playlist thumnail


5 videos
Updated 6 months ago
The sacred psalter has long served as the core prayer book of the Church, forming the essence of its liturgical services. In this collection, the Psalms are organized by Kathisma, as they are traditionally read and prayed within the Church. Additionally, each Psalm is presented individually to support your personal exploration and devotion to these holy texts, authored by the Holy & Righteous Prophet and King David. We trust that this recording will enhance your study of the Psalms, allowing you to delve deeper into their wisdom, profundity, and beauty. The Division of the Psalter into Kathismas A kathisma (pl. kathismas or kathismata; from Grk. kathemai, “sit”) is a twentieth part of the Psalter, that is, a section conveniently readable in one sitting or session. Each of the twenty kathismas is subdivided into 3 sections called stases or antiphons. A kathisma is often followed by meditative expository hymns called sessional hymns (from Latin sedere , “sit”; Grk. kathismata , Slav. sedalny). While it is advantageous to read from the Septuagint version of the Psalter, the Hebrew numbering is provided as well. The service books provide a year-round schedule of Psalter readings at vespers and Psalter readings at matins (orthros).
  1. OSB | PS 50 - 59 | August 7, 2024 [30/365]
  2. OSB | PS 40 - 49 [27/365]
  3. OSB | PS 32 - 39 [26/365]
  4. OSB | PS 29 - 31 [25/365]
  5. The Orthodox Study Bible | PS 26 - 28 [24/365]