Awe God
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Coming back to the AWE, reverence and respect of our God.
7 Days
HeartTOHeartReverence Of God – Awe – Respect – Honor, these are things which are becoming nonexistent in times such as these. How can we replenish our soul with the AWE of God? How can we restore reverence to our lives? I have a “bright idea” or maybe to say it in a different way, I have a challenge for you, Heart To Heart Rumble Channel. How about this? 7 Day Bow Encounter! What would happen if our first step out into our new day was to bow before God, in reverence, respect, awe and honor? I challenge us to do this for 7 days and then report back in the comment section how this new “spiritual habit” changes things up for you in your relationship with God. No doubt about it, this 7 day bow, our first step out, being bowed down before God, making that heart to heart connection with God, will definitely change things up for us. So, I highly encourage you to take the “7 Day Bow Encounter” and bow before God, connect heart to heart. Be So! Soul saturated, guarded with God’s truth and say to second-guessing, assumption, speculation, rationalization: “Not Today”! Be So! Bow before God, your first step out and go therefore, into your life, your sphere of influence, pure in heart, fragrant with God’s anointing, refreshed by His Spirit, replenished by His Truth and be a breath of fresh kingdom air, the reality of God’s Powerful Presence breathed in and breathed out. In times such as these, be so, the purity of God’s righteousness, be a mirror image of God truth in this dirty-deceived and corrupted-contaminated human culture. It only takes a second to Bow! Just Breathe In God’s Awe. Respect, Honor, Reverence God. Bow! Have You Bowed Your Heart On This Day? Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/deeply-know-god/205 views -
A Masterful God
HeartTOHeartGod Is Our Masterful Comfort Care Unlimited Isaiah 44:6-8 Omnipresent Encouragement Isaiah 41:17-20;43:1-10 Masterful Strengthener Isaiah 50:7-9 Freedom Infused Isaiah 49:1-7;50;10 Our Relief Isaiah 51:4-6 Retroactive Renewal Isaiah 40:1-11;29-31 Trustworthy Redeemer Isaiah 54:1-10 I love the comfort of God! What an amazing gift God’s comfort is for us, it is care unlimited, full and abundantly soul saturated in us in that Omnipresent way of His as He makes all things so personal and He is always with us and that is very comforting in times such as these to have an encourager Who is speaking positively into our lives at all times. The comfort of God is masterful in its strength, as He is magnificent as He daily maintains our strength by comforting us with His strength infused into our weakness. When our soul is in a windstorm of anxiety, we are freed from fear as the comfort of God envelops us with His truth. Sometimes we feel so under it all and the comfort of God is our relief. Retroactive Renewal such an amazing comfort that goes all the way back to the cross where the angel says: He is not here, He has risen, our Trustworthy Redeemer. Can you see it? How The comfort of God is such an incredible gift as He is so Masterful at it!! I sure can. I hope C.are Unlimited ~ O.mnipresent Encouragement ~ M.asterful Strengthener ~ F.reedom Infused ~ O.ur Relief ~ R.etroactive Renewal ~ T.rustworthy Redeemer embraces your life today with His masterful comfort, and it is well with your soul. God bless ya! Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/v4prrz8-winter-to-spring.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/dare-to-care/ https://thebridegroomscafe.com/god-gripped/193 views 1 comment -
Perfectly Imperfect
HeartTOHeartSometimes life hurts, our soul weeps pain, because we love so imperfectly… I was thinking about that as I watched the power of the ocean wave hit the rock and then spray up from the broken places in that rock… OH… So beautiful… my first thought was AWE how majestic is my Creator God and then I thought of me… broken, imperfect, but beautifully used by God to “spray up” out of my broken places, the living water of God that impacts my soul with the love of God. I am perfectly imperfect, as I am loved perfectly by God. There is only ONE Perfect Name that makes my heart bow and that is the name of Jesus. We take for granted how wonderful and awe-inspiring and perfect Jesus is. He created such beautiful majestic things that take our breath away. We so need to get back to the Awe of God. Worship the Perfect Creator and not the imperfect created ones and come back to a heart to heart relationship with our God, standing in Awe of Who He is. I can only hope that humanity, which I am a part of, that all of us will come back to loving God first, serving God first! Truly, as serving no power higher than ourselves has done nothing good for us as imperfect can’t make perfect. Jesus, how amazing You are in that incredible perfect way, in that way of not truly being able to wrap our minds around the beauty of Your majesty, the power of Your Sovereignty, the immense splendor of the things You created and how perfectly You Love us. “Lord, you’re so kind and tenderhearted and so patient with people who fail you! Your love is like a flooding river overflowing its banks with kindness. You don’t look at us only to find our faults, just so that you can hold a grudge against us. You may discipline us for our many sins, but never as much as we really deserve. Nor do you get even with us for what we’ve done. Higher than the highest heavens— that’s how high your tender mercy extends! Greater than the grandeur of heaven above is the greatness of your loyal love, towering over all who fear you and bow down before you!” Psalms 103:8-11 The Passion Translation I sat and watched for such a long time, the sheer power of the ocean waves that You put in place, that You established a boundary for and I wonder how you could ever be mindful of us, but You were, before You even created anything, You thought of us, You dreamed of us. There has never been a more faithful, trustworthy, perfectly and patiently enduring love, as Your Love has been for us imperfect human beings. I am so humbled by your love for me. Truly, It is not always about being perfect, because only God is perfect… maybe it is about being perfectly imperfect…and yielding to the Perfect One, Jesus Christ, who loves us so well. What say you? Me, the imperfect one, so not perfect in all of my ways… meeting up with the Perfect One, living in the beauty of His perfect and beautiful creation that stirs my soul. Having a constant conversation with Him as His heart is always open to me… He is always present with me… kind of overwhelming at times.. to think He loves me… me… so imperfect in all of my ways… He wants to be in relationship with me, someone who can never be perfect like He is… there is no other love like this that makes me so desire to be perfectly imperfect and in love with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Who love me so perfectly. Awe-GOD! Dig Deeper: https://rumble.com/vfvsdd-not-perfect-but-forgiven.html https://thebridegroomscafe.com/perfection-family-prayer-5/ https://rumble.com/v4hvymf-never-not-perfect.html283 views 1 comment