Who are we?
6 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Videos I found interesting on the theory of who we are....because the theory of evolution is BS and so is the Big Bang Theory that we created by the Vatican
Mulling Over ANNUNAKI Space Wizard Narratives
VeteransAgainstTreason5D Full Disclosure Very Important Explanations. Executive Order 13848 1.) https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13848-imposing-certain-sanctions-the-event-foreign-interference-united Executive Order 13818 2.) https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13818-blocking-the-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-or 3.) Melted Car 🚗 2 Miles From Lahaina https://youtu.be/Q9L9WvlCli0?si=p8_KG5tfTvP6czGI 4.) Galactic Federation Notes : Non- Interference based on previous Human to Reptilian Agreements https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.taylor.77377692/videos/2910400242430046/?mibextid=KPDiXm 5.) Hidden Meanings To Symbols https://rumble.com/v3hlgj4-a-hidden-world-they-do-not-want-you-to-see.html 6.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jxsWD1/ 7.) Planet X Images - https://youtube.com/shorts/uCr6270TGO8?si=CG13xH6jx9Sggs9G 8.) The MARCO POLO Biden Laptop 💻 Evidence Website https://marcopolo501c3.substack.com/p/son-of-us-president-sues-marco-polo?utm_medium=email 9.) Secret 🤫 Shadow Government https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/q-anon-learn-to-read-the-map/ 🆕 New Elena Danaan Collection 1.) Message from Coron Message from Coron -May 11/2021 2.) 2023 Messages Relay she had gotten about Space Force meeting with Galactic Federation Of Worlds. https://www.youtube.com/live/pB7NoAEQy4w?si=oxlKPNRU-LyTTXn8 Best Information The Masked Pretenders - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CydjngtOQi5/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 1.) Restored Republic https://youtu.be/GYV67_fvhH0?si=xtZ7kwV0oM4thYbq 2.) Info Wars - https://www.infowars.com/posts/theyre-putting-chemicals-in-the-water-that-turn-the-birds-gay/ 3.) Unexplained Mysteries - https://youtu.be/Cq8pMf7oUZA?si=WVtovhE5cEUVPCoB 4.) Who is Q - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8y4uMc7/ 5.) Encyclopedia Britannica Firmament Height & Location 1958 https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz-UCPPIDkn/?igshid=ZDBjMWI0ZjMxOQ== 6.) Tom Trefts ( VAT ) on Drums 🪘 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0IYhtEMFqU/?igshid=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== 6.) MEGA communications between spy agencies . Pollard Revisited: Is Mr. X Spying Again in Washington? - Los Angeles Times Space Weather - https://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=19&month=11&year=2023530 views -
Tartarian-Macedonian Heritage of the Grand Canyon.
Reverend Crystal CoxPlease Donate to our Non-Profit, our PayPal email is UchurchOfLight@gMail.com Tartarian-Macedonian heritage of the Grand Canyon. the Grand Canyon opening to the Inner Earth, then 400 year old underground complex remains of the great Tartarian-Macedonian melted down building structures, then huge underground cities which still exist today, then melted down Alexander’s Temple today known as “Isis Temple” of the Grand Canyon, then how Grand Canyon was carved in just a few weeks by DEW "California USA is our destination this time round for some more true history adventures! Published 5/January/2022 Instead of flying to California USA, let’s take Tartarian Hyperloop pneumatic super-fast subway train from underground platform in Alice Springs Australia, to Sacramento California! While we are traveling to California, let me tell you a short story about underground travel from the past. Have you heard of the pneumatic tube saga of the 19th century? Well, if you haven’t, the short story is that what we know today as the Hyperloop, it was used in New York (Beach Pneumatic Transit) in 1867, and in London (Crystal Palace pneumatic railway) in 1864. And 150 years later and we are still not smart enough to implement this technology in the 21st century. Both projects were shut down with an official excuse of financial reasons, and lack of political backing at the time. But the real story is that the brightest minds of the 19th century were simply unable to re-launch a technology which survived the Great flood of 1802 from the previous Tartarian Macedonian Era, the same previous civilization I have been talking about for a while now, the civilization far superior to ours, the civilization which was wiped out in perpetual wars until WW2 in 1945. What did it caused California to be an Island? The simple answer is – the Great flood of 1802 which was caused by a tsunami of 600m high sweeping across all 5 continents in the World. History is a set of lies agreed upon! Every now and then we get a glimpse of some element from our true history, which outside of having access to the 57 mile wide Vatican Archives, where our true history is being kept from us, there isn't much we can find. One of such things we've not been told is that California used to be an Island. Were people in the past just making maps to troll us with lies in the future? I doubt it. We find a lot of odd things looking at old maps, but we should be aware that dates of maps have been tampered upon and changed just to conceal the truth. See photos 1 & 2 Death Valley is the lowest point in North America Located at the lowest point of Death Valley is Badwater Basin at 282 feet (86 m) below sea level, with its surreal landscape that tricks the senses. What many visitors mistake for snow covering the ground is actually a thick layer of salt on the valley floor. But how did the salt get there in the first place? When the tsunami of 600m in 1802 swept across American Continent, it filled up Badwater Basin with salty ocean water, and as the ocean water evaporated over the time, only the salts remained at the bottom to create this vast, surreal scene. Badwater Basin was once the site of large inland Sea, and as the Sea had no outlet, leading to the accumulation of sediment and salt over time. When the Sea eventually evaporated, concentrated salt deposits were left behind. The salt flats here cover nearly 200 square miles (518 square km), and are composed mostly of sodium chloride (table salt), exactly the same salt which you find in the ocean’s water. See photo 3 What on earth had happened? How had such a large piece of America been wrenched free? The Spanish clergyman Antonio de la Acensión played a crucial role. Two decades after sailing along the West Coast Acensión began arguing in letters and books that California was an (enormous) island. And after that, maps showing California as an island started appearing in Spain, Holland, and England. How did California get its name? The word California is an agglutinative compound proper noun made up of 2 words: Cali/Kali – applying heat to re-cast to give a different form by melting it down and reshaping it. Fornia – Furnace When both words are joined together it will be ‘Applying a Heat of a Furnace to Recast It’. Both of these words, ‘Cali/Kali’ and ‘Furnace’ are Macedonian words still in use today. Cali is still the same but only spelled as ‘Kali’; and ‘Furnace’ in Macedonian language is ‘Furna’. Suffix ‘ce’ in the English word ‘Furnace’ was added up from Macedonian expression ‘Furna se’ when it refers to things which are very hot, (written in Cyrillic ‘Фурна се’), by keeping Cyrillic font ‘ce’ in the English word with the same pronunciation - Furnace. The entire English language was created in this manner using Macedonian lexicon about 300 years ago. Read more about it here: https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/4429979300358006 So, a ‘heat of a furnace’ was applied to melt down existing Tartarian building structure and to recast and reshape the area into a new man-made wasteland ‘Badwater Basin’ called Death Valley in California. Where would we get that kind of heat of a furnace to be powerful enough to do all of that and create such a huge crater into the ground? In DWE (direct energy weapon), the same weapon which was used to bring the Twin Towers down in America. Using this weapon first they killed everything on the ground, the reason this area in California is called the Death Valley, and afterwards they re-casted the Badwater Basin by digging deep inside the ground and lowering the ground surface by 282 feet (86 m) below sea level. Death Valley is 12140.5 km², about 140 miles (225 km) long, trends roughly North-South in a bit of a curved formation and is from 5 to 15 miles (8 to 24 km) wide. The valley is bounded on the west by the Panamint Range and on the east by the Black, Funeral, and Grapevine mountains of the Amargosa Range. See photo 4 With another few hundred metres above sea level, when this huge man-made Basin crater was filled by ocean water from the Great Flood of 1802 caused by 600m high tsunami, it created a huge inland sea right across California from one end to the other stretching North - South, and when this huge volume of ocean water began discharging into Pacific Ocean at both ends, it cut off California from the American Continent, and for few decades it became an Island in its true sense of the meaning, until the access of the water finally discharged into Pacific Ocean and California again connecting to the American Continent. The question on everyone’s lips is ‘Why would they dig out such a huge Basin Crater’? It was done for few reasons, but the main reasons is that on these location prior to the great Flood there were Tartarian old cities with unique Tartarian architecture which housed millions of people from previous civilization, and prior to the Great Flood all of those buildings in cities were melted down by DEW (direct energy weapons), and afterwards turned into dust, like the Twin buildings in New York, so all traces of the previous civilization be eradicated. There was a note found in a really old farm house in the Northern US States from a woman dated 1749 which said “We never thought the thousand earthquakes would ever stop, but one day they just stopped and the big lakes were empty, one in Canada very large, Salt lake, Peru lake, all drained and wiped out the natives and many of the people in the Americas, The land was all changed, The powers just moved in and assumed the land”. Those 1000 earthquakes were caused by DEW turning everything into dust, or melting it down, which happened not only across Amerika, but all over the World. When this and other ground surface dust was washed away by the Great Flood, when the waters receded it brought back with-it huge volumes of mud, well known in the history as “Mud Flood’ which buried buildings halfway into the ground. Nearby state of Southern Utah suffered the same fate at this time, see this link: https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/4120274534661819 Moving Stone mystery of Death Valley! Moving Stones mystery is one of the world's strangest phenomena: rocks that move along the desert ground with no gravitational cause. Known as "sailing stones," the rocks vary in size from a few ounces to hundreds of pounds. The stones sometimes weigh upwards of 500 pounds, can move more than 15 feet in a single minute, and often leave trails of up to 1,000 feet in their wake. But the strangest thing of all is that No one has actually seen them move. Singing Sand mystery of Death Valley! At the top of the sand dunes, which rises over 680 feet, you can experience one of the strangest phenomena of the desert: Singing Sand. When the sand slides down the steep faces of high dunes, a sound like the bass note of a pipe organ or the distant drone of an airplane can be heard. The reason for this occurrence is unknown. See photo 6 These two mysteries raise the question if solidified spirits turned them into Sentient Stones and Sand granules , from the time when millions of people were being burned down by DEW and turned into dust, and that these spirits from the past are conveying a message to people who can see and hear them!?! California would appear as an island as late as 1865 on a map made in Japan. American Continent holds a special position of the Tartarian-Macedonian World Empire, and only until about 150 years ago American Continent was called Macedonia, just as the rest of the World. From coast to coast America is drenched with Macedonian markers until this day, and there are oved 150 geographical regions, counties, towns, etc. which are called Macedonia, which survived the great re-set after the Great Flood of 1802ad. Tartarian-Macedonian heritage of the Haunted Grand Canyon area with such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple…”, deeply rooted in the Macedonian World Empire of Alexander the Great which persisted only until about 150 years ago. Then the Grand Canyon opening to the Inner Earth, then 400 year old underground complex remains of the great Tartarian-Macedonian melted down building structures, then huge underground cities which still exist today, then melted down Alexander’s Temple today known as “Isis Temple” of the Grand Canyon, then how Grand Canyon was carved in just a few weeks by DEW and not by the Great flood as falsely presented, and much, much more! Great mystery about the enigma of the so called ‘San Andreas Fault’ in California is not mystery at all, but out true history. The true story of Queen Califia. The true cause of mysterious Colorado River running upstream. The mysteries of Nevada state in USA and how Nevada got its name. The true history of ‘New York New York’ and how it got its name." Source https://www.facebook.com/groups/3839860786036530/permalink/4898433710179227 Tartarian-Macedonian heritage of the Grand Canyon. the Grand Canyon opening to the Inner Earth, then 400 year old underground complex remains of the great Tartarian-Macedonian melted down building structures, then huge underground cities which still exist today, then melted down Alexander’s Temple today known as “Isis Temple” of the Grand Canyon, then how Grand Canyon was carved in just a few weeks by DEW "California USA is our destination this time round for some more true history adventures! Published 5/January/2022 Instead of flying to California USA, let’s take Tartarian Hyperloop pneumatic super-fast subway train from underground platform in Alice Springs Australia, to Sacramento California! While we are traveling to California, let me tell you a short story about underground travel from the past. Have you heard of the pneumatic tube saga of the 19th century? Well, if you haven’t, the short story is that what we know today as the Hyperloop, it was used in New York (Beach Pneumatic Transit) in 1867, and in London (Crystal Palace pneumatic railway) in 1864. And 150 years later and we are still not smart enough to implement this technology in the 21st century. Both projects were shut down with an official excuse of financial reasons, and lack of political backing at the time. But the real story is that the brightest minds of the 19th century were simply unable to re-launch a technology which survived the Great flood of 1802 from the previous Tartarian Macedonian Era, the same previous civilization I have been talking about for a while now, the civilization far superior to ours, the civilization which was wiped out in perpetual wars until WW2 in 1945. What did it caused California to be an Island? The simple answer is – the Great flood of 1802 which was caused by a tsunami of 600m high sweeping across all 5 continents in the World. History is a set of lies agreed upon! Every now and then we get a glimpse of some element from our true history, which outside of having access to the 57 mile wide Vatican Archives, where our true history is being kept from us, there isn't much we can find. One of such things we've not been told is that California used to be an Island. Were people in the past just making maps to troll us with lies in the future? I doubt it. We find a lot of odd things looking at old maps, but we should be aware that dates of maps have been tampered upon and changed just to conceal the truth. See photos 1 & 2 Death Valley is the lowest point in North America Located at the lowest point of Death Valley is Badwater Basin at 282 feet (86 m) below sea level, with its surreal landscape that tricks the senses. What many visitors mistake for snow covering the ground is actually a thick layer of salt on the valley floor. But how did the salt get there in the first place? When the tsunami of 600m in 1802 swept across American Continent, it filled up Badwater Basin with salty ocean water, and as the ocean water evaporated over the time, only the salts remained at the bottom to create this vast, surreal scene. Badwater Basin was once the site of large inland Sea, and as the Sea had no outlet, leading to the accumulation of sediment and salt over time. When the Sea eventually evaporated, concentrated salt deposits were left behind. The salt flats here cover nearly 200 square miles (518 square km), and are composed mostly of sodium chloride (table salt), exactly the same salt which you find in the ocean’s water. See photo 3 What on earth had happened? How had such a large piece of America been wrenched free? The Spanish clergyman Antonio de la Acensión played a crucial role. Two decades after sailing along the West Coast Acensión began arguing in letters and books that California was an (enormous) island. And after that, maps showing California as an island started appearing in Spain, Holland, and England. How did California get its name? The word California is an agglutinative compound proper noun made up of 2 words: Cali/Kali – applying heat to re-cast to give a different form by melting it down and reshaping it. Fornia – Furnace When both words are joined together it will be ‘Applying a Heat of a Furnace to Recast It’. Both of these words, ‘Cali/Kali’ and ‘Furnace’ are Macedonian words still in use today. Cali is still the same but only spelled as ‘Kali’; and ‘Furnace’ in Macedonian language is ‘Furna’. Suffix ‘ce’ in the English word ‘Furnace’ was added up from Macedonian expression ‘Furna se’ when it refers to things which are very hot, (written in Cyrillic ‘Фурна се’), by keeping Cyrillic font ‘ce’ in the English word with the same pronunciation - Furnace. The entire English language was created in this manner using Macedonian lexicon about 300 years ago. Read more about it here: https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/4429979300358006 So, a ‘heat of a furnace’ was applied to melt down existing Tartarian building structure and to recast and reshape the area into a new man-made wasteland ‘Badwater Basin’ called Death Valley in California. Where would we get that kind of heat of a furnace to be powerful enough to do all of that and create such a huge crater into the ground? In DWE (direct energy weapon), the same weapon which was used to bring the Twin Towers down in America. Using this weapon first they killed everything on the ground, the reason this area in California is called the Death Valley, and afterwards they re-casted the Badwater Basin by digging deep inside the ground and lowering the ground surface by 282 feet (86 m) below sea level. Death Valley is 12140.5 km², about 140 miles (225 km) long, trends roughly North-South in a bit of a curved formation and is from 5 to 15 miles (8 to 24 km) wide. The valley is bounded on the west by the Panamint Range and on the east by the Black, Funeral, and Grapevine mountains of the Amargosa Range. See photo 4 With another few hundred metres above sea level, when this huge man-made Basin crater was filled by ocean water from the Great Flood of 1802 caused by 600m high tsunami, it created a huge inland sea right across California from one end to the other stretching North - South, and when this huge volume of ocean water began discharging into Pacific Ocean at both ends, it cut off California from the American Continent, and for few decades it became an Island in its true sense of the meaning, until the access of the water finally discharged into Pacific Ocean and California again connecting to the American Continent. The question on everyone’s lips is ‘Why would they dig out such a huge Basin Crater’? It was done for few reasons, but the main reasons is that on these location prior to the great Flood there were Tartarian old cities with unique Tartarian architecture which housed millions of people from previous civilization, and prior to the Great Flood all of those buildings in cities were melted down by DEW (direct energy weapons), and afterwards turned into dust, like the Twin buildings in New York, so all traces of the previous civilization be eradicated. There was a note found in a really old farm house in the Northern US States from a woman dated 1749 which said “We never thought the thousand earthquakes would ever stop, but one day they just stopped and the big lakes were empty, one in Canada very large, Salt lake, Peru lake, all drained and wiped out the natives and many of the people in the Americas, The land was all changed, The powers just moved in and assumed the land”. Those 1000 earthquakes were caused by DEW turning everything into dust, or melting it down, which happened not only across Amerika, but all over the World. When this and other ground surface dust was washed away by the Great Flood, when the waters receded it brought back with-it huge volumes of mud, well known in the history as “Mud Flood’ which buried buildings halfway into the ground. Nearby state of Southern Utah suffered the same fate at this time, see this link: https://www.facebook.com/.../permalink/4120274534661819 Moving Stone mystery of Death Valley! Moving Stones mystery is one of the world's strangest phenomena: rocks that move along the desert ground with no gravitational cause. Known as "sailing stones," the rocks vary in size from a few ounces to hundreds of pounds. The stones sometimes weigh upwards of 500 pounds, can move more than 15 feet in a single minute, and often leave trails of up to 1,000 feet in their wake. But the strangest thing of all is that No one has actually seen them move. Singing Sand mystery of Death Valley! At the top of the sand dunes, which rises over 680 feet, you can experience one of the strangest phenomena of the desert: Singing Sand. When the sand slides down the steep faces of high dunes, a sound like the bass note of a pipe organ or the distant drone of an airplane can be heard. The reason for this occurrence is unknown. See photo 6 These two mysteries raise the question if solidified spirits turned them into Sentient Stones and Sand granules , from the time when millions of people were being burned down by DEW and turned into dust, and that these spirits from the past are conveying a message to people who can see and hear them!?! California would appear as an island as late as 1865 on a map made in Japan. American Continent holds a special position of the Tartarian-Macedonian World Empire, and only until about 150 years ago American Continent was called Macedonia, just as the rest of the World. From coast to coast America is drenched with Macedonian markers until this day, and there are oved 150 geographical regions, counties, towns, etc. which are called Macedonia, which survived the great re-set after the Great Flood of 1802ad. Tartarian-Macedonian heritage of the Haunted Grand Canyon area with such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple…”, deeply rooted in the Macedonian World Empire of Alexander the Great which persisted only until about 150 years ago. Then the Grand Canyon opening to the Inner Earth, then 400 year old underground complex remains of the great Tartarian-Macedonian melted down building structures, then huge underground cities which still exist today, then melted down Alexander’s Temple today known as “Isis Temple” of the Grand Canyon, then how Grand Canyon was carved in just a few weeks by DEW and not by the Great flood as falsely presented, and much, much more! Great mystery about the enigma of the so called ‘San Andreas Fault’ in California is not mystery at all, but out true history. The true story of Queen Califia. The true cause of mysterious Colorado River running upstream. The mysteries of Nevada state in USA and how Nevada got its name. The true history of ‘New York New York’ and how it got its name." Source https://www.facebook.com/groups/3839860786036530/permalink/4898433710179227 Posted by Reverend Crystal L. Cox3.63K views 6 comments -
The Suppressed History of Giants and their reemergence into the public arena
Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaBrad Olsen has researched the topic of giants in his books and extensive travels around the world, searching for out of place artifacts (OOPARTS). He has learned that while the discovery of giant skeletons in burial sites was extensively discussed in newspapers in the late 1800s, the topic was completely covered up soon after the turn of the century. For over a hundred years, organizations such as the Smithsonian Institute quickly took control of burial sites, silenced archeologists, and imposed a shroud of secrecy over the whereabouts of retrieved giant skeletons. In this Exopolitics Today interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Olsen discusses accounts of giants in the texts of ancient civilizations such as Sumer, the cover-up of modern-day excavations of giant human skeletons, and why the Smithsonian Institute has hidden the truth. He explains the variation in the size of giants and responds to the idea that extraterrestrial visitors such as the Anunnaki created different-sized giants as avatars for their leaders, warriors, and lower classes. Finally, Olsen addresses recent claims of living giants being found in stasis chambers around the world, and the possibility of them soon awakening. Importantly, he and Dr. Salla discuss problems raised by human history of hunting and exterminating giants, and the likelihood of giants either trying to reassert control over humanity or helping us enter a new golden age. Brad Olsen’s publishing website is https://cccpublishing.com/ More info about Dr. Salla's Dec 3 webinar on the Return of Enki and Awakening Giants is available at: https://exopolitics.org/enkis-return-restoring-adamic-dna-the-tree-of-life-awakening-giants/8.87K views 55 comments -
Bill Wood - 'History of the Earth'
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