playlist thumnail

BG 3 Orin

5 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Orin is evil to the core. You can’t fix her. Don’t try.
  1. “This place is forsaken! The corruption is taking me!” Halsin in Baldur’s Gate - Baldur’s Gate 3
  2. “The Lord of Murder wants a sacrifice. He wants you.” Orin the Red Comes Calling - Baldur’s Gate 3
  3. “Silvanus has forsaken this place!” MAJOR SPOILER! - Baldur’s Gate 3
  4. “We must watch over each other” Orin Terrorizes Minthara - Baldur’s Gate 3
  5. “Tell me. How do you like to kill?” Reflections on Taking a Life - Baldur’s Gate 3