AustraliaOne Party (A1) - Envisioning Prayers for Freedom - 18 November 2023
AustraliaOne Party18 November 2023 Envisioning prayers for freedom at this critical juncture in the war for the world. Speakers: Crystal Goh FESIG – Free Energy Special Interest Group Website: https://www.truevisionofpeace.com/fesig.html The Venus Twins Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thevenustwins Colonel Riccardo Bosi - AustraliaOne Website: https://australiaoneparty.com/ Francine Fosdick - Up Front In The Prophetic Website: https://upfrontintheprophetic.com/ Brad Wozny - The Sovereign Soul Show Telegram: https://t.me/TheSovereignSoul Ana Marins YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@realanamarins9045/featured Taino - The Galactic Talk Lemurian Ones Productions © Website: www.the-galactic-talk.com Janine - Turn The Page Telegram: https://t.me/TurnThePageWithJanine Patriot Underground PU Store: https://www.patriotunderground.shop/ Dr Northrup Christiane Northrup, M.D. Website: https://www.drnorthrup.com/ Patriot Mic - Conservative Patriot Nation Network (CPNN) CPNN Telegram: t.me/ConservativeCPN Trina Welch - Redneck Rhapsody / HERO https://redneckrhapsody.com/good-stuff/ Tish Conlin - Tish Talk Bitchute-TishTalk: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GkrHrvSpkU11/ James Grundvig - Decentralized Media Website: https://www.decentralized.media/ Joe Rosati & Scott Stone - TruthStream with Joe & Scott Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/m/TruthStream Dr Lee Merritt, MD - The Medical Rebel Website: www.themedicalrebel.com The Tom Numbers Show- Tom Sidney Bushnell aka Numbers YouTube: https://youtube.com/@TomNUMBERS_PsychClub gene Decode Website: https://www.genedecode.org Blessed For Service Team Janie Lin - White Light Media Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3267814 Donna and Kalie Tais Akashemoto.com.br Music Credits Venus Renata - Music, Lyrics, Lead Vocal, Guitar, Percussion (To contact Venus; venus.renata@gmail.com ) Manuel Torres - Guitar, Bass, Percussion Children choir: Ian Miguel Orta Escalera Estela Maris Orta Escalera Juan Pablo Orta Escalera Juan Francisco Orta Escalera Mariaisabel Orta Escalera Harmonies: Haziel Adorno Venus Renata Adult choir: Portia Jones Ken Elkner Carmen Henríquez Sandra Borras Diego Del Pozo Manuel Torres Venus Renata Arranged by: Venus Renata and Manuel Torres Engineered and mixed by Manuel Torres Recorded at The Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music, San Juan PR Choice and order of visuals: Venus Renata, Mabel Mooner and Sophie Baker Video editing and graphics: Blessed For Service Editing Team3 comments -
AustraliaOne Party - MRNA Vaccines Produce Widespread Bran Injury, The First Loss is Love
AustraliaOne PartyMRNA Vaccines Produce Widespread Bran Injury, The First Loss is Love20 comments