Sandy Hook: Natalie Hammond At The APPA Opening General Session
Things You Find OnlineNatalie Hammond speaks at the APPA Leadership in Educational Facilities summit? Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI4UUeYtWxg More detailed Sandy Hook research can be found here: https://sandyhooked.net/179 views 2 comments -
Sandy Hook: Raw Footage Part 1
Things You Find OnlineThis is raw footage from the day reported as 12/14/12 More detailed Sandy Hook research can be found here: https://sandyhooked.net/229 views -
Sandy Hook: Jeremy Richman Commits Suicide at Edmond Town Hall
Things You Find OnlineMore detailed Sandy Hook research can be found here: https://sandyhooked.net/348 views 2 comments -
Things You Find OnlineSANDY HOOK THE REAL TRUTH 2013 BANNED DOCUMENTARY573 views 5 comments -
Sandy Hook Creating Reality
Things You Find OnlineThe Shaping of a World View is an interactive live streamed web series dedicated to exploring events that have shaped the America First / Anti-NWO worldview. Each episode focuses on an event using documentaries while providing an in-depth analysis of its narrative. The series emphasizes how these events have impacted cultural and political perceptions in the United States, particularly aligning with the America First / Anti-NWO worldview. --------------------------------------------------- Tonight's Films: Sandy Hook Creating Reality --------------------------------------------------- Based on the incomparable presentation by Sofia Smallstorm, this documentary is a must-watch for any Sandy Hook researcher. This video accompanies Sofia's original presentation and spot-on analysis by adding a distinct audio/visual layer. A best effort was made to reinforce the original material, maintain accuracy, and stay true to the original reporting. Regardless of which “Hook” is used, staging deceptive events requires secrecy; specifically the authorized secrecy afforded to the state. The fuel that powers conspiracy is secrecy. Ultimately, if cornered the state will invoke this privilege. So, efforts to learn the truth will be that much harder. The authority that denies our freedom through silence and deceit may be the last mountain humanity must scale to be free in the modern era. --------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW US ON X: --------------------------------------------------- Host: @Brian_D_Roberts Co-Host: @australiantalk Co-Host: @DonJeffries1.35K views 4 comments -
A Talk With Tony and Peter - Sandy Hook and other Topics
Things You Find OnlineI Protest with Donald Jeffries can be found on here: https://www.banned.video/channel/i-protest-with-donald-jeffries368 views 2 comments -
Alex Jones Sandy Hook Deposition
Things You Find OnlineAlex Jones Sandy Hook Deposition358 views 1 comment -
Sandy Hook News 12 Interactive Connecticut Helicopter Footage
Things You Find OnlineThis is News 12 CT's helicopter footage. The time of the start is about 10:52 or 10:53 AM. This timing was found by correlating the K-9 cop at the 5-minute mark to the police dash cam videos released by CT authorities. Some claim other times based on errors that seem convincing. If you watch each individual person throughout the video, you will see that most of them are not really there to get their children or leave with them. The few that do have or leave with children hang around the firehouse for a very long time doing nothing and leave only after many news crews arrive and interview them and/or take pictures of them. In this video, less than 5 people actually leave the scene. The Wasik parents are seen early on, as well as some other interviewed parents. They claimed to have ran their to find their children, but instead, they are seen wandering around for most of the video without their children. If they were so frightened for the lives of their children, why do they leave them (supposedly) in the firehouse while they walk around outside or stand around looking at their cell phone. You'll notice that most people either walk in circles, or they stand around looking at their cell phones. Also, note that many of the cell phone conversations, after someone dials a number, last less than the amount of time for two or three rings, and then they hang up. That makes no sense, unless they are just trying to look busy. Watch the interactions between individuals after following each person and see that their interactions are not genuine. Most of them do not know each other, though often they act as though they do, if only to hug or shake hands. This video is key to proving the hoax. You have to watch their actions. The lower half of the firehouse is full of people who continuously exit and enter the top half without children. They do not exit the top half, either. The people continuously walk in circles in and out of the firehouse or toward the school and back. If you watch all of the videos you possibly can from news agencies, and look at every photo you can find from that day, you will see that nearly everyone in photos (and videos later in the day) is somewhere in this video, with the exception of some of the children and parents. Also, you will find that many of those you see were there before this video was recorded, and were there long afterwards. Many hang around the area long after this video was recorded, well into the afternoon.482 views -
Documentary: The Columbine Cause
The Michelle Moore ShowThe Columbine Cause (2012) an independent documentary by Evan Long reveals many overlooked details about the fateful Columbine High School Mass Shooting. Was the FBI involved? Was there a cover-up including local authorities? This documentary may leave you with as many questions as answers. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are of those of the content of this broadcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities related to and of Truth Talk America Network or The Michelle Moore Show. You are encouraged to do your own research. The Michelle Moore Show (Weekdays) 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST Michelle’s Links: WAVWatch: https://buy.wavwatch.com/?ref=MICHELLE100 Enter CODE: MICHELLE100 at checkout to save $100 on your order! 1st National Reserve (Gold & Silver): https://www.1stnationalreserve.com/ 1-800-321-8700 *Mention 'The Michelle Moore Show' when you call! Dr. Michelle's Tooth Powder & Dental Products: https://livingwellwithdrmichelle.com/shop/?sld=michellem (Use the Code: MICHELLEM @ Checkout to save 10% on your purchase!) Safe Sleeve: https://www.safesleevecases.com/?afmc=20i&utm_campaign=20i&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate USE CODE: FIRST10 for 10% off your first purchase! WEBSITE: http://MichelleMooreShow.com or https://linktr.ee/gomichellemoore WHERE TO WATCH: TRUTH TALK AMERICA NETWORK: https://TruthTalkAmerica.com RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TheMichelleMooreShow RUMBLE: https://Rumble.com/TruthTalkAmerica ODYSEE: https://www.odysee.com/@TheMichelleMooreShow BITCHUTE: https://BitChute.com/TheMichelleMooreShow (REPLAY ONLY) TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leadershippower TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gomichelle TRUTH SOCIAL: https://truthsocial.com/@gomichellemoore TWITTER: https://Twitter.com/SheShedTruther INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gomichellemoore/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gomichellemoore Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this broadcast are of those of the content of this broadcast and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities related to and of Truth Talk America Network. You are encouraged to do your own research.20.4K views 17 comments -
'Sandy Hook Hoax ULTIMATE | Case Closed 2 | FULL 5 Hour Documentary -
Hook WormPublished on Jan 25, 2015 "Solomon's Wisdom http://solomonswisdom.gr8.com Presents: 5 Hours Long - Full expose on the Sandy Hook hoax. Pretty sure it was made by this guy: https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamWake... But I can't find it anywhere on his channel now. Best Conspiracy Documentaries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYtG..." If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691 Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)760 views 3 comments