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ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament
25 videos
Updated 5 months ago
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament | Session 1
Evidence 4 FaithCatch up on the whole series here: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ This series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. This lesson takes us back to the beginning: Genesis. The first four prophecies we come across deal with the suffering Messiah and His lineage. Grab a Bible and a notebook to explore the Messianic Prophecies! Passages: Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 9:26-27, Genesis 12:3, Genesis 14:17-20 Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Mick Haupt Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/17 views 1 comment -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament | Session 2
Evidence 4 FaithCatch up on the whole series here: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ This series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. We are continuing in Genesis 18 with the appearance of Jesus and three more prophecies. Grab a Bible and a notebook to explore the Messianic Prophecies! Passages: Genesis 18, Genesis 25:19-34, Genesis 28:10, Genesis 29-30 Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Unsplash Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/ Soul devOcean Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Book Michael to come speak at your event: https://evidence4faith.org/events/ Contact: Evidence 4 Faith 5821 Bear Trail Rhinelander WI 54501 info@evidence4faith.org My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3 Stock Photos: https://unsplash.com/3 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 3
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode Michael will finish exploring the two final messianic prophecies found in the book of Genesis, dealing with the tribes of Israel. Passages: The Blessing of Judah Genesis 49:10, The Twelve Tribes Genesis 49 Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Mr.Autthaporn Pradidpong on Unsplash Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond56 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 3 Christmas Special
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. This episode examines the prophecies specific to the Christmas season and the birth of Jesus. Michael explains where Christmas traditions come from, how it was celebrated in the early church and how the different messianic prophecies were fulfilled. Passages: The Purpose Of The Messiah Genesis 3:15, The Star Numbers 24:17, The Son Of God Psalm 2:7, Gifts Given to the Messiah Psalm 72:10-11, The Line Of David Psalm 89 & Deuteronomy 23:2, The Virgin Birth Isaiah 7:14, A Child is Born Isaiah 9:6, The Time for Messiah’s Arrival Daniel 9:24-27, Called Out Of Egypt Hosea 11:1, The Birth Place Micah 5:2, The Forerunner Malachi 3:1 & 4:5 Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Thumbnail Photo Credit: Dan Kiefer on Unsplash Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond510 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 4
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we continue in the book of Exodus. Passages: The Name Of God Exodus 3, Exodus 12 The Passover & Jesus, Exodus 16 Mana From Heaven Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Laura Filip on Unsplash Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond53 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 5
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we continue in the book of Exodus. Passages: Exodus 17:1-6, Exodus 24 The New Covenant Confirmed, Exodus 25 Atonement Cover Of The Ark Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Igor Rodrigues on Unsplash Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond53 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 6
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we continue in the book of Exodus. Passages: Exodus 25 – 30 The Tabernacle & Jesus Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond54 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 7
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we move onto the book of Leviticus. Passages: Leviticus 1 The Burnt Offerings, Leviticus 2 The Grain Offering, Leviticus 3 The Peace/Fellowship Offering, Leviticus 4 The Sin Offering, Leviticus 5 The Guilt Offering, Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Marc Renken on Unsplash4 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 8
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we continue to examine the book of Leviticus and the holiday feasts. Each of these feasts correspond to a specific event dealing with the Messiah. They are first described in Leviticus but are elaborated on in Numbers and Deuteronomy. We will briefly discuss them here as we are covering the books in order. Passages: Leviticus 23 Holiday Feasts Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash6 views -
ROAD TO EMMAUS: Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament | Session 9
Evidence 4 FaithThis series explores the 80 Messianic Prophecies from the Old Testament. In this episode we get into the book of Numbers and Deuteronomy. Passages: Numbers 24:17-19 The Star & The Scepter, Deuteronomy 18:14-22 A Prophet like Moses Help us keep this content free: https://evidence4faith.org/give/ Catch up on previous episodes: https://evidence4faith.org/portfolio/messianicprophecies/ Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5 Thumbnail Photo Credit: Photo by Fr. Barry Braum on Unsplash5 views