Compassion & Forgiveness- Serena Dyksen's Post-Abortion Story
All My Favorite People PodcastAuthor and She Found His Grace ministry Founder Serena Dyksen shares her story of childhood sexual abuse and abortion. After experiencing the life-altering emotional and mental effects of her abortion, Serena started a sidewalk counseling ministry that seeks to offer hope to abortion minded girls and women, as well as a private abortion regret & recovery community that walks alongside women who have had abortions to help them heal. Serena has written a book that supports these ministries as well. More information about Serena & She Found His Grace can be found at www.shefoundhisgrace.org18 views -
Trusting God with Your Purity : THE SUMMER SERIES
All My Favorite People PodcastIn this episode I share A LOT of my story- from my brief run in with domestic violence, to my formerly held belief in the feminist lie that women (or anyone for that matter) can be promiscuous without consequences, both emotionally and spiritually. I share how I've taken my past experiences and reframed the sex conversation with my own children, and how we as parents need to be hyper aware of what out culture is teaching our children on the subject as well.21 views -
A Haven for Single Moms- Lisa Anderson's Story of Grace's Table
All My Favorite People PodcastWhen Lisa Anderson became a single mom she learned first hand what women really need in that season of life. Listen in as she shares her story and how it led her to begin Grace's Table, a home and community resource center for single moms of all ages. To learn more about Grace's Table visit www.gracestable.com. Support Grace's Table with @inkhappydesigns Impact shirt of the month at www.peacelovetshirt.com LOVE ONE ANOTHER - IMPACT DESIGN Imagine the world if we really did what Jesus asked us to do: Love One Another! Spread the message with this shirt or pouch while doing your random acts of kindness - like smiling, holding doors, and saying "thank you!". Little acts of love make all the difference!- Love, Franki For every Love One Another shirt purchased in the month of May, $10 will go towards Grace's Table, a home for teen moms in Grand Rapids, Michigan.8 views -
The Secular Pro-Life Position with Monica Snyder
All My Favorite People PodcastEp. 101- Have you as a Christian Conservative ever considered that there are pro-life people from ALL walks of life? I'm so excited to share this episode with you as I chat with Secular Pro-Life Executive Director Monica Snyder about this movement and organization that helps people outside of religious faith advocate for the sanctity of human life. We touch on some of the main tenants of the pro-life movement from the perspective of non-believers as well as Florida's Amendment 4, a pro-choice amendment that will be on the ballot in August. Visit secularprolife.org to learn more about their mission and to get involved or donate. Sign up for their email newsletter and stay in better touch. Here's the study Monica referred to that found 24% of women said their abortion was unwanted or coerced: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37303450/&source=gmail&ust=1720710513820000&usg=AOvVaw3Q5lRVSwjqtb9Oiqi-xxsa Here's the series of interviews of pro-life atheists talking about how they came to be pro-life: https://secularprolife.org/askanatheist/ Here's a lot more information on the Turnaway Study, including its finding that women denied abortion ended up saying they no longer wished they'd aborted: https://secularprolife.org/2024/02/the-overlooked-findings-of-the-turnaway-study/ Follow @secularprolife on all the social media platforms & the All My Favorite People Podcast on Instagram at Instagram.com/allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast81 views -
Never Too Broken with Author Jill Ng
All My Favorite People PodcastDo you ever find yourself believing the lie that you are too far gone for God? Join me and author and foster mom Jill Ng as she shares about her new book Never Too Broken. We discuss how to let go of the blame, shame, and guilt that often plagues mothers especially and learn to live into God's grace and compassion, not only for ourselves but for those around us who we love. Follow Jill Ng at theevermorecollective.com where you can also purchase her book Never Too Broken. Follow me over on Instagram: @allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast & @lifejesusstyle38 views 2 comments -
A Heart For Fostering- Ericah & Sabrina Brinson Share the Story of The Treasure Coast Foster Closet
All My Favorite People PodcastSister-in-laws Ericah & Sabrina Brinson share their personal stories about becoming foster mamas, and the great need they saw within the foster care community. They started the Treasure Coast Foster Closet as a way to support foster families and kids by creating a place for them to come and shop, free of charge, to create a sense of dignity and to allow their local community the opportunity to be involved. Learn more about this amazing organization at tcfostercloset.com. #wearethevillage77 views -
A Voice for the Voiceless with Belinda Ford
All My Favorite People PodcastEp. 102- Join me and my friend Belinda "BeBe" Ford as we chat about the crisis pregnancy center she felt God leading her to open in Pine Hills- The Fiona Jackson Center for Pregnancy- and why she made it a point to stay in the community she was raised in to fulfill this important mission. Belinda is also running for Florida House of Representatives in District 40. Her vision for her community stems from a lineage of personal involvement, beginning with her grandfather Nap Ford, who spent his life cultivating and modeling positivity and growth in Orlando. BeBe's campaign seeks to bring hope and tangible resources to Pine Hills as well as the rest of the district. Fiona Jackson Center for Pregnancy- www.fjcenter.org Belinda Ford Campaign- www.votebebeford.com Follow the All My Favorite People Podcast- instagram.com/allmyfavoritepeople79 views -
Florida's Amendment 4- What It Really Means with Nate Robertson
All My Favorite People PodcastEp. 110- Join Nate Robertson and I as we discuss the upcoming Amendment 4 that will be on the ballot for all Floridians November 5th. We read through the ballot summary line by line and dissect it and it's terminology. We also discuss the future ramifications should this bill pass by a 60% vote. SHARE SHARE SHARE this episode with every single Floridian you know! It debunks and demystifies Amendment 4 so you can make an informed choice when voting. Websites discussed on this episode: www.donoharmfl.org www.votenoon4florida.com www.sidewalkadvocates.org Follow the All My Favorite People podcast on Instagram: www.instagram.com/allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast www.instagram.com/noto4florida88 views 2 comments