9 videos
Updated 1 month ago
"WHAT IS A MAN?" - HALLOWEEN MASTERPIECE - Castlevania Symphony of the Night Live #walkthrough
ShootingRiser#castlevaniasymphonyofthenight #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #impossiblegames #alucard #rpg #redux #thanksgivingstream CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr NIGHT 3 - Called in the Japanese Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight and this stream will be an RPG - The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins with Richter Belmont's defeat of Count Dracula, mirroring the end of the former game. However, despite Dracula being defeated, Richter vanishes without a trace. Castlevania rises again five years later, and while there are no Belmonts to storm the castle, Alucard, the son of Dracula, awakens from his self-induced sleep, and decides to investigate what transpired during his slumber. Source: Castlevania Wiki ESPANOL: - Llamado en el japonés Dracula X: Nocturno a la luz de la luna y este juego es de RPG - La historia del juego tiene lugar durante el año 1797, 5 años después de los eventos de Rondo of Blood y comienza con la derrota del Conde Drácula por parte de Richter Belmont, reflejando el final del juego anterior. Sin embargo, a pesar de que Drácula fue derrotado, Richter desaparece sin dejar rastro. El videojuego Castlevania se levanta de nuevo cinco años después, y aunque no hay Belmont para asaltar el castillo, Alucard, el hijo de Drácula, despierta de su sueño autoinducido y decide investigar lo que sucedió durante su sueño. Fuente: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip56 views -
A HALLOWEEN MASTERPIECE! - Castlevania Symphony of the Night Live #walkthrough #castlevaniagames
ShootingRiser#castlevaniasymphonyofthenight #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #impossiblegames #alucard #rpg #redux #thanksgivingstream CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr NIGHT 2 - Called in the Japanese Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight and this stream will be an RPG - The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins with Richter Belmont's defeat of Count Dracula, mirroring the end of the former game. However, despite Dracula being defeated, Richter vanishes without a trace. Castlevania rises again five years later, and while there are no Belmonts to storm the castle, Alucard, the son of Dracula, awakens from his self-induced sleep, and decides to investigate what transpired during his slumber. Source: Castlevania Wiki ESPANOL: - Llamado en el japonés Dracula X: Nocturno a la luz de la luna y este juego es de RPG - La historia del juego tiene lugar durante el año 1797, 5 años después de los eventos de Rondo of Blood y comienza con la derrota del Conde Drácula por parte de Richter Belmont, reflejando el final del juego anterior. Sin embargo, a pesar de que Drácula fue derrotado, Richter desaparece sin dejar rastro. El videojuego Castlevania se levanta de nuevo cinco años después, y aunque no hay Belmont para asaltar el castillo, Alucard, el hijo de Drácula, despierta de su sueño autoinducido y decide investigar lo que sucedió durante su sueño. Fuente: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip82 views 1 comment -
THE MOST IMPOSSIBLE HALLOWEEN GAME EVER! - Castlevania Dracula X Live Redux #castlevaniagames
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #draculax #thanksgivingstream CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - Tonight we are playing one of the hardest games I have ever played. This is going to be a Redux of my Moblie Stream run. - Apparently, this is a remake of Rondo of Blood with our biggest nemesis, "the pits"! Also, I have seen around the internet that this game is impossible in terms of difficulty. Can Riser defeat Dracula again? - I found out that the "Naked Skull Lady" creature is actually Carmilla or Camilla depending on what story you are reading. Apparently, she is also a Vampire and she was inspired by a story featuring a Carmilla that was a Vampire that targeted a young woman named Laura, explaining that woman that helps her out during her boss battle! SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip80 views 1 comment -
A HALLOWEEN MASTERPIECE! - Castlevania Symphony of the Night Live #walkthrough #castlevaniagames
ShootingRiser#castlevaniasymphonyofthenight #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #impossiblegames #alucard #rpg #redux CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr NIGHT 1 - Called in the Japanese Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight and this stream will be an RPG - The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins with Richter Belmont's defeat of Count Dracula, mirroring the end of the former game. However, despite Dracula being defeated, Richter vanishes without a trace. Castlevania rises again five years later, and while there are no Belmonts to storm the castle, Alucard, the son of Dracula, awakens from his self-induced sleep, and decides to investigate what transpired during his slumber. Source: Castlevania Wiki ESPANOL: - Llamado en el japonés Dracula X: Nocturno a la luz de la luna y este juego es de RPG - La historia del juego tiene lugar durante el año 1797, 5 años después de los eventos de Rondo of Blood y comienza con la derrota del Conde Drácula por parte de Richter Belmont, reflejando el final del juego anterior. Sin embargo, a pesar de que Drácula fue derrotado, Richter desaparece sin dejar rastro. El videojuego Castlevania se levanta de nuevo cinco años después, y aunque no hay Belmont para asaltar el castillo, Alucard, el hijo de Drácula, despierta de su sueño autoinducido y decide investigar lo que sucedió durante su sueño. Fuente: Castlevania Wiki SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip85 views -
I CAN'T BEAT THIS GAME!🙃 - The Impossible Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse Live Mobile #castlevania3
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #trevorbelmont CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - The year is 1476 and Count Dracula has begun ravaging Europe with an army of monsters. His sole purpose is to exterminate mankind. - The people feared the Belmonts' "super-human" power and drove them out of the land, but with Dracula about to swallow Europe in darkness, they are left with no choice but to call Trevor Belmont, the current wielder of the Vampire Killer. Joining Trevor Belmont in his mission to defeat Dracula are three other heroes: Sypha Belnades, Grant Danasty and Alucard. - Many of the elements of this game will become staples of the series! ESPANOL: - En el año 1476 y el Conde Drácula ha comenzado a devastar Europa con un ejército de monstruos. Su único propósito es exterminar a la humanidad. - La gente temía el poder "sobrehumano" de los Belmont y los expulsó de la tierra, pero con Drácula a punto de tragarse Europa en la oscuridad, no les queda más remedio que llamar a Trevor Belmont, el actual portador del Asesino de Vampiros. Junto a Trevor Belmont en su misión de derrotar a Drácula hay otros tres héroes: Sypha Belnades, Grant Danasty y Alucard. SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip20 views -
CAN I BEAT THIS GAME? - The Impossible Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse Live Mobile #castlevania3
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #trevorbelmont CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - The year is 1476 and Count Dracula has begun ravaging Europe with an army of monsters. His sole purpose is to exterminate mankind. - The people feared the Belmonts' "super-human" power and drove them out of the land, but with Dracula about to swallow Europe in darkness, they are left with no choice but to call Trevor Belmont, the current wielder of the Vampire Killer. Joining Trevor Belmont in his mission to defeat Dracula are three other heroes: Sypha Belnades, Grant Danasty and Alucard. - Many of the elements of this game will become staples of the series! ESPANOL: - En el año 1476 y el Conde Drácula ha comenzado a devastar Europa con un ejército de monstruos. Su único propósito es exterminar a la humanidad. - La gente temía el poder "sobrehumano" de los Belmont y los expulsó de la tierra, pero con Drácula a punto de tragarse Europa en la oscuridad, no les queda más remedio que llamar a Trevor Belmont, el actual portador del Asesino de Vampiros. Junto a Trevor Belmont en su misión de derrotar a Drácula hay otros tres héroes: Sypha Belnades, Grant Danasty y Alucard. SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip21 views -
THE HARDEST HALLOWEEN GAME EVER 🎃 - Castlevania Dracula X Live Mobile #castlevaniadraculax
ShootingRiserrondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #draculax CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - Tonight we are playing one of the hardest games I have ever played. This is going to be my first time trying to beat this game. - Apparently, this is a remake of Rondo of Blood with our biggest nemesis, "the pits"! Also, I have seen around the internet that this game is impossible in terms of difficulty. Can Riser defeat Dracula again? - I found out that the "Naked Skull Lady" creature is actually Carmilla or Camilla depending on what story you are reading. Apparently, she is also a Vampire and she was inspired by a story featuring a Carmilla that was a Vampire that targeted a young woman named Laura, explaining that woman that helps her out during her boss battle! SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip12 views -
THE HARDEST HALLOWEEN GAME EVER! - Castlevania Rondo of Blood Live Redux #castlevaniagames
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #impossiblegames CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - Tonight we are playing the wonderful Rondo of Blood and this will be a Redux! - It takes place in 1792 and now features a descendant of Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, considered to be the fastest and the last Belmont for a long time. Dracula kidnaps his sweetheart, and it is now up to Richter to save the day with the help of a little girl named Maria Renard! How long can I go without dying and how fast can I beat this game? ESPANOL: - ¡Esta noche vamos a jugar al maravilloso Rondo of Blood y esto será un Redux! - Tiene lugar en 1792 y ahora cuenta con un descendiente de Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, considerado el más rápido y el último Belmont durante mucho tiempo. Drácula secuestra a su amada, y ahora le toca a Richter salvar el día con la ayuda de una niña llamada Maria Renard. ¿Cuánto tiempo puedo pasar sin morir y qué tan rápido puedo ganar este juego? SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip78 views -
IMPOSSIBLE HALLOWEEN GAMES! - Castlevania Rondo of Blood + Dracula X Live Mobile #castlevania #retro
ShootingRiser#rondoofblood #richterbelmont #simonbelmont #halloweengames #mobilegaming #shootingriser #dracula #hardestgames #draculax CASTLEVANIA LIVE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/live/akBSYbO4ODs?si=SDasSDfiZ5oJVoOr - Tonight we are playing some of the hardest games I have ever played. This is going to be my first time trying to beat these games. - Rondo of Blood takes place in the year 1792 and now features a descendent of Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, considered to be the fastest and the last Belmont for a long time. Dracula kidnapped his sweetheart and it is now up to Richter to save the day with the help of a little girl named Maria Renard! Apparently, there was a remake of this game named Dracula X for the SNES! Awesome! and it comes with a slew of new content. Also, I have seen around the internet that this game is impossible in terms of difficulty. Can Riser defeat Dracula again? ESPANOL: - Esta noche vamos a jugar algunos de los juegos más difíciles que he jugado. Esta va a ser la primera vez que intento ganar estos juegos. ¡Estamos empezando desde el principio de todo con Castlevania! En el año 1691. ¡La historia del legendario Simon Belmont que derrotó sin ayuda a Drácula y que resucita cada 100 años! - Despues de acavar con Rondo of Blood, seguiremos con el remake, Dracula X. SOCIAL LINKS/ENLACES: - YouTube: @shootingriser - https://www.facebook.com/TheShootingRiserGamer - https://www.facebook.com/OfficialShootingRiserGamer - https://www.twitch.tv/shootingrisergamer - https://rumble.com/user/ShootingRiser If you would like to support me and my gaming channels/donaciones: https://streamlabs.com/shootingriser/tip22 views