September Clues (new version) - No Plane Theory - Breaking The Matrix
QUANDALF reUPloadedSince I can't reach Simon Shack's website septemberclues.info for distributing his stunning and easily provable documentary "September Clues" about the astonishing amount of trickery and fakery in the live TV footage on 9/11 any more I reupload his film here. They really showed us bad CGI stuff on 911. It's really easy to check for yourself if this is actually true. Just go on youtube and look for September 11th live TV footage archive or check the different stations archives. Hard to fathom for some people! Don't give in to cognitive dissonance and stay positive. See the fun in it bc it actually IS hilariously funny that this really ran on live TV :-)) Cheers!12.8K views 35 comments