Wholigans Theme Song
StarshipAlvesThis is our theme song for our new Doctor Who show called WHOLIGANS! Our new podcast will be out soon and we're just firing up the feed to get the time rotor nice and hot! Album art logo & pixel art by Felipe Cardoso Wholigans Themes: Arranged & Performed by Geoff Smith Original Doctor Who Theme: Composed by Ron Grainer & Arranged by Delia Darybshire Subscribe to our audio podcast via RSS at: https://pinecast.com/feed/wholigans Our podcasts are commercial-free. We are produced and supported by YOU, the listener. If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider sending us a contribution. Visit http://www.starshipalves.com/donate6 views -
Wholigans: S1E2 - RTD2 The Return Of Russell T Davies
StarshipAlvesRussell T Davies is back again to be showrunner for Doctor Who and Paul Alves and Adam Walker sit down to talk about it for a bit. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Host: Paul Alves Guest: Adam Walker VFX by Adam Walker Theme song by Geoff Smith (based on original by Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire)12 views -
Starship AlvesSeason 1 (2024) Theory for Doctor Who. The Toymaker has trapped The Doctors (both 14 and 15) inside a TV show. CREDITS: BBC / Disney for footage of the new Doctor Who (used under FAIR USE copyright law) Wholigans Theme Song by Geoff Smith (based on the original composed by Ron Grainer and arranged by Delia Derbyshire )53 views -
Book Guys Show - Doctor Who Special "All Of The Doctors"
Starship AlvesWe are joined by some DALEKS to talk about the history of Doctor Who, what it's like to operate an actual DALEK, recording artist Geoff Smith and more! Join us for this extra long DOCTOR WHO SPECIAL! FEATURING GUESTS: Mark Townsend, Rob Green, Geoff Smith, Professor Alan Middleton, Father Robert Ballacer, James Goots12 views -
Inside The Daleks : What A Dalek Really Looks Like On The Inside! | Doctor Who
Starship AlvesDalek Operators Rob Green and Mark Townsend (Dalek Auric and Dalek Dreadnaught) give us some inside knowledge of how their Daleks operate. If you've been to a Fan Expo or Comic Con, you've probably seen Rob and Mark there! Dalek Auric is a Dalek Supreme and Dalek Dreadnaught is a Dalek meant to have been on Doctor Who: Dark Dimension, A Doctor Who special that was never made (which would have featured Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and more!) We had both of them in the Book Guys Show studio and they are really great guys. Hope you enjoy the video! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU6_M2wW_6BeTGuXGO-jx-Q/join14 views