Reimagining Science
3 videos
Updated 2 months ago
Examines a variety of questions science can't answer including oddities and paradoxes that peripherally relate to life and disease.
Meet Your Ancestor
Zazari ProjectThe more we learn about life and existence, the older the earth and the universe must be to accommodate it. Is evolution slow or are we? #commonancestor #lastcommonancestor #phylogenetics #theoryoflife #theoryofevolution #evolution #lifeonearth #originoflife8 views 1 comment -
Life Doesn't Matter
Zazari ProjectThe Matter-to-Life initiative researches how life arose from a nonliving universe. They aren't going to find what they seek. #mattertolife #abiogenesis #spontaneousgeneration #objectiveuniverse #originoflife #algorhithmsoflife #whysciencefails #machinementality #complexity24 views 1 comment -
Of Mice and Pheromones
Zazari ProjectScience succumbs to connecting dots and buzzwords rather than uncovering reality. Do smells influence metabolism and aging? Sure, why not. Unfortunately, dot-connecting isn't an effective strategy to demystifying the complexity of living systems. #pheromonesattraction #femalepheromones #medicaltherapy #weightloss35 views