Physics Help: Classify each of the changes as a physical change or a chemical change.
saxi753Classify each of the changes as a physical change or a chemical change. a. a block of ice melts b. a chemistry book is burned c. a dry leaf is crushed d. grass in the yard is cut e. an iron nail rust #PhysicalChange #ChemicalChange #Physics #Chemistry11 views -
Physics Help: The micrograph above gives an estimate of the volume fraction of the α phase to be 60%
saxi753The micrograph above gives an estimate of the volume fraction of the α phase to be 60%. As the density of Aluminum and Silicon are similar, we can estimate the wt% of α to also be 60%. With reference to the Al-Si phase diagram, estimate the composition of the alloy in terms on wt% Si #PhaseDiagram #Eutectic #PhysicsHelp #Physics17 views -
Physics Help: Phase Diagrams: Between which phase fields is the solidus, liquidus, solvus phase
saxi753Physics Help: Phase Diagrams: Between which phase fields is the solidus, liquidus, solvus phase #Solidus #Liquidus #Solvus #LeverRule26 views -
Physics Help: Save the image of the phase diagram above and use the Graph Reader site to make
saxi753Save the image of the phase diagram above and use the Graph Reader site to make accurate reading from the phase diagram image to answer the following questions for a (61.9 wt% Sn - 38.1 wt% Pb) alloy: 1) What is the melting point of pure lead ( 2) What is the melting point of pure tin ( 3) At what temperature does the alloy start to solidify ( 4) At what temperature does the alloy completely freeze ( 5) If the sample is rapidly cooled from , what is the mass fraction of eutectic in percent of the solid at room temperature? #PhaseDiagram #PhysicsHelp #Techniques19 views -
Physics Help: Match the microstructures to the average carbon content ranges of the specimens
saxi753Physics Help: Match the microstructures to the average carbon content ranges of the specimens23 views -
Physics Help: What phases will most likely be present in the solid formed from cooling
saxi753What phases will most likely be present in the solid formed from cooling a melt of composition: 90 wt% Mg - 10 wt% Pb at a moderate rate? #PhysicsHelp #PhaseDiagram #Techniques #Solutions26 views -
Physics: Phase Diagrams: Which phases are in equilibrium at 1000C for nominal composition 30% B?
saxi753Physics: Phase Diagrams: Which phases are in equilibrium at 1000C for nominal composition 30% B? #PhysicsHelp #PhaseDiagram #Diagram #Techniques31 views -
Physics Help: Phase Diagrams: What reaction occurs at point b, f, i, l, o? - Three phase reactions
saxi753Physics Help: Phase Diagrams: What reaction occurs at point b, f, i, l, o? - Three phase reactions #PhaseDiagrams #ThreePhaseReactions #PhysicsHelp25 views -
Physics Help: The microstructure of an Al-Si alloy contains 12 wt% eutectic and 88 wt% proeutectic
saxi753The microstructure of an Al-Si alloy contains 12 wt% eutectic and 88 wt% proeutectic , what is the composition of the alloy in wt% Si units? Assume the room temperature microstructure is the same as the phase/microconstituent content just below the eutectic temperature. #PhysicsHelp #PhaseDiagrams #Techniques26 views -
Physics Help: A 2.0 kg mass is rotating on a circular path with a radius of 30 cm
saxi753A 2.0 kg mass is rotating on a circular path with a radius of 30 cm. If the speed of the mass is 2m/s , what is its angular momentum? #PhysicsHelp #AngularMomentum #Physics23 views