Super Gay Chinese “ Space Walk “ Footage
VeteransAgainstTreasonAt GITMO Awaiting Trial [ Breaking News ? Chess Game At An End !! BY DECEMBER?!!!! Alex Collier - Nov 2023 ( ? ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8U1fWfx/ Biden Character Joke Fall Off Of Pretend Air Force One https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Dtws1e/ Proof Of Underground Tunnel Systems https://www.facebook.com/share/r/xjrSobD34sDjEG1q/?mibextid=3iQHzw Katie Hobbs Yes, Katie Hobbs IS at GITMO Awaiting a Military Tribunal | Real Raw News Disgraced former Arizona Secretary of State and gubernatorial election thief Katie Hobbs has been at Guantanamo Bay since September 28 and, charged with treason, will face a military tribunal in mid-November, a JAG source told Real Raw News. The internet on September 26 was aswirl with rumors and theories after Hobbs inexplicably disappeared and state Treasurer Kimberly Yee was named acting governor. Several alternative news outlets claimed Hobbs had been “indicted” by the state Senate on charges related to conspiring with a Mexican drug cartel, while others said the military arrested Hobbs and brought her to GITMO. Even fallen-from-grace FOX News questioned Hobbs’ mysterious vanishing act. The Deep State media, on the other hand, quickly refuted the missing-in-action claims, saying that Hobbs was alive and well and meeting with the criminal Alexandro Mayorkas in D.C. We knew that was a lie because Mayorkas was hiding in Warsaw, Poland, at the time of the alleged meeting. Tales of Hobbs taken to GITMO piqued RRN’s interest, for we’re seldom scooped on stories of Deep Staters getting fast-tracked to Guantanamo Bay. Our first inquiries with sources at GITMO, JAG’s Pensacola Offices, Camp Pendleton, and Fort Bragg were met with indecisive vagaries: “Can neither confirm nor deny,” “No comment at this time,” “Never heard about that,” “Where did you get that information?” and “If we have anything to share, we’ll let you know.” The nebulous replies perplexed RRN; our sources typically supply straightforward answers. If a Deep Stater has met an ineluctable fate—a noose, for example—they tell us. If they do not have a Deep Stater in custody, they will tell us that, too. Admittedly, it was confusing. More confusing was that Hobbs magically resurfaced in Arizona later that week. FOX News retracted its story and the rest of the media labeled persons who promoted the disappearance as Q-Tard conspiracy theorists. Nevertheless, we continued pressing sources for a definitive answer, but they kept answering evasively—until we finally received a concrete response on October 23. “Yes, Hobbs is at Camp Delta and waiting for a tribunal,” a Staff Judge General’s adjunct told RRN. He said that Jag investigators on September 26 undramatically arrested a “strangely complacent” Hobbs as she walked to her car outside the governor’s office in Phoenix. The armed investigators approached a laconic Hobbs, charging her with treason, election fraud, and conspiracy to commit murder. Hobbs was reportedly eerily quiet and held out her wrists as if wanting to be cuffed. “The reason we were so cagey about if we had her or not is because even though we had Hobbs, we weren’t absolutely certain we had her,” our source said. At GITMO on September 29, Hobbs for the first time opened her maw, telling interrogators that she was not Katie Hobbs. By then, she had undergone a medical assessment/bloodwork (not vaccinated) and fingerprinting. She wasn’t wearing a prosthetic mask, hadn’t had cosmetic surgery, and cloning indicators proved negative. “By all appearance, we had Hobbs. And then there she is back at the podium in Phoenix. So, we know they [the Deep State] use clones and body doubles, but we didn’t think they’d be able to pull one off the shelf so quickly. And we wanted to make sure the Hobbs we had was indeed the real Hobbs, despite whatever game she thought she was playing,” our source said. He added that Hobbs endured so many imaging tests it’s a miracle she’s not glowing in the dark. “We are now 100% confident we have Hobbs. We’ve also identified one double impersonating her in Arizona,” the source said. However, the Hobbs in custody still says she is not Hobbs. Asked what evidence JAG will present at the tribunal, he said, “I can’t give specifics beforehand, but there will be witness testimony, video evidence of election fraud, and the admiral will prove that Hobbs orchestrated a failed murder-for-hire plot against Kari Lake.” Leticia James https://realrawnews.com/2023/11/leticia-james-arrested/ United States Navy JAG investigators on Tuesday arrested New York Attorney General Letitia James of treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors following an investigation that began shortly after she and her criminal associates filed a frivolous lawsuit against the Trump Organization, a JAG source told Real Raw News. Investigators from JAG’s Pensacola, Florida, offices had traveled to the Deep State coven of New York City armed with a military arrest warrant charging the craven woman with not only treason but also defrauding the United States of America, bribery, and sedition. They confronted James outside her multimillion-dollar Brooklyn brownstone late Tuesday evening and showed her the warrant that Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall had signed. According to our source, James was severely inebriated and fled on foot when the investigators tried handcuffing her. It was a brief chase. They caught James, informed her she had no rights, and drove her to a clandestine processing center north of Manhattan. Our source said James will eventually be moved to either Guantanamo Bay or Camp Blaz for a military tribunal. “Leticia James is a villain, and evidence will prove she is,” our source said. JAG’s proof, he added, includes an audio conversation between James and Kathy Hochul in which James says, “I hate that rich, white motherfuc****, and I’ll do everything in my power to bring his ass down, and I do mean everything and anything,” to which Hochul replies, “I’ll be behind the scenes.” The lawsuit alleged, among other provable lies, that President Donald J. Trump inflated the value of real estate holdings to secure low-to-no-interest bank loans and overvalued Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago by 2500%. The Trump organization had taken umbrage with the lies and had hired four independent real estate appraisers to assess property value, but the Deep State’s system of injustice refused to look at their assessment. “If that’s not damning enough, we also have proof that James secretly met with Kamala Harris four times the week before and after the suit was filed. Details of those meetings will be made known at her tribunal. When James was campaigning, she said it was her mission to bring down Trump. She only sunk herself,” our source said. President Trump, he added, is the most well-protected man on the planet but is involved in an elaborate game of brinksmanship aimed at dragging the Deep State’s foulest creatures out of the darkness and into the light. “President Trump is sacrificing himself because he loves this country and its patriots. Optics is going on right now. The endgame will vindicate President Trump,” he said. U.S. Special Representative To The Ukraine 🇺🇦 Penny Pritzker. JAG Convicts U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker | Real Raw The United States Navy Judge Advocate General Corps has convicted U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker, JAG sources told Real Raw News. As reported earlier, JAG investigators apprehended Pritzker on charges of treason and defrauding the United States as she left Tyler Perry Studios White House facsimile on September 22, after which she was escorted to Guantanamo Bay to await a military tribunal. Once in custody, a generally untalkative Pritzker made an incredulous request, telling interrogators that if they called Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he would clear up any misunderstandings and secure her release. Intrigued, JAG personnel phoned the number Pritzker had memorized, but repeated calls went to a voicemail box in Warsaw, Poland. Afterward, she contacted 15 of the most prestigious criminal law firms in the U.S.; none, however, would defend her. “You’re at GITMO? We can’t take your case,” she was told. So, she appeared in court pro se on November 7 as Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall showed the 3-officer panel financial documents proving that Pritzker’s global investment firm, PSP Partners, received $1.6bn from the Treasury Department two days after illegitimate pResident Joseph R. Biden appointed her Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. According to bank statements, Pritzker wired a $200m slice of the pie to her personal savings account before converting the remaining $1.4bn to cryptocurrency and sending it to Oschadbank, a state-owned Ukrainian Bank headquartered in Kyiv. “The defendant, detainee Penny Pritzker, is the fourth person brought to the tribunal who has unlawfully forwarded our country’s money—taxpayer money—to banking institutions in Ukraine. There is no public record of the disbursement. Her personal network was $3bn, yet she was so consumed by greed that she took a $200m cut. She’s refused to testify—” “I would like to say something but I’m not testifying against myself,” Pritzker interrupted. “Then you must be sworn in,” the admiral retorted. “I will not place my hand on the bible because I do not believe in your God,” Pritzker hissed, shaking her handcuffed wrists. “We’ve heard that line before,” the admiral said. “We know what you believe in: money.” He turned to the panel. “This greedy creature, this abomination, is just an egotistical, materialistic woman with a large hole in her head where her conscience used to be, if she ever had one. She abused her authority. She stole $1.6bn. She is truly feculent.1.15K views 2 comments -
JFK JR FaKe KowbOy ( Hands Dont Move )
VeteransAgainstTreasonMaking fun double J is gonna cause some considerable consternation. As if. All Purpose Files # 7 The Many Faces Of JFK Jr https://rumble.com/v1ium6x-many-faces-of-john-john-master-q-jfk-jr.html ***Breaking News 📰 ( !?!?! ) Planet X System Now Visible From Earth 🌍 **********https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PafF2c/ 1.) Mysterious Creatures https://www.bitchute.com/video/MhuOEP15YHsH/ 3) Get WOKE Teachers Out Of Schools - https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy3L06UL6wl/?igshid=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ== 4.) MUGSHOTS.COM https://mugshots.com/ # 2 : GESARA / NESARA NOTES 🗒️: 1.) https://amg-news.com/boom-a-new-list-of-banks-that-are-connected-to-the-qfs-system-or-are-being-connected-qfs-rtgs-trust-the-plan/ 2.) https://bestnewshere.com/everyone-needs-to-pay-attention-to-this-how-nesara-gesara-will-change-the-nations-future-forever/ Tommy Robinson Pepper 🌶️ Sprayed & Arrested For Marching Against HAMAS UPDATE: Tommy Robinson Pepper-Sprayed and Arrested for Marching against Hamas – Metro Police Release Statement https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/update-tommy-robinson-pepper-sprayed-arrested-marching-against/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=update-tommy-robinson-pepper-sprayed-arrested-marching-against Medical 🏥 Pods https://youtu.be/tLYnBbudStg?si=9p09qqaddHKD-9Sy It Will Be Biblical - https://rumble.com/v41zauw-it-will-be-bibliccal-wwg1wga-ncswic.html Run The Night - Drum 🥁 Dubber ( Detroit Cobras 🐍) by Tom Trefts ~ Flounder 🐠 Veterans Against Sneezin’ ~ https://youtu.be/Fg1KTuateZc?feature=shared868 views 2 comments -
“ What’s Your Favorite Type Of Crack Mr. Biden ? “
VeteransAgainstTreasonNote 2 Quantum Government Breaking News 🗞️ https://amg-news.com/ https://amg-news.com/project-odin-military-gesara-ebs-a-formula-that-will-change-the-course-of-history-forever/ gov/documents/2019/09/05/2019-19367/establishing-the-national-quantum-initiative-advisory-committee Date: August 30, 2019. 15 United States Code Chapter 114 §8811: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter114/subchapter1&edition=prelim Section 8811 is dated: December 21, 2018. Who was the President? 👉🏻 45 (a) In general The President shall implement a National Quantum Initiative Program. (b) Requirements In carrying out the Program, the President, acting through Federal agencies, councils, working groups, subcommittees, and the Coordination Office, as the President considers appropriate, shall— (1) establish the goals, priorities, and metrics for a 10-year plan to accelerate development of quantum information science and technology applications in the United States; (2) invest in fundamental Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, and other activities to achieve the goals established under paragraph (1); (3) invest in activities to develop a quantum information science and technology workforce pipeline; (4) provide for interagency planning and coordination of Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, standards engagement, and other activities under the Program; (5) partner with industry and universities to leverage knowledge and resources; and (6) leverage existing Federal investments efficiently to advance Program goals and priorities established under paragraph (1). Okay, so, if all this is hogwash and doesn’t mean anything… 1. Then why did this start with a Committee View before passing Legislation? 2. Why did “Joe Biden” “revoke” EO 13885 and sign EO 14073 which is titled: ENHANCING The National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee? This is NOT a ‘new’ Order. It’s a enhancement as it says. The words are the same: EO 13885: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 104(a) of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115–368) (Act), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to ensure continued American leadership in quantum information science and technology applications, it is hereby ordered as follows: EO 14073: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 104(a) of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115–368) (NQI Act) [15 U.S.C. 8814(a)], andsection 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to ensure continued American leadership in quantum information science and its technology applications, it is hereby ordered as follows: The difference in the two is the ‘functions’ section, which is to be expected as something progresses. If it’s all garbage, hogwash, and “conspiracy theory,” then why is “Biden” writing an Enhancement Executive Order with Quantum Initiative Act in place and Quantum dot Gov. Go on over and check out Quantum.gov Announcement of Quantum.gov and Frontiers Report: “Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced the launch of Quantum.gov, the official website of the National Quantum Coordination Office, and the release of the Quantum Frontiers Report identifying key areas for continued quantum information science (QIS) research. “With the launch ofQuantum.gov, the White House has created an online home for the National Quantum Coordination Office and a new digital hub for the growing quantum community to connect with wide-ranging activities underway across the Federal Government. The newly publishedQuantum Frontiers Reportlays out critical research questions for the entire U.S. innovation ecosystem to tackle in the years ahead, and will serve as an important roadmap for researchers around the country,” said Michael Kratsios, U.S. Chief Technology Officer.” 45: https://www.quantum.gov/trump-administration-announces-quantum-gov-and-quantum-frontiers-report/ Frontiers Report: https://www.quantum. gov/documents/2019/09/05/2019-19367/establishing-the-national-quantum-initiative-advisory-committee Date: August 30, 2019. 15 United States Code Chapter 114 §8811: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title15/chapter114/subchapter1&edition=prelim Section 8811 is dated: December 21, 2018. Who was the President? 👉🏻 45 (a) In general The President shall implement a National Quantum Initiative Program. (b) Requirements In carrying out the Program, the President, acting through Federal agencies, councils, working groups, subcommittees, and the Coordination Office, as the President considers appropriate, shall— (1) establish the goals, priorities, and metrics for a 10-year plan to accelerate development of quantum information science and technology applications in the United States; (2) invest in fundamental Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, and other activities to achieve the goals established under paragraph (1); (3) invest in activities to develop a quantum information science and technology workforce pipeline; (4) provide for interagency planning and coordination of Federal quantum information science and technology research, development, demonstration, standards engagement, and other activities under the Program; (5) partner with industry and universities to leverage knowledge and resources; and (6) leverage existing Federal investments efficiently to advance Program goals and priorities established under paragraph (1). Okay, so, if all this is hogwash and doesn’t mean anything… 1. Then why did this start with a Committee View before passing Legislation? 2. Why did “Joe Biden” “revoke” EO 13885 and sign EO 14073 which is titled: ENHANCING The National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee? This is NOT a ‘new’ Order. It’s a enhancement as it says. The words are the same: EO 13885: By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 104(a) of the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115–368) (Act), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to ensure continue "When you apply that number to the world - with the billions of injections that have been given - that’s how you get the 17 million (+- 0.5 million) deaths." vigilantnews.com/post/author-of-bombshell-report-covid-shots-kill-1-person-per-800-injections Follow @Vigilant_News Dr. Peter McCullough Calls for Three Immediate Courses of Action #1 - "Pull all COVID-19 vaccines off the market before anyone else is harmed." #2 - "US, EU, and all Westernized nations [need to] pull out of the WHO. They're not trustable." #3 - "I am recommending a halt on all childhood vaccines, the entire vaccine schedule, until this is clarified, since messenger RNA is now on the schedule without any concerns for safety by the ACIP panel." For those wary of spike protein shedding or the long-term effects of the shot, Dr. McCullough has recently published the first-ever spike protein detoxification protocol in a US medical journal: https://vigilantnews.com/post/first-ever-spike-detox-protocol-appears-in-medical-journal-heres-how-you-can-get-better Follow @Vigilant_News Late September Flare Gun https://realrawnews.com/2023/09/white-hats-to-disable-phones-mobile-devices-during-fema-eas-test-on-october-4/ 13 Hours of Missing Satellite 📡 Footage Over Hawaii 🌺 on the day of the Lahaina, Maui “ Wildfires “ Or “Mountain DEW” https://youtube.com/shorts/-o7oMaUYfes?si=vJ0m-bfl77kG4z-f Deep Staters Headed To Guam Thrown Overboard for Inciting Insurrection | Real Raw News October 4th 5G Threat Assessment : Collected Links : International attorney Todd Callender provides the legal Framework for government tools used to create a new campaign of fear and terror in “Plandemic 2.0” designed to disrupt the economy, further restrict freedom, and disrupt election 2024. Dr. Vliet describes the ways in which 5G EMF radiation triggers intensified physical damage that is already occurring in the body injury from COVID injections, COVID illness and the emerging threat of Marburg, Ebola, and Nipah viral hemorrhagic fevers. Dr Vliet and Todd Callender explain how to prepare for the potential effects of a possible extended duration and broadened frequency emission during the national test of the emergency broadcast system on October 4th 2023. Attend our symposium on Friday September 29th at 12 noon Eastern Time for more details and expert explanations of what lies ahead for all of us. For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website AND Access our archive of all our shows at www.WhisteblowerReports.org. Check out medical and legal resources for help at www.TruthForHealth.org to download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide. If you have been injured by any vaccine, go to www.VaxDamage.org to file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD CEO and President of the Board Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity Voice: 520-777-7092 Fax 520-797-2948 Mail: P.O. Box 64507 Tucson AZ 85728 www.TruthForHealth.org https://rumble.com/v3l5vy1-jason-shakura-5g-oct.-4-fema-ebs-threat-valid-comparing-him-to-elena-danaan.html https://rumble.com/v3l5srg-special-message-for-hawaii-governor-josh-green.html https://rumble.com/v3kz9cg-oct.-4-warning-about-5g-ebs-signal-activating-graphene-oxide-nanotech-was-b.html Concerning Maui Laser Theory https://youtube.com/shorts/32GWI0qS9W8?si=85bPppmGl8t_RIwf FEMA FCC 5G Kill Grid - Todd Callender & Deb Tavares (Video) - best news here https://www.facebook.com/reel/1392483397999086?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=nGmrsg622 views 1 comment -
Grey Alien (Emerther) Spotted!
QQPatriotSign Up & Make FREE #Bitcoin Hourly: https://freebitco.in/?r=3013476 UFO Spotted in Japan! https://rumble.com/v20rz0s-ufo-spotted-in-japan.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 UFO/UAP Spotted in Denver, Colorado on December 11, 2022! https://rumble.com/v20qdj9-ufouap-spotted-in-denver-colorado-on-december-11-2022.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 The DEPOSITION of COREY GOODE! 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The MISSING GIFT for Humanity! https://rumble.com/v1p03q7-breaking-2nd-mission-in-undergrounds-of-florida-the-missing-gift-for-humani.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Space Ark at Lake Vostok HEATING UP Antarctica & MELTING the ICE! https://rumble.com/v1ofkkc-space-ark-at-lake-vostok-heating-up-antarctica-and-melting-the-ice.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Heating Up of Planets across Solar System linked to Space Ark Activations! https://rumble.com/v1ofjjo-heating-up-of-planets-across-solar-system-linked-to-space-ark-activations.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Bill Wood 2011: 'Save Pain by not waiting for Aliens to come fix everything' - HE WAS RIGHT! https://rumble.com/v1o98bt-bill-wood-2011-save-pain-by-not-waiting-for-aliens-to-come-fix-everything-h.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, To be blunt…. GAME OVER. https://rumble.com/vuup6g-to-my-fellow-incarnated-extraterrestrials-to-be-blunt.-game-over..html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Ascension To 5D: The Worlds Guiding Humanity https://rumble.com/vr24hx-ascension-to-5d-the-worlds-guiding-humanity.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 THE TIME IS NOW - PATRIOTS FIGHT!!!!! https://rumble.com/v1ny7gq-the-time-is-now-patriots-fight.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 I met ENKI! The RETURN of our ORIGINAL DNA! https://rumble.com/v1nsho4-i-met-enki-the-return-of-our-original-dna.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 The RETURN of our ORIGINAL DNA! https://rumble.com/v1nscv4-the-return-of-our-original-dna.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Med Bed Holographic Healing Technology Delivered TO US ALL! https://rumble.com/v1najg0-med-bed-holographic-healing-technology-delivered-to-us-all.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Epstein Island Adrenochrome Left Eye [Marker] https://rumble.com/v1n6evy-epstein-island-adrenochrome-left-eye-marker.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 5th Density TRANSITION to GREATNESS! https://rumble.com/vnn3ka-time-ceases-to-exist.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 RETURN of Seeders, GFW Preventing Nuclear War & Restoring Our DNA INCLUDING the VACCINATED! https://rumble.com/v1n3iz2-return-of-seeders-gfw-preventing-nuclear-war-and-restoring-our-dna-includin.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Extraterrestrials Living Among Us - An Ancient Phenomenon Reemerges https://rumble.com/v1my5v6-extraterrestrials-living-among-us-an-ancient-phenomenon-reemerges.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Area 51 Engineer #DISCLOSURE 'I've worked with Aliens for a LONG TIME!' https://rumble.com/v1mw11c-area-51-engineer-disclosure-ive-worked-with-aliens-for-a-long-time.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Covert Military Mission to the Undergrounds of Florida! https://rumble.com/v1mvjqr-covert-military-mission-to-the-undergrounds-of-florida.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Flying AirCar Flying Car Cleared for Takeoff! https://rumble.com/v1brtd5-aircar-flying-car-cleared-for-takeoff.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 TRANSITING INTO 5D ~ Oct 02 2022 https://rumble.com/v1me6mo-transiting-into-5d-oct-02-2022.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 RIP JFK - Shine the BEAM of LIGHT https://rumble.com/v1k4csl-rip-jfk-shine-the-beam-of-light.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 FBI Raids Epstein Island to COVER IT UP! https://rumble.com/v1il5mj-fbi-raids-epstein-island-to-cover-it-up.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Pentagon Fears Anunnaki Return; AND THEN ENKI RETURNS! https://rumble.com/vnn4fy-anunnaki-paying-visit-to-pentagon-they-believe.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 UFO / UAP MIND BLOWING FOOTAGE! *MUST SEE!* https://rumble.com/v1kr44f-ufo-uap-mind-blowing-footage-must-see.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]. https://rumble.com/v1bsbpz-the-choice-to-know-will-be-yours-end..html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW) https://rumble.com/v1fxucd-galactic-federation-of-worlds-gfw.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Deathbed Confessions on Secret Govt Aliens at S4 Area 51 and MJ12 Current Members [FULL VIDEO] https://rumble.com/v1kef3n-deathbed-confessions-on-secret-govt-aliens-at-s4-area-51-and-mj12-current-m.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Proof Our Galactic Allies Are Blocking Solar Flashes From Hitting Us https://rumble.com/v1kk6jf-proof-our-galactic-allies-are-blocking-solar-flashes-from-hitting-us.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 The Storm, The Event, 2024 https://rumble.com/v192yjz-the-storm-the-event-2024.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 AREA 51: OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE https://rumble.com/v18z033-area-51-official-disclosure.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 SECRET Mission to Underwater Cities in the Atlantic Ocean! #DISCLOSURE https://rumble.com/v1i86j9-secret-mission-to-underwater-cities-in-the-atlantic-ocean-disclosure.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Military Witness videotapes Flying Saucer https://rumble.com/v1i86ot-military-witness-videotapes-flying-saucer.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Law Abiding Citizen - It's Gonna Be Biblical https://rumble.com/v1jyqw9-law-abiding-citizen-its-gonna-be-biblical.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 SECRET Mission to Underwater Cities in the Atlantic Ocean! #DISCLOSURE https://rumble.com/v1i86j9-secret-mission-to-underwater-cities-in-the-atlantic-ocean-disclosure.html?mref=8ldad&mc=8bix8 Follow me on Social Media Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@QQPatriot Telegram: https://t.me/QPatriot17 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QPatriot17 AnonUp: https://anonup.com/@QPatriot17 GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/qpatriots Parler: https://parler.com/QAnon711.94K views -
"Give Me Some Examples" - The View Hosts in Silence
Biological Medicine"Give Me Some Examples" - The View Hosts in Silence Satire but true. X (Twitter): www.twitter.com/damonimani If you wish to support my content, you can do so by subscribing to me on X. Mirrored - Damon Imani715 views 2 comments -
This is Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines . He’s a drag queen
Biological MedicineThis is Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines . He’s a drag queen and has been incorporating drag into United Airlines DEI started to (finally) make its way into the public's crosshairs following the embarrassing testimony of several Ivy League college professors about the events in Israel on October 7th. The discussion was ratcheted up a notch after a door from an Alaska Airlines plane detached mid-air, leading many to raise questions about whether or not DEI hiring standards at Boeing were negatively affecting the company's output. Even more recently, United's CEO Scott Kirby was accused of being a drag queen and additional questions were raised about how the airline prioritizes safety for its passengers and employees. Continued.....https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/diverse-incompetent-comedian-rob-schneider-pens-open-letter-calling-out-drag-queen-ceo808 views 3 comments -
Real? Not? It's a Treat to Watch -- Klaus Schwab, and Everyone in This Room, Can Go F*@4 Himself!!
RAVriesA video circulating on the internet featuring Damon Imani allegedly hurling abuses at Klaus Schwab during the 2024 Davos Meeting, has sparked curiosity among netizens. The video claims that a 'New WEF participant does the unthinkable at 2024 Davos Meeting.' 👉🏼👉🏼However, it is worth noting that the video is satire and the incident did not occur in reality.👈🏼👈🏼 For those unaware, Imani is an Iranian producer and artist based in Denmark. Specializing in creating video content covering a range of topics, including societal issues, news, and current events, Imani is known for his satirical approach. The video of Damon Imani came at a time when the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting held in 2024 brought together nearly 3,000 global leaders from over 125 countries to discuss the challenges and crises the world faces. During the first plenary of the Annual Meeting, Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of WEF, highlighted the need to rebuild trust in each other. Despite the geographical interconnectedness, Schwab noted that the world is currently more divided and fragmented. The video in question is an edited one shared by Imani. He even posted on X in which he said, "Satire but true. This video is also available on Rumble here and Klaus Schwab can go f himself." As social media users came across this viral video, some of them jokingly wished that it had really happened. Expand Tweet Imani's content gained traction between 2016 and 2020 as he garnered attention from social media users on both sides of the political spectrum as well as prominent figures like Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, and Elon Musk. His work has even been featured in major media outlets such as USA Today, InfoWars, The Associated Press, and BPR Politics And Business. This video came to light after the WEF 2024 meeting in which WEF President Borge Brende emphasized the complexity of the security landscape and the fragility of the global economy. Brende also said, "We have nearly 3,000 participants from more than 125 countries here at the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. We are seeing a very complicated security landscape and a very fragile global economy. The most urgent issues faced by companies and countries including on security, climate and cyberspace are not limited by borders. They do travel without passports." Despite challenges, Brende seemed optimistic about cooperation among nations and companies. He looked forward to progress in addressing these pressing issues during the Davos meeting. Text from THIS document: https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-fact-check-is-damon-imani-klaus-schwab-video-real-viral-2024-wef-footage-debunked1.33K views 3 comments -
teddolbiIf vaccines work, then there is no risk vaccinated people being infected through contact with un-vaccinated people and if the vaccine doesn't work being around vaccinated people poses the same risk as being around un-vaccinated people. .. Biden Groping Little Girl on Video https://gab.com/Michael_Q/posts/111100259258011723/media/1?timeline=video .. President Trump Explains What WOKE is. Excellent Definition - should be added to English Dictionary https://rumble.com/v3gwmoc-president-trump-explains-what-woke-is.-excellent-definition-should-be-added.html .. Below is my explanation: What is Wokeism a.k.a. Cultural Marxism a.k.a. Critical Theory Pounded into Soft Heads of Western Youths? https://rumble.com/vm89jz-what-is-cultural-marxism-a.k.a.-critical-theory-taught-today-in-western-sch.html .. President Trump: To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY https://rumble.com/v3dil7w-trump-to-every-covid-tyrant-who-wants-to-take-away-our-freedom-hear-these-w.html .. Why we, 88 million who voted for DJT in 2020, will kill for President Trump! https://www.bitchute.com/video/OUB3KVExvlMJ/ https://rumble.com/v1i7uoz-why-we-88-million-who-voted-for-djt-in-2020-will-kill-for-president-trump.html .. Hard Hitting Info on President Trump https://gab.com/dolbi2020/posts/108856541799250530 .. .. President Trumps's Social Media https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47 .. https://rumble.com/c/TuckerCarlsonTwitter https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson https://twitter.com/elonmusk .. .. .. SOURCE https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111298903146368670673 views 1 comment -
Did You Hear What Damon Imani Said at the WEF in Davos?
Truth Seekers WorldwideSubscribe to comedian, Damon Imani's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DamonImani/videos Subscribe to Nicholas Veniamin on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/NVTV/videos Subscribe to David Mahoney on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2556182/videos With your continued support, Truth Seekers Worldwide may continue sharing the most compelling videos of what's truly happening in our world. Any way can support is truly appreciated; a donation via a cup of coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/LeslieO Please amplify this message by liking, commenting, and sharing videos! Help us wake the world before it's too late! Begin by turning off the news on your TV, NOTHING they say is true! They're poisoning your mind and keeping you frightened, angry & confused. All Main Stream Media Stations are the #1 purveyors of propaganda & disinformation. Join us at Truth Seekers Worldwide Private FB Group ➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/227520826040332 Truth Social ➜ https://truthsocial.com/@truthseekersworldwide Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/truthers_w_wide Telegram ➜ https://t.me/Truth_Seekers_Worldwide Gab ➜ https://gab.com/Truth_Seekers_Worldwide Gettr ➜ https://gettr.com/user/truthseekersww Website ➜ https://TruthSeekersWorldwide.com Video Channels Bitchute ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/truthseekersworldwide Rumble ➜ https://rumble.com/register/TruthSeekersUSA UgeTube ➜ https://ugetube.com/@TruthSeekersWorldwide Thank you for joining us on this journey! God bless! Leslie WEF Global Communist Party, WEF Depopulation Agenda, Davos Devils Den,2.16K views 7 comments