Controversial Commentaries
25 videos
Updated 1 month ago
where me and sometimes my friends discuss controversial things.
Proof that Bill gates & the elites is trying to kill the world
NuclearJoestarOverHeaven(Alucard)I own no material nor do i claim any content in this video i just wanted to express my opinion about this subject. IK bill gates is behind all this since his braindead monkey brained fatass admits to creating super viruses etc on TV. Bill gates you need to KYS if your watching this Kill yourself your a fat fuck a breathing burger with a tiny penis . It's nefarious at best. They're poisoning the people and the planet. The sleeper agents are being activated. anyone also involved go kill yourself you pathetic troglodytes there will be no mercy for antichrist/flaggots people will expose you all and god will have me destroy you! This is our own government doing this. Mark my words. Sources https://x.com/tpvsean/status/1856784857361231900 Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying Chemtrails to Incite Civil War in America Explosive footage from a courageous whistleblower pilot has captured undeniable evidence of a chemtrails operation funded by none other than Bill Gates. This footage shows a plane dumping massive amounts of mind-altering and mood-controlling substances over New York just days after the presidential election. At the same time, an insider from the World Economic Forum warns that the elite are ramping up this so-called "chemtrails agenda" across the U.S., with plans to manipulate public sentiment, stir unrest, and even ignite civil conflict. But this time, their plans are unraveling, as whistleblowers step forward with one mission: to expose and dismantle the operation. https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1874581301686411630 https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1874424806680273324 https://x.com/Demo2020cracy/status/1874228118925537601 https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1874491758014505468 https://x.com/2bods1dream/status/1874431129698402771 https://x.com/Truthpolex/status/1874063262431797316 https://x.com/GubbaHomestead/status/187452193044924833747 views -
Discussing Current Events The Pedo army potentially facing stalking lawsuits and more
NuclearJoestarOverHeaven(Alucard)Me and coldtronus and nauruto call out a group of pedos that tried to have their whole pedo army attack me and harass me and these people have targeted me since i was 12 years old. Whole playlist exposing the uttp nonce army https://rumble.com/playlists/I3rUWcXQ4yQ This includes 20 year old Zexio/Cola his 27 year old groomer who tells people to kill themselves /frixtro a adult who lies about his age and pretends to be people for clout & thinks sending CP is funny along with some other foodists/MCE zach parish aka spergy degens funny these cigarette fags are trying to cancel me and think im going to prison for shit they have done to me. Fag or FAG may refer to: Cigarette, in British. these people love to prey on disabled kids/teenagers/tweens and adults.114 views 15 comments -
Hurting Kelsey oakes toxic ego a little more
NuclearJoestarOverHeaven(Alucard)Do not ever bully or target my friends again kelsey oakes your dad drue oakes and your mom stacey had noticed my call out messages i hope he punishes you for the fucked up shit you have said to me and others telling my loved ones to die of cancer threatening to assault me and land me in a hospital. It's a shame these people can't let me move on from the drama they created and started and won't let me be depressed in peace. Can I be depressed in peace? aparently not since you wanna tell me and others to kill ourselves. Jealousy is a disease get well soon 😘 you narc sociopath hut up you scummy excuse of a person as well as a nuisance. In fact I hope God takes something away from you to teach you a lesson about making fun of my cat windingos passing don't bark up my tree i have more followers then you and I'll get them to expose you spread awareness on your accounts and your friends Your nothing but a narcissist and YouTube is not for people like you who defend preds and are bullies this is what you get bitch for being a evil cunt your not a Christian your not going to heaven your a fucking demon wearing the skin of an angel. What I find funny is Queen Aurora will grandstand over people when they make any remarks towards her weight, yet she can stalk, harass, dox swat, defame and mock people, as well as groom minors and allegedly caused someone to take their own life. All of that is okay to her, but if you make any jokes towards her, especially about her weight, that's crossing the line and it's a crime against humanity.182 views 2 comments -
proof of pinktrash being a emotional manipulator and gaslighter + confesses to her lies
NuclearJoestarOverHeaven(Alucard)https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/o8jiwqjfnq6olm04cq8xx/AGDyrjoATNgIM0bwiQXY23M?dl=0&e=1&rlkey=mwf8n35yqbmydmrkzf1uogcin32 views 1 comment -