SG Anon HUGE "The Go To of The Cabal" 3.12.25 - It's Mind Blowing!
Gene DecodeSG Anon HUGE "The Go To of The Cabal" 3.12.25 - It's Mind Blowing!2.14K views 4 comments -
PALE HORSE PALE RIDER with Juan O Savin- Plandemic Again?- OLD SCHOOL FILMS 3 1 2025
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSInteresting short piece intercut with scenes from several "Contagion" style movie clips. From OLD SCHOOL FILMS. Juan O Savin has a short take on the WuHan at the start of the Plandemic. It was during this time that the Deep State in China needed to show how DEADLY this Bioweaponized Virus was so it was STAGED in WuHan where they purposefully exposed the population with this Viral pathogen and turned "on" the 5G Towers all over the city. With Camera Rolling they captured many actual residents of the city as they fell to the ground seeming paralyzed or "struck dead" by this horrible Virus. This was shown on many of our MSM channels with the "explanation" they were so rapidly INFECTED by the VIRUS to create FEAR in our population and others across the WORLD to get their remedy out with "THE VACCINE". The 5G that they had throughout the city came to light as a MODEL 5G City that was set up with Antenna every few blocks, which it MUST BE at telephone pole height. This is necessary due to the Very High Wave Length with incredible power but not much reach. It is not a "Cell Tower" Antenna as shown but the very high power required for these units was created by 3-5 watt units that had no "reach" as far as distance. Juan also states that within a couple of months the Phone system lost 25 million customers. The ability of phones to pick up the signal rely on an antenna mounted on the poles attached to these transponders that elevate the current to incredible strength. And truly can kill people within that Range. Michael Jaco interviews Raphael Conquista and they discuss the "new" Plandemic that "was" planned for us the Bird Flu. I don't feel this has legs enough to expose people with a Avian Pathogen but sure has been felt within the "egg" prices and delivery system. As they are killing whole large producers HEN HOUSES. William Cooper who penned "BEHOLD THE PALE HORSE" also is in this short piece. A worthy read. Available and most booksellers. Don't be afraid of this, just use it for reference and send those that still do not get that the Covid-19 Plandemic was "created" by the BioWeapons Labs not only in the USA but also in the Ukraine. This might give someone the clue phone that the Ukraine is so dirty and that is WHY THE RUSSIANS who had enough of the US funding sickos with no conscious like the Bidens, Bushs, Soros, Rothchilds and Fauci/Gates to make Billions from the aftermath and with nothing to stand in their way they may try again. USAID is being credited with this financing. See this for the good news! https://rumble.com/v6q7j6k-datarepublican-small-r-doge-expert-analyst-news-nation-elizabeth-vargas-2-2.html All credit to the creator OLD SCHOOL FILMS. The Drones are now being tracked and controlled by the U.S. Military Space Force. And are finding the "Bad Guys" now. Good news 3 7 2025 as to a Legal decision in Missouri we might have a chance to take BACK the LAND that CHINA now OWNS in the USA but wait! CHINA just lost in a 24 BILLION DOLLAR JUDGEMENT! here: https://ago.mo.gov/attorney-general-andrew-bailey-secures-historic-24-billion-judgment-against-china-for-unleashing-the-covid-19-pandemic/32.7K views 40 comments -
Dr. Lee Merritt & Kerry Cassidy: They Just Exposed Everything, Folks!
Mike Q-KingDr. Lee Merritt & Kerry Cassidy: They Just Exposed Everything, Folks!12.4K views 6 comments -
"Mammogram Screenings Are Harmful & Should Be Abandoned."
Canadian Citizens Journal"Mammogram Screenings Are Harmful & Should Be Abandoned." "There is a Zero Net Benefit For Mammograms. The Best Way To Lower Breast Cancer Risk Is To Avoid A Mammogram." Nordic Cochrane Centre Study Mammograms Are A Billions Dollar Business. They're Only Useful For Profit & Always Do Terrible Harm To The Patient. For every 2,000 women, 1 woman's life is potentially saved. But, in the process 50 women will be treated unnecessarily with surgery, chemo & radiation. It can never be said that Mammography saves lives. 600-1,000 of every 2,000 women who undergo Mammograms, will go thru more radiation screening & biopsies for potential diagnosis. Repeated radiation exposure causes deaths from heart disease, lung cancer & other cancers. These iatrogenic deaths are not counted as breast cancer deaths. Mammograms use ionizing radiation at a dosage which cause the development of breast cancer. They expose your body to radiation that is 1000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray. If you follow standard recommendations for prevention & get all Mammograms ordered each year, you are exposed to as much radiation as someone who was exposed to the atom bomb at Hiroshima. Mammographic compression of the breast tissue causes cutaneous bruising, haematoma & rupture of cystic masses. This extreme compression spreads cancer cells if they already exist. Mammography is useless in fibrous dense breasts. False positive rate on a mammogram is 70%. False positives & the needless interventions that occur lead to invasive & avoidable biopsies. Upon further testing from these biopsies, 70-80% of detected “tumors” on Mammograms revealed no presence of cancer. Many countries have already abandoned deadly & harmful 3D Mammography & instead utilize safe QT Ultrasound & Thermography as the standard of care when preventive screening is wanted. Both have 40 times the resolution of MRI, without any radiation exposure. Both are incredibly accurate & detect 97% of abnormalities 8-10 years before other standard cancer detection tests. Cancer is a Metabolic Disease & can be prevented with lifestyle & diet interventions. A Ketogenic Low Carb Diet, eliminating seed oils, Ultra Processed Foods & sugar is preventive of Cancer. Avoid synthetic hormonal birth control. Fasting on a regular basis to rid the body thru Autophagy cellular turnover of any compromised mitochondrial cells. And keep Vitamin D3 level above 70 ng/ml is protective against Cancer. 👇Gold Standard Mammography Research Study👇 pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC45… 👇Radiation Induced Heart Disease👇 pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC67… 👇Radiation Induced Cancer After Mammogram👇 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8490833/ Video: Dr Jay Goodbinder, Epigenetics Healing Center113 views -
Ep.35 Pt.1 - Ka$h Patel Exposes Biden Coverup, Monica Lewinski & Pizza, New Vax Doc: "Shot Dead"
Common [CENSORED]: An America First ShowSpecial Guest: Nadia Knows BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jIij3MclwumT/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2389632 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nadia_Knows Common [CENSORED] Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SUZUfU4S5e Locals: CommonCENSORED.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/CommonCensored YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCshggern84QU2XEpHIitA X: https://twitter.com/_CommonCENSORED TrukfytDre X: https://x.com/TrukFytLLC?t=PrJmZ5fyCPbIAL-PWyMskA&s=09 LordStirling X: https://x.com/MoRtiS_NoCTu?t=haxtHWInf2EFMumBvAeoTw&s=09 Stirling's "MoRtiS NoCTu" Rap Songs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17xlD_JnITrrz33G98uqvw Ep. 35 Links: 🚨 VOTER FRAUD From Coast to Coast: Election Official INDICTED For ALTERING 2020 Results, DEAD VOTE! https://www.youtube.com/live/PsK5KvAclOo?si=Tia9xJfUtS1PITC- Ka$h Exposes Biden Coverup https://youtu.be/RzO1M5-nx-I?si=TiskfOtcwyld7s2U HOLY SHLIT: Here is Judge Engoron's law clerk Allison Greenfield attending a far-left Democrat event and campaigning for Letitia James https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1729154358674411939?s=20 Poso Exposes Q: (2018) https://x.com/poisondeathshot/status/1695538547556597839?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w More J6 Setup Evidence https://x.com/patrickbyrne/status/1729289069308604774?s=46&t=-R1zcn2QSUGp6vz93WY59w Trump Executive Order 13848 https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/DCPD-201800593 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/DCPD-201800593/pdf/DCPD-201800593.pdf Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One, 11 September 1773 https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Franklin/01-20-02-0213 Biden mocked for ‘Truman Show presidency’ over fake White House set https://nypost.com/2021/10/07/president-biden-mocked-over-fake-white-house-set/ Samson the epic patriot rapper https://www.youtube.com/@The_Real_Samson https://youtu.be/sB_T54wg9KI?si=4NnspwyBwBaXyJqT JFK JR. READS A POEM WRITTEN BY MONICA LEWINSKY, WHERE SHE CREATIVELY DESCRIBES HERSELF AS PIZZA 🍕 https://www.bitchute.com/video/XHJiJjYt9V1L/ Obama’s Brother: ‘Barack Sold His Soul to Satan To Join the Illuminati’ https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/obamas-brother-barack-sold-his-soul-to-satan-to-join-the-illuminati/ DELUSIONAL: Joe Scarborough Says the World Could ‘Spiral into World War III’ if Joe Biden Wasn’t President https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/delusional-joe-scarborough-says-world-could-spiral-world/ TRUMP CALLS FOR REOPENING OF COLD CASE AGAINST “PSYCHO JOE SCARBOROUGH” https://archives.infowars.com/trump-calls-for-reopening-of-cold-case-against-psycho-joe-scarborough/ Pride Comes Before The Fall https://youtube.com/shorts/NJSIHSKSIlM?si=NHHoBfyaJzrMvQuV Codex Alimentarius https://rumble.com/vqq3fx-codex-alimentarius-the-end-of-healthy-food-minerals-and-vitamins-vs-covid-1.html357 views 11 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Cleansing the Soul of America- Gerry Foley 3 2 2025
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSPART ONE Powerful Presentation with Juan on the Gideon's Army Broadcast last night. The several parts of this Program are primarily on the Cleansing of the Soul of America. This is pretty static as to the place Juan is sitting but the content is vital to Christians understanding our coming part in this Crisis of the Church. The Army of God is here. We can become interwoven into the Fabric of GODS WILL when we Pray and Repent our Sins. The Evil within the World is through many Countries. The issue at hand is the meeting with Zelenskyy on Friday with President Trump and VP Vance. The whole show is here: https://youtu.be/J1-eSrWoqJY?si=vE1Umo8uAEePeVXF The NWO crowd doesn't want you to see. Laundered Black Money. "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." – Josef Stalin Father Andre Mahanna is meeting with Juan O Savin on March 15th and is going to a Catholics for Catholics Conference at Mar a Lago on March 19th. https://rumble.com/v3kf48d-juan-o-savin-good-sunday-morning-with-father-andre-please-listen-8-1-2021.html This is a ruinous strategy for the Ukraine to have messed up their People their Land and the Basis of anything right to do for 100 years. USAID is going to remove the money the equipment already sold for pennies on the dollar and if we are not supporting NATO anymore? It is up to the EU. If the EU Countries pundle-up to fund that continued crisis things might go very badly. Juan mentions his book Kid by the Side of the Road. This was written from four interviews. Transcribed and edited. The Dream is also an interview that was transcribed. (Chapter four) I have know about this since the beginning as I provided the transcripts. Access to mineral wealth will be a part of negotiations with several Counties. Greenland, DR Congo and others. Not just Ukraine. In exchange for our wealth in gas and oil reserves, contrary to the interference by the Deep State and the Green new SCAM that did incredible damage on our equipment and economy in the last four years. The Church is coming together. We must be involved. The next phase is the Repair of this Country on every level. This story is about Scotland and Revival. And President Trumps Family Story. https://rumble.com/v5h34ys-duncan-campbell-revival-and-testimony-the-isle-of-lewis-1900s.html Africa has got a very bad past. Our guys during Blackhawk Down were looked upon as ritual Cannibalism. That is why we had to get to them quickly. The Depth of SIN. We need Jesus to get out the whip and knock over the tables of the money changers. Think the way DOGE is removing the USAID coffers that have stolen our Money. And make sure you are sitting on the right side of history. Elon Musk is working for our side! The Pope Benedict resigned in 2013 and it became known that the CIA was involved with a scandal through the financial manipulation of the Vatican Bank. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-23289297 Pope Benedict XVI attempted in 2010 to bring the IOR back on course by creating a financial information authority to monitor its performance - but promises of greater financial transparency clearly failed to materialize. One thing the CIA could easily do is infiltrate the International Banks. A boardroom row erupted in 2012, and Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, an Italian economist then at the head of the bank, stormed out of a meeting chaired by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's secretary of state, and then in 2013 Pope Benedict resigned. And Pope Francis became Pope with the conclave to bring in more "friendly" governance. He will be dead soon and those Popes in control now know of this manipulation by the USA and the International Banking Cartel. Remember President Trump is now in charge and one thing he knows very well is BANKING.16K views 19 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSJuan does a short piece with Warren and Matt Meck with PPN. He talks about a couple issues important to the Group he has worked with in Nevada and now all over the Country The Candidates Coalition. Full program here: https://rumble.com/v6mq8fr-tap-with-ppn-2-18-2025-special-guest-juan-osavin.html The Q OPERATION had this kind of setup. Where we had Community Validation and Focus. The Scope of Review gets expanded validation. Allowed for a community focus. Kash Patel was confirmed today 2 20 2025 and here are a few references you might look at. https://rumble.com/v5v4dvq-kash-patel-day-one-shut-down-fbi-building-create-museum-of-the-deep-state-s.html https://rumble.com/v5qi5bz-kash-patel-the-testimony-on-j6-comes-forward-j6-committee-revealed-11-17-20.html https://rumble.com/v6hk2k1-juan-o-savin-fbi-corruption-and-ses-revealed-mel-carmine-2-5-2025.html Juan give an example of Venezuela and Serbia. Starting with COVID and the Ukraine. The background is the Unwinding of this "operation" that became entrenched in the Region that took Millions of Lives Lost by the hand of the Deep State controllers WORLD WIDE. 72 Countries that had FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS. South Korea is up first. We are a very important Patriot element that in order to live under a Constitutional Republic will be REQUIRED to work LOCALLY to make the CHANGES REQUIRED to move this Country into GOD'S GRACE. The choice is clear. Prayer at the end describes the way Juan looks at this and receive this message. The Reckoning is very easily seen in this- A DAY OF PRAYER. We ALL must stay involved and certainly just within your STATE. Stay Vigilant as to what is around you and who is for us and against us. The inaction of the Biden regime with the Plandemic and FRAUDED the election has created MILLIONS DEAD. It was a SILENT DEATH.. This picture at the Title is 1435 The Last Judgment by Stefan Lochner. MARCH 22 2025 a look at Lahaina, LA, and 100 other incidences Microwave and Laser Weaponry. These are WEAPONS of WAR. Make sure you are a part of the Podcast to get on the same page. Tina Peters just got placed into Solitary Confinement. And this can NOT STAND. Breaking: Tina Peters @realtinapeters A group of Patriots and lawyers filed a writ of habeas corpus. With allegations of misconduct involving the Sheriff. Retaliation commences... They attempted to move Tina to a pod that is called the "incentive pod" and she declined. They then told her if she did not accept the "promotion" she would be written up. The incentive pod is an open area where 15 or so people are put together. The outcome is it is not as safe as a cell with those she may or may not trust. for the moment, lets say she feels safer where she is, after months of being targeted by guards and other prisoners. Fast forward to last night. I have now gotten unconfirmed reports that they have sent Tina to solitary confinement for 27 days as her punishment. Punishment for filing legal proceedings. Punishment for standing up against the criminal cartels. Imagine a world where they are allowed to bully and abuse a 69 year old gold star mom who risked it all to uncover the misdeeds of the criminal cartel that includes @dominionvoting and their diabolical leadership. It includes the judges, the DA, the AG, the Colorado SOS and even the Governor of Colorado. Saying free Tina Peters is not nearly enough... @realDonaldTrump @Scavino47 @FBIDirectorKash @PamBondi @elonmusk on X.com please also follow @JuanOSavin107 Update: It appears that they are reading the socials and paying attention. Tina is in this limbo at the moment... but at least they retracted some of their punishment. Although, we are still not sure that is the case. This from @realtinapeters tonight: "XTablet is shut down in 3 mins. I was handcuffed and taken to booking today & strip searched More abuse.write later" Free Tina Peters!21.8K views 6 comments -
Gene Decode and Decoding Team : Ukraine's Evil Secrets: organ harvesting, human- child trafficking, biolabs & more
CrimesAgainstHumanity - NAZIwarCRIMES - DS TERROR2024-06-25: Video Credit #RealGeneDecode - Ukraine's Evil Secret That The World Needs To Know - In this extremely important News Flash update, gene Decode and members of the Blessed For Service team cover some very difficult subjects about what is -- and has been --- going on in Ukraine -- including organ harvesting, human and child trafficking and more. We recommend that this NOT be listened to before you go to sleep and to keep children out of the room as some of these subjects are very disturbing. SOURCE ONLY and TRUE links: Website: www.genedecode.org Blessed For Service website: www.blessedforservice.org Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/RealGeneDecode ___________________________________ 🔥 Khazarian Mafia: SATANISTS 🔥 - CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters PART 1 of 2 --->>> https://rumble.com/v4cmd4r-khazarian-mafia-satanists-cannibals-adrenochrome-and-the-god-eaters-part-1-.html - 🔥 RUSSIA BUSTS ADRENOCHROME SUPPLY CHAIN, HUNTING DOWN EVERYONE INVOLVED --->>> https://rumble.com/v538503-russia-busts-adrenochrome-supply-chain-hunting-down-everyone-involved.html - ⚠️🔞 ORGAN HARVESTING 🔞⚠️ --->>> https://rumble.com/v4rbswt--organ-harvesting-.html - ⚠️🔞 TANKS FOR KIDNEYS What's really happening to Ukrainians, civilians and soldiers alike. What are NATO, The EU, and others funding? How are The Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders involved? ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2t29jy-tanks-for-kidneys-rt-documentary-crimesagainsthumanity.html - 🇺🇦⚡️⚡️ Ukrainian battalions sell children's organs - former OSCE employee --->>> https://rumble.com/v30df9c--ukrainian-battalions-sell-childrens-organs-former-osce-employee.html - Agent Zelensky - Part 1 - researched by Scott Ritter >>>> http://tiny.cc/AgentZelenskyPart1 - "They're all dead, and Ukraine has no real men left" - Scott Ritter | Redacted with Clayton Morris --->>> https://rumble.com/v310uvu-theyre-all-dead-and-ukraine-has-no-real-men-left-scott-ritter-redacted-with.html - TANKS in exchange for ORGANS --->>> https://truthsocial.com/@exposethepedosendofthecabal/110553814466344169 - ⚠️🔞 HUMAN TRAFFICKING, ORGAN HARVESTING in UKRAINE and BEYOND --->>> https://rumble.com/v2qwno2-human-trafficking-organ-harvesting-.html - 💥💥💥WAKE THE FCK UP!!!💥💥💥 ⚠️🔞 👹👹‼️‼️ Ukraine 🇺🇦 raises children in factories for elite pedophiles, Russia saves children --->>> https://rumble.com/v2kqeta-u.s.-harvesting-childrens-organs-in-ukraine.-why-western-fascist-mercenarie.html - ⚠️🔞 ORGAN and HUMAN TRAFFICKIBG KOSOVO --->>>> https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ/7336?single - ⚠️🔞🔥 DUMBS - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN - ADRENOCHROME HARVESTING OF BABIES & CHILDREN ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2jnba0-dumbs-its-all-about-the-children-adrenochrome-harvesting-of-babies-and-chil.html - 🔥 Eye of the devil - Organized Human Trafficking ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2pb2oa-eye-of-the-devil-organized-human-trafficking.html - 🔥 UKRAINIAN'S DEEPEST MILAB HUB WW EXPOSED! UNBELIEVABLE CRIMES COMMITTED AGAINST CHILDREN! --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hrlhi-ukrainians-deepest-milab-hub-ww-exposed-unbelievable-crimes-committed-again.html - This psyop started before ww1 - reptos EATING children's BRAIN and drink adrenochrome to keep their shapeshifting ability - REPTOS ARE REAL AND YOU BUT MORE PREFERED YOUR CHILDREN ARE FOOD and energy sources 🔥🔥 ADRENOCHROME 🔥🔥 --->>> https://rumble.com/v2t633o-satanic-death-cult-adrenochrome-exposed.html - 🔥 THE BLACK HATS = THE BROTHERHOOD - (U.S) military satanic child RAPISTS, MURDERER and NAZI war criminalS .. 70 YEARS OF INDOCDRINATION --->>> https://rumble.com/v21bd9y-kay-griggs-on-the-mob-roots-of-us-blackhat-military-and-the-brotherhoods-mi.html - ☣️ Pentagon confirms Ukraine's role in ☣️ biodefense" with 46 biolabs --->>> https://rumble.com/v1qzlcu-pentagon-confirms-ukraines-role-in-biodefense-with-46-biolabs.html - 🔥🍕 WHISTLEBLOWER EXPOSING PENATAGON AND CHILDSEX TRAFFICKING --->>> https://rumble.com/v1jkh1r-childsex-trafficking-all-pedocriminals-are-tracked.html - ⚠️🔞 🔥 HUMAN TRAFFICKING, ORGAN HARVESTING in UKRAINE and BEYOND --->>> https://rumble.com/v2qwno2-human-trafficking-organ-harvesting-.html - 🔥 THE WAR IS ON! 3: RUSSIA VS THE CHILD PREDATORS --->>> https://rumble.com/v2v7b3k-the-war-is-on-3-russia-vs-the-child-predators.html - 🔥 Children of Donbass / 2022 #Ukraine #Donbass -->>> https://rumble.com/v1oavs3-children-of-donbass-2022-ukraine-donbass.html - 🔥 Children of Donbass - THE WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE NAZIS #SaveOurChildren -->>>>> https://rumble.com/v1odju5-children-of-donbass-the-war-is-on-children-vs-the-nazis-saveourchildren.html ———————————————— WE ARE STANDING WITH THE GOOD SOULS OF RUSSIA, UKRAINE and the WORLDS ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (SpecialMilitaryOperation@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA ———————————————— Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 19v76, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL((SpecialMilitaryOperation@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION ———————————————— JOIN the RUMBLE CHANNELS >>> 🔥 CrimesAgainstHumanity 🔥 >>> http://tiny.cc/NAZIwarCRIMES - BioWeaponLabs ☣️ Biological Warfare ☣️ --->>> https://rumble.com/c/BioWeapons ———————————————— #EarthAlliance ⚔ 🇷🇺 FORWARD RUSSIA 🇷🇺 ⚔ DENAZIFICATION IS THE ONLY WAY Join us on Telegram -->> StrongerTogether https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ in ALLIANCE with https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://rumble.com/c/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND ———————————————— ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support in buying us a coffee ☕️ . this helps us to keep the pace and bring the Real News, Backgrounds and Facts out to you day by day Thank you for your support - #StongerTogether --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/denazification16.7K views 10 comments -
Trump Does the Unthinkable - video by Liz Crokin
Full DisclosureVideo produced by Liz Crokin telling what she found out as a journalist by covering Donald Trump for many years.6.35K views 9 comments