakers🎊 *BUY NOW*🛍️🛒 https://gettrumpsneakers.com/ December 12/2023 Get Donald Trump Digital Trading Card MugShot NFTs❤️🇺🇸💙⭐️💳 DIGITAL TRADING CARDS ONLY $99! https://collecttrumpcards.com November 13/ 2024 White Hats Military/ Red Hats Vets Crush FEMA At Michigan Airforce Base💂♀️💥⛑️👨🚀🐝 https://realrawnews.com/2024/11/white-and-red-hats-crush-fema-at-michigan-air-force-base/ A coalition of White and Red Hats on Sunday assaulted federal forces at a decommissioned air force base where elements of FEMA, the FBI, and the ATF were mustering troops and trucks and rehearsing for a “mass casualty” event that involved crushing civil disobedience in the aftermath of a presidential coup, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. He said the White Hats became aware of the federal presence in north-central Michigan after confirming reports of FEMA management attending an Oct. 28 Oscoda Township board meeting at which agency leadership told the board it was, with Biden’s and Harris’ blessing, commandeering Oscoda-Wurtsmith Air Force base, decommissioned in the late 90s, to store vehicles and equipment for future disasters. FEMA didn’t mention suppressing civil unrest or a coup at the meeting. Instead, they told Oscoda Township Supervisor Bill Palmer that FEMA routinely “assesses the viability of sites that may be used in future disasters” and that citizens shouldn’t be alarmed by agency tractor-trailers and support vehicles assembling on or near the air base. For reasons unclear but easily imagined, elected officials were kept in the dark about the board meeting and learned of it from online sleuths posting concerns and potential conspiracy theories to social media. Assumptions ran the gamut, from readying the airbase to house illegal immigrants to frightful (but accurate) envisionings of FEMA subjugating or shooting innocent civilians. On Saturday, a four-man White Hat scout squad arrived outside the 2,200-acre base and flew civilian drones over the expansive area. Their worst fears were soon realized. They saw tractor-trailers, an armada of tactical trucks, and armed agents practicing what appeared to be field drills. No sooner had the drones photographed the nefarious activity than they were fired upon and shot from the skies. Meanwhile, FEMA had come under scrutiny for concealing its movements from state officials, with Michigan Rep. Mike Hoadley saying he was waiting for clarification from FEMA on behalf of constituents concerning the site’s and the agency’s activities. His inquiry prompted FEMA Deputy Chief of Staff Jenna Peters, whom White Hats say has led the agency since Deanne Criswell’s arrest, to retract earlier statements and instead outright deny that FEMA placed any vehicles at the airfield. “FEMA has no immediate plans to use Oscoda airport as a disaster response staging area, and stories about a large-scale FEMA presence are conspiratorial and fictional,” Peters said. “Disinformation often spirals out of control.” The truth, though, was evidently the opposite. By Saturday afternoon, Gen. Smith had decided to storm the base and assembled a Marine task force to repel or neutralize FEMA personnel and vehicles in the operational area. He chose Marines with experience fighting FEMA, Marines who had fought the evil agency on the shores of Lahaina, and other government-fashioned disaster zones. He had even phoned Colonel Kurtz, asking if Red Hats wished to contribute manpower to the mission. “Kurtz told the general he had some scores to settle and gladly supplemented our guys with his own,” our source said. The joint task force, or Union forces, arrived by air and land in Iosco County Sunday night and deployed scouts to surveil the base’s perimeter. To their surprise, FEMA had removed all but 20 tractor-trailers and four tactical trucks, ostensibly to minimize its footprint and ease public objection. White Hats would learn later that the bulk of FEMA’s forces left the airbase twelve hours earlier and headed north to the Canadian Border and entered Ontario via the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge, presumably owing to cooperation between the fading Harris-Biden regime and Justin Trudeau’s government. FEMA’s remaining forces at the airport, though, had no means of escape and were unprepared to oppose the onslaught of Union forces that, under the cover of darkness, breached the airbase’s fences and began massacring roving patrols that were underequipped and underprepared to fight their foes with countervailing force. Blood and brains, our source said, spewed everywhere as Union forces crushed their opponents mercilessly, ejecting depleted magazines and priming fresh ones every few seconds in a justifiable slaughter fest. Agents dashing for armed, armored tactical trucks were among the first to fall, dying with hands on door handles and feet touching running boards. Our source said FEMA had converted an old hanger into a makeshift barracks. The agents inside, awakened by gunfire, were pulling on their pants and shirts when Union forces smashed open the doors and unleashed a seemingly endless barrage of bullets upon the drowsy agents. Despite the carnage, two hostiles survived—a FEMA middle-management supervisor and an FBI “advisor.” It was the former, our source said, who told Union Forces that FEMA sent most of its forces to Canada, though he claimed not to know why. “Both men are in custody and will survive. We recovered a huge weapons cache, and we’ve impounded FEMA’s trucks. Never trust FEMA,” our source said. The malevolent agency recently came under fire after it was discovered that a supervisor ordered subordinates to bypass the homes of Trump supporters that were damaged by Hurricane Milton. The employee has been identified as Marn’i Washington, who said in an interview with YouTube podcaster Roland Martin Monday that FEMA routinely practices targeted discrimination. “We’ll arrest the foul beast,” our source said. “But, honestly, what she did pales compared to the laundry list of FEMA’s crimes against citizens. “I can tell you this—we’ve asked Trump to dissolve FEMA, but that’s ultimately his decision. We’ll keep doing what we do, and that’s take out the trash.” Get President Donald J Trump Amazing New Book📗LETTERS TO TRUMP ❤️🇺🇸📝🛍️🛒 People love my new book! Read all the never before seen letters only in, Letters To Trump. Available now at https://45books.com. Purchase Your ”FREE TRUMP MUGSHOT”👕 T-Shirt At Shopdonjr.com🇺🇸🛍️🛒 All Profits Will Go To The Legal Defense Fund🇺🇸🗽 https://shopdonjr.com/products/free-trump-mugshot-16-x-20-poster Subscribe To Don Trump Jr Rumble Channel🎬 Subscribe to il Presidento's rumble channel here: https://rumble.com/c/ilDonaldoTrumpo Join ildonaldo Trumpo🇺🇸⭐️ Join our Amazing Patrioto Familia at http://www.ildonaldo.com Get The Real Truth At MxM News https://mxmnews.com/257 views 1 comment -
DeVeRneYBREAKING NEWS: November 13/ 2024 PRESIDENT TRUMP HOLD MEETING WITH JOE BIDEN AT THE WHITE HOUSE;~ BIDEN TELL’S TRUMP *WELCOME BACK* President Donald J. Trump United States Elect 47Th Commander In Chief Meet With Joe Biden On Wednesday November 13/ In The Oval Office At The White House To Talk About A Smooth Transition Of Power~^^~ TRUMP*****VANCE*****2024**2025** *MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE* FOR *WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY* 2024*2025* Post: November 13/ 2024 November 13/ 2024 White Hats Military/ Red Hats Vets Crush FEMA At Michigan Airforce Base💂♀️💥⛑️👨🚀 https://realrawnews.com/2024/11/white-and-red-hats-crush-fema-at-michigan-air-force-base/ A coalition of White and Red Hats on Sunday assaulted federal forces at a decommissioned air force base where elements of FEMA, the FBI, and the ATF were mustering troops and trucks and rehearsing for a “mass casualty” event that involved crushing civil disobedience in the aftermath of a presidential coup, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. He said the White Hats became aware of the federal presence in north-central Michigan after confirming reports of FEMA management attending an Oct. 28 Oscoda Township board meeting at which agency leadership told the board it was, with Biden’s and Harris’ blessing, commandeering Oscoda-Wurtsmith Air Force base, decommissioned in the late 90s, to store vehicles and equipment for future disasters. FEMA didn’t mention suppressing civil unrest or a coup at the meeting. Instead, they told Oscoda Township Supervisor Bill Palmer that FEMA routinely “assesses the viability of sites that may be used in future disasters” and that citizens shouldn’t be alarmed by agency tractor-trailers and support vehicles assembling on or near the air base. For reasons unclear but easily imagined, elected officials were kept in the dark about the board meeting and learned of it from online sleuths posting concerns and potential conspiracy theories to social media. Assumptions ran the gamut, from readying the airbase to house illegal immigrants to frightful (but accurate) envisionings of FEMA subjugating or shooting innocent civilians. On Saturday, a four-man White Hat scout squad arrived outside the 2,200-acre base and flew civilian drones over the expansive area. Their worst fears were soon realized. They saw tractor-trailers, an armada of tactical trucks, and armed agents practicing what appeared to be field drills. No sooner had the drones photographed the nefarious activity than they were fired upon and shot from the skies. Meanwhile, FEMA had come under scrutiny for concealing its movements from state officials, with Michigan Rep. Mike Hoadley saying he was waiting for clarification from FEMA on behalf of constituents concerning the site’s and the agency’s activities. His inquiry prompted FEMA Deputy Chief of Staff Jenna Peters, whom White Hats say has led the agency since Deanne Criswell’s arrest, to retract earlier statements and instead outright deny that FEMA placed any vehicles at the airfield. “FEMA has no immediate plans to use Oscoda airport as a disaster response staging area, and stories about a large-scale FEMA presence are conspiratorial and fictional,” Peters said. “Disinformation often spirals out of control.” The truth, though, was evidently the opposite. By Saturday afternoon, Gen. Smith had decided to storm the base and assembled a Marine task force to repel or neutralize FEMA personnel and vehicles in the operational area. He chose Marines with experience fighting FEMA, Marines who had fought the evil agency on the shores of Lahaina, and other government-fashioned disaster zones. He had even phoned Colonel Kurtz, asking if Red Hats wished to contribute manpower to the mission. “Kurtz told the general he had some scores to settle and gladly supplemented our guys with his own,” our source said. The joint task force, or Union forces, arrived by air and land in Iosco County Sunday night and deployed scouts to surveil the base’s perimeter. To their surprise, FEMA had removed all but 20 tractor-trailers and four tactical trucks, ostensibly to minimize its footprint and ease public objection. White Hats would learn later that the bulk of FEMA’s forces left the airbase twelve hours earlier and headed north to the Canadian Border and entered Ontario via the Sault Ste. Marie International Bridge, presumably owing to cooperation between the fading Harris-Biden regime and Justin Trudeau’s government. FEMA’s remaining forces at the airport, though, had no means of escape and were unprepared to oppose the onslaught of Union forces that, under the cover of darkness, breached the airbase’s fences and began massacring roving patrols that were underequipped and underprepared to fight their foes with countervailing force. Blood and brains, our source said, spewed everywhere as Union forces crushed their opponents mercilessly, ejecting depleted magazines and priming fresh ones every few seconds in a justifiable slaughter fest. Agents dashing for armed, armored tactical trucks were among the first to fall, dying with hands on door handles and feet touching running boards. Our source said FEMA had converted an old hanger into a makeshift barracks. The agents inside, awakened by gunfire, were pulling on their pants and shirts when Union forces smashed open the doors and unleashed a seemingly endless barrage of bullets upon the drowsy agents. Despite the carnage, two hostiles survived—a FEMA middle-management supervisor and an FBI “advisor.” It was the former, our source said, who told Union Forces that FEMA sent most of its forces to Canada, though he claimed not to know why. “Both men are in custody and will survive. We recovered a huge weapons cache, and we’ve impounded FEMA’s trucks. Never trust FEMA,” our source said. The malevolent agency recently came under fire after it was discovered that a supervisor ordered subordinates to bypass the homes of Trump supporters that were damaged by Hurricane Milton. The employee has been identified as Marn’i Washington, who said in an interview with YouTube podcaster Roland Martin Monday that FEMA routinely practices targeted discrimination. “We’ll arrest the foul beast,” our source said. “But, honestly, what she did pales compared to the laundry list of FEMA’s crimes against citizens. “I can tell you this—we’ve asked Trump to dissolve FEMA, but that’s ultimately his decision. We’ll keep doing what we do, and that’s take out the trash.” —!!…!!—!!…!!— If You’re Doing Poorly, Don’t Send Anything… If You’re Doing Well, Text ” TRUMP” To 88022 To Donate… https://rumble.com/v1topew-trump-is-america-hope-and-freedom.html October 21/ 2024 Purchase President Donald J. Trump Latest New Book *SAVE AMERICA*❤️🇺🇸📘🛒 President Trump has a new must-read Book! Get your copy today at 45BOOKS.com August 31/ 2024 Get President Trump First Official Book Since He Left The White House📘🛒 His New Book *SAVE AMERICA* Is Filled With Stunning Images Recapping Significant Moments Of His Presidency❤️🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸💙🪽🏛️⭐️🕺 His new Book, SAVE AMERICA, is out next week, and is already a Best Seller! Trump hand-selected each photo, and wrote the captions📖✍️ It’s a MUST HAVE for every America First Patriot. Get your copy now at, https://45books.com/. August 24/ 2024 Buy Copy Of Our Great First Lady Melania Trump New Book💝🇺🇸🎀📓🛒🛍️ If you love our former First Lady as much as me,(DJT) and are ready for the Truth, buy her new book now! MELANIA provides an insightful perspective of her tenure as First Lady of the United States, highlighting our shared experiences, her entrepreneurial achievements, plus the challenges and triumphs she experienced since her childhood in Europe.Pre-Order Now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1510782699? https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113014542002462717 Donate To Save America❤️Trump MAGA 2024💙🇺🇸⭐️🏛️ https://rumble.com/v4mbgjt-trumpmaga-2024donate-to-save-america.html February 17/ 2024 Get TRUMPSNEAKERS🇺🇸👟🇺🇸🎁 Get President Trump’s Official Sneakers🎊 *BUY NOW*🛍️🛒 https://gettrumpsneakers.com/ Don Trump Jr💚🍀Interview Charlie Kirk November 11/ 6:00 Pm Et🎙️🇺🇸🏅 https://rumble.com/v5o9fit-delivering-the-day-one-agenda-no-more-neocons-plus-interview-with-charlie-k.html Don Trump Jr💚🍀Live Update Trump Victory November 7/ 5:55 Pm Et🎙️🇺🇸 https://rumble.com/v5mwxet-victory-historic-landslide-the-maga-mandate-and-whats-next-triggered-ep.189.html Live Election Coverage Results❤️November 5/ 6:00 Pm Cet💙🇺🇸🏛️🗳️💫 https://rumble.com/v5lzyfb-live-election-night-2024-coverage-and-results-11524.html Watch Live Coverage❤️Election Day Voting November 5/2:00 Pm Et💙🗳️🚶♀️ https://rumble.com/v5m3dut--247-breaking-news-political-rallies-press-briefings-live-chat-magnonews.html President Trump❤️Rally In Grand Rapids MI November 4/ 10:30 Pm Cet💙🕺🎉 https://rumble.com/v5m0s3t-live-president-trump-in-grand-rapids-mi.html President Trump❤️Final Rally Rapids MI November 4/ 10:30 Pm Et🇺🇸💙⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5liy9n-live-president-trump-holds-final-2024-campaign-rally-in-grand-rapids-mi-114.html President Trump❤️Hold Rally Pittsburgh PA November 4/ 6:00 Pm Cet💙🕺🪽 https://rumble.com/v5lyjpq-live-president-trump-in-pittsburgh-pa.html President Trump❤️🇺🇸Rally Pittsburgh PA November 4/ 6:00 Pm Est💙🇺🇸⭐️🏛️ https://rumble.com/v5lixrb-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-pittsburgh-pa-11424.html President Trump❤️🇺🇸MAGA Rally Reading PA November 4/ 2:00 Pm Cet💙🇺🇸🕺⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5lwh8h-live-president-trump-in-reading-pa.html President Trump❤️Rally Remarks Reading PA November 4/2:00 Pm Est🇺🇸🏆 https://rumble.com/v5liwjy-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-reading-pa-11424.html President Trump❤️Rally Raleigh, NC November 4/ 10:00 Am Cet💙🇺🇸🕺 https://rumble.com/v5lrfjz-live-president-trump-in-raleigh-nc.html President Trump❤️🇺🇸Hold Rally Raleigh NC November 4/10:00 Am Est💙 https://rumble.com/v5livh8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-raleigh-nc-11424.html Don Trump Jr💚🍀Live Chat Save America November 4/ 5:55 Pm Est🎙️🇺🇸⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5lx51k-we-show-up.-we-win.-this-is-the-election-to-save-america-triggered-ep.188.html President Trump❤️Rally Speech Macron GA November 3/ 6:30 Pm Cet💙🕺🪽 https://rumble.com/v5lpl4t-live-president-trump-in-macon-ga.html President Trump❤️Deliver Rally Macron GA November 3/ 6:30 Pm Est💙🇺🇸🪽 https://rumble.com/v5liu5b-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-macon-ga-11324.html President Trump❤️Rally In Kinston NC November 3/2:00 Pm Cet🇺🇸💙🕺 https://rumble.com/v5lny2z-live-president-trump-in-kinston-nc.html President Trump❤️Hold Remark Kinston NC November 3/ 2:00 Pm Est🇺🇸⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5litg9-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-kinston-nc-11324.html President Trump❤️MAGA Rally Lititz PA November 3/ 10:00 Am Cet💙🕺 https://rumble.com/v5lj1uk-live-president-trump-in-lititz-pa.html President Trump❤️Holds Rally Lititz, PA November 3/ 10:00 Am Est💙🇺🇸 https://rumble.com/v5lisnq-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-lititz-pa-11324.html President Trump❤️MAGA Rally Greensboro November 2/ 7:30 Pm Cet💙 https://rumble.com/v5lhn0e-live-president-trump-in-greensboro-nc.html President Trump❤️Rally Greensboro NC November 2/ 7:30 Pm Edt💙🇺🇸 https://rumble.com/v5ksvid-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-greensboro-nc-11224.html President Trump❤️Hold Rally Salem VA November 2/ 4:00 Pm Cet💙🕺🌹 https://rumble.com/v5lfuhw-live-president-trump-in-salem-va.html President Trump❤️Give Remark Salem VA November 2/ 4:00 Pm Edt🇺🇸💙 https://rumble.com/v5ksuey-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-salem-va-11224.html President Trump❤️🇺🇸Rally Gastonia NC November 2/ 12:00 Pm Cet💙🕺🏅 https://rumble.com/v5lbb0h-live-president-trump-in-gastonia-nc.html President Trump❤️Hold Rally Gastonia NC November 2/ 12:00 Pm Edt🇺🇸⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5ktqe5-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-gastonia-nc-11224.html President Trump❤️🇺🇸Rally Milwaukee WI November 1/ 8:00 Pm Cet💙🕺 https://rumble.com/v5l9amk-live-president-trump-in-milwaukee-wi.html President Trump❤️Holds Rally Milwaukee WI November 1/ 8:00 Edt💙🇺🇸🏛️ https://rumble.com/v5kstfh-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-milwaukee-wi-11124.html President Trump❤️MAGA Rally Warren MI November 1/ 4:30 Pm Cet💙🇺🇸⭐️ https://rumble.com/v5l7iiq-live-president-trump-in-warren-mi.html President Trump❤️Rally Remarks Warren MI November 1/ 4:30 Pm Edt💙🏆 https://rumble.com/v5ksqgd-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-at-a-rally-in-warren-mi-11124.html Get President Donald J Trump Amazing New Book📗LETTERS TO TRUMP ❤️🇺🇸📝🛍️🛒 People love my new book! Read all the never before seen letters only in, Letters To Trump. Available now at https://45books.com. Purchase Your ”FREE TRUMP MUGSHOT”👕 T-Shirt At Shopdonjr.com🇺🇸🛍️🛒 All Profits Will Go To The Legal Defense Fund🇺🇸🗽 https://shopdonjr.com/products/free-trump-mugshot-16-x-20-poster Join President Donald J Trump Truth Social.com❤️🇺🇸📱📲 https://truthsocial.com/ Subscribe to il Presidento's rumble channel here: https://rumble.com/c/ilDonaldoTrumpo Join our Amazing Patrioto Familia at http://www.ildonaldo.com Get The Real Truth At MxM News https://mxmnews.com/ Checkout My TruthSocial Platform I Created July 3/ 2023💓🪽299 views -
Union Forces (White Hats & Red Hats) Crush FEMA, FBI and ATF at Michigan AFB
50 USC 1550Union Forces (White Hats & Red Hats) Crush FEMA, FBI and ATF at Michigan AFB268 views -
Bannon: "They Ain't So Tough When You Strip Away State Power From Them"
Bannons War RoomAired On 11/13/202447.3K views 45 comments -
Elon Musk Calls to Defund NPR After Shocking Orwellian Clip Resurfaces | The Daily Dose
Vigilant News NetworkNow that Elon’s steering the ship on government efficiency, NPR might just find itself on the chopping block—especially when its CEO is making comments like this. Get all the details on that story and more on today’s episode of The Daily Dose. SUPPORT THE SHOW THROUGH OUR SPONSORS: GOLDCO There’s a good reason why thousands of Americans are buying gold today. With everything going on in the world, they’re looking for “a safe haven and store-of-value asset to protect with their life’s savings.” Don't be caught in the financial chaos leading up to the election. Go to https://www.VNNgold.com now and protect your savings with precious metals. MY PATRIOT SUPPLY Since 2008, My Patriot Supply has helped millions of American families prepare for the uncertain future. Now, you can get $300 off their Mega 3-Month Emergency Food Kit, which comes jam-packed with 33 varieties of filling and delicious foods. This emergency food kit provides a whopping 2,500 calories per day to keep you well-fed and ready for anything — Go to https://www.preparewithvnn.com to save $300 on your Mega 3-Month Emergency Food Kit! GOOD RANCHERS Did you know over 85% of Grass-Fed beef is imported from overseas? 100% of Good Ranchers’ products come from local, American farms. #AmericanMeatDelivered. To claim your free Thanksgiving ham before they’re gone, go to https://www.goodranchers.com, subscribe to any of their boxes of 100% American beef, chicken, pork, or wild-caught seafood, and use promo code VNN at checkout. Be sure to order by November 19th for guaranteed delivery by Thanksgiving!97.4K views 76 comments -
President Trump delivers remarks at Mar a Lago after meeting with Biden in DC
JordanConradsonStory: The Gateway Pundit33.6K views -
HUGE Update On Trump Trial Following His Win
Dinesh D'SouzaThis is huge. #VindicatingTrump is now STREAMING on multiple platforms. You can now WATCH AT HOME with family and friends. DVDs are also available! (They make great gifts.) Audiences love this film: 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Go to https://vindicatingtrump.com22K views 14 comments -