Bill Gates mentions lowering the population & population growth with 'vaccines' on 4 occasions!
PerfectSocietyBill Gates mentions lowering the population and population growth with "vaccines" 4 times which is illegal incitement to commit genocide because there is no legal way to do this! Press charges! If there are lawyers that would like to help me please Skype: prologic999. 36 Million Covid-19 'Vaccine' Deaths & Catastrophic Contagion = They Will Deport Your Children (Adrenochrome Harvesting) SPREAD! WARN EVERYONE! https://odysee.com/@PerfectSociety:8/36-Million-COVID-19-'Vaccine'-Deaths---Catastrophic-Contagion---They-Will-Deport-Your-Children-(Adrenochrome-Harvesting):2 Bill Gates called his injection "the final solution" in a Late Show broadcast: https://odysee.com/@PerfectSociety:8/The-origin-of-'the-final-solution'-used-by-Bill-Gates-2023-04-18-09-21:3 Nazi Eugenics - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics Press charges against Bill Gates of incitement to commit mass murder with vaccines MASS DECLARE TO PREVENT THIS! September 1, 2022 (in Dutch) Aangifte tegen Bill Gates van aanzetten tot het plegen van massamoord met vaccins DOE MASSAAL AANGIFTE OM DIT TE VOORKOMEN! September 1, 2022 https://odysee.com/@PerfectSociety:8/Bill-Gates-heeft-aangezet-tot-het-plegen-van-massamoord-met-vaccins!-DOE-MASSAAL-AANGIFTE-OM-DIT-TE-VOORKOMEN!-720p:2 Bonus: Mass murder with the COVID injections and planned mass murder with Gene Drive irrefutably proven IMIPORTANT! SPREAD! 2023-05-13 15-43 https://odysee.com/@PerfectSociety:8/Mass-murder-with-the-COVID-injections-and-planned-mass-murder-with-Gene-Drive-irrefutably-proven-2023-05-13-15-43:e421 views