What is a False Religion?
9 videos
Updated 10 months ago
We explore several of the false religions Satan has created in the world to distract men from the One True God.
Chapter 19 - What is a false religion?
I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe.
But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this!
Why we know the Antichrist is Muslim
Bible Prophecy videosWhen we compare all prophecy and apply it to modern news, it's obvious that all the old theories don't match up to the present day. When God sealed up the words until the time of the end, this is what He meant. Now that we're in the time of the end, we can see with perfect clarity!157 views 2 comments -
What Is A False Religion - The Muslims
Bible Prophecy videosChapter 19 - What is a false religion? I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe. But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this! Documentation: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion Is Islam a violent religion? https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/violentIslam Islam in the Bible https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/islam158 views -
What Is A False Religion - The Mormons
Bible Prophecy videoshttps://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion Chapter 19 - What is a false religion? I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe. But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this! https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion247 views -
What Is A False Religion - The Rabbinic Jews
Bible Prophecy videosChapter 19 - What is a false religion? I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe. But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this! Documentation: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion Can I be saved if I'm a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Buddhist? https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/canIBeSaved Modern Israel in Prophecy https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/modernIsraelAndProphecy020321.html The Third Temple will be built https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/thirdTempleAndAbominationMan022722.html191 views -
What Is A False Religion - Hindu Buddhism Universalism etc
Bible Prophecy videosChapter 19 - What is a false religion? I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe. But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this! Documentation: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion Can I be saved if I'm a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Buddhist? https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/canIBeSaved147 views -
What Is A False Religion - The Catholic Church And Her Daughters
Bible Prophecy videosChapter 19 - What is a false religion? I believe it is very important that we understand this question. A false religion is one that comes to you in the name of Jesus but does not teach you the whole truth as taught in the bible, or one that comes to you in the name of God even though that "God" is not the one true God. Let's take a look a few of the major religions and explore the real doctrine that they teach and see if we think they are part of the true church of Jesus Christ. I think you will agree with me that not all religions worship the same God as the promoters of Interfaithism are trying to make us believe. But, let me say one thing before we start. I do realize and am very glad that there are some people in the religions listed below that truly love and truly want to please God. And I realize that some "churches" or factions or affiliates of these religions don't necessarily teach the same doctrine that was originally taught by these religions and may even approach the truth in some ways. Some, like the Mormon church, have broken into different pieces that teach different doctrines, and some, like Islam, have many factions that vary substantially in beliefs and doctrines. The Catholic church also has some variations within it's organization, although it does have a leader, the Pope, and doctrinal guidance from that leadership. What I am stressing most in this study is that the root of these religions and their beginnings are what you are buying into by being part of that organization. If it did not begin with truth and/or began with a false prophet or false God, it is not of God. If it is not of God, we should not be a part of it even if our particular church or organization teaches doctrine that differs from the original teachings of that faith. We should come out of that and give ourselves to the one true God and follow Him and seek His truth with all our heart. Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. This passage is speaking of the Great Whore, the false church of the end time, and God is telling his people to come out of her! This is a good indication that there are indeed those who truly love Him within those religions, but it's also clear that if you do not come out of them that you will be considered a part of the whole and will be a partaker of the sins it has committed. Please remember this! Documentation: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/FalseReligion Who is the Puppetmaster https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/whoIsThePuppetmaster120222.html Prophecy and the Present Times https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/prophecy/PresentDay#crislam The Inception of the Catholic church https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/catholicOrigin Who Is The Great Whore and False Prophet - VIDEO https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/videos/whoIsGreatWhoreFalseProphetAntichrist the Daughters https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/catholicOrigin#daughters461 views -
Catholic Muslims Will Coexist In The End Time
Bible Prophecy videosIn a world where CoExist and Interfaithism is being pushed by Catholics and Christians, should we go along with it? Is it mutual in all religions? Is it Biblical? See documentation here: https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/catholicMuslimsCoexist082623.html And The Great Lie: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/islam#greatlie141 views 2 comments -
The CopyCat prophecies of Satan
Bible Prophecy videosSatan has the whole world sitting on the edge of their seats, awaiting the false prophecies that he will use to fool them when the real prophecies of the Bible come to pass. Jews are awaiting the Moshiach, and the rebuilding of the Temple. Muslims are awaiting their Mahdi, Muslim Jesus, and the Caliphate. Deceived Christians are awaiting a rapture that comes first and will be caught with their proverbial pants down. Hindu/Buddhists, Universalists, Scientologists, etc., are awaiting a grand transcendence of mankind. Catholics are awaiting their Great Monarch and the Final Glorious Pope. Satan is setting up the world for an alien invasion… And Satan has already fooled billions of people with his lies about Evolution. Everyone who believes these lies will be fooled completely by the Antichrist and False Prophet when they appear on the world scene...234 views -
Islam says that Jesus was not God
Bible Prophecy videosIslam says Jesus was not God, that He was never worshiped in the Bible. They also claim He was just a prophet and they say He never even said that He was the Son of God. In this video I'm going to prove these claims false with positive proofs from the scriptures themselves! https://newsletters.bibleprophecyandtruth.com/eNewsLetters/islamicArgumentsAboutJesus051320.html Islam in the Bible: https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/islam Who is Jesus? https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/WhoIsJesus How many Gods are there? https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/truth/OneGod160 views