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Brooke Procida: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 54]

7 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Our guest today is a Lyme survivor and former Innovative Medicine patient sharing her own personal story out of the darkness of Lyme disease. An actress, health activist, and creator of the upcoming film LymeLight Journey, Brooke Procida is spreading her own personal message of hope and healing through the telling of her personal story of battling Lyme disease and her journey back into the creative LymeLight. This is the Story of LymeLight Journey with Brooke Procida.
  1. The Story of LymeLight Journey with Brooke Procida
  2. Why Following Passion Often Leads to Burn Out
  3. How Passion and Purpose Impact Our Health
  4. How Our Vulnerability Helps Others
  5. Will the Digital World Become Our New Reality?
  6. The Patient Experience at NYCIM
  7. Advice for Anyone Struggling with Lyme Disease