Structural Supports - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Engineering video explains the common types of structural supports in terms of their restraints, displacements and rotations. Examples are pinned, fixed and rigid. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.29 views -
Beam, Column, Truss, Strut, Tie, Cable, Structural Elements - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Engineering video describes the common types of structural members and their load bearing mechanisms. Examples include beams, columns, beam-columns, struts and ties. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.29 views -
Truss, Frame, Arch, Cable-Stayed Bridge, Common Structures - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Engineering video describes the common types of structures and their load bearing mechanisms. Examples include trusses, frames, arches and cable-stayed bridges. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.14 views -
Static Equilibrium - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Engineering video covers a worked example problem on the static equilibrium of a cantilever beam. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.9 views -
Static Equilibrium, Statics, Example - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Engineering video covers a worked example problem on the static equilibrium of a simply supported beam. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.8 views -
Static Equilibrium, Truss, Example - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Enginereing video covers a example problem on the static equilibrium of a simply supported truss. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.7 views -
Method of Joints, Truss, Analysis - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis video explains the method of joints for determining the internal forces in truss members. A worked example is provided to illustrate the application of this method. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.9 views -
Method of Sections, Truss, Analysis - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis video explains the method of sections for determining the internal forces in specific truss members. A worked example is provided to illustrate the application of this method. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.8 views -
Method of Sections, Trusses, Example - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis Structural Enginering video covers a worked example problem on finding the internal forces in trusses. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.8 views -
Truss, Stability, Determinacy, Analysis - Structural Engineering
DrOfEngThis video explains several conditions where a truss may be unstable. Examples include missing supports to provide the necessary reactions, lack of member bracing to prevent collapse or the support reactions pass through a common point. Post your comments/questions below and please subscribe.8 views