How To Install An EMP Shield On A Truck With Two Batteries
RealitySurvivalSubscribe to my Rumble Channel: https://www.rumble.com/user/realitysurvival Affiliate Discount Codes: National Body Armor: Save 25% on Body Armor use code RealitySurvival at https://alnk.to/8PDXwbM --- EMP Shield Save $50 on each EMP Shield Use code realitysurvival at https://www.empshield.com?coupon=realitysurvival --- EMP Hardened Home Battery System Grid Down Redoubt 81KWh Home Battery System Save over $4000.00 by using discount code "RealitySurvival" at this link: https://griddown.com/?coupon=realitysurvival --- First Aid & Medical Gear Save 10% At Medical Gear Outfitters use code: REALITYSURVIVAL at this link! https://medicalgearoutfitters.com/discount/realitysurvival --- Trauma Kits and More! Save 10% at Refuge Medical Use code "realitysurvival" at https://www.refugemedical.com --- Go Dark Faraday Bags Save 10% - Use Code REALITYSURVIVAL https://bit.ly/44vB1ZR --- Blackout Coffee Save 10% off when you use code REALITYSURVIVAL at https://www.blackoutcoffee.com?p=SJzhATvCc --- HAM Radio Lessons Save 20% off online Ham License courses Use Code "realitysurvival20" for 20% off at Https://www.HamRadioPrep.Com —- Gas Masks and Filters Mira Safety Gas Masks - Save 10% use code RealitySurvival at https://bit.ly/3bdETZW --- Legal Prescription Meds Jase Medical - Save $10.00 off by using code REALITY10 at: Https://JaseMedical.Com/RealitySurvival --- Non-Discounted Affiliate Links: Rad Power Bikes: https://alnk.to/c07B9UA AR500 Armor: https://alnk.to/3J5Z3As Magpul : https://alnk.to/8EJcwr7 MidlandUSA: https://alnk.to/cwRS6ow ACO Power: https://alnk.to/7qjTEKc Bluetti Power: https://alnk.to/9IdKpmy Faraday Defense: https://alnk.to/gp0xGmT Bodega Cooler: https://alnk.to/flvZNtM Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/2Fvxzr9 --- Get full length prepping lesson on my website at: Https://www.AmericanPreppingAcademy.Com --- Follow me on X @realitysurvival --- Follow me on Instagram @Realitysurvival --- Follow Me On Clapper: @realitysurvival --- Notice: The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author and do not imply or convey any endorsement by the Department of Defense or the United States government. Additionally, this video was recorded and uploaded during off duty hours and did not utilize any government resources or facilities.1.02K views