Rebuking Roman Catholicism
2 videos
Updated 4 months ago
It's unfortunate that Rome has hijacked the word "Catholic" which used to mean "universal" and referred to the true church.
But then the Roman Empire got involved and started merging Roman paganism with the Christian church and the church mostly allowed them to.
We review the lies of the Roman cult that pretends to be Christian.
Rome says Peter is the Rock. The BIBLE says JESUS is the ROCK!
GrahameGouldRome says that Peter is the first Pope and has handed the keys to heaven to every Pope after him. This is a demonic deception that takes away from Jesus and His work. Jesus is the Rock on which the church is built, not Peter. Peter means small rock or stone. Peter is not a foundation, Jesus is. The church of Jesus Christ is the body of Jesus Christ and He is the foundation and head.40 views 2 comments -
Does John 6 teach that the Eucharist is the real body and blood of Jesus?
GrahameGouldRoman Catholicism loves to use part of John 6 to teach that you must "eat His body and drink His blood" by eating the bread and wine of the Eucharist. But is that the context of the passage? What is really going on? There are a few problems with this view. One - it is teaching cannibalism which is forbidden in Jewish Law. Two - it ignores the context which makes it clear that Jesus is being hyperbolic and metaphorical because the crowd were misunderstanding continually and so He is mocking them. Three - it hides the real message of the passage and the Biblical gospel that "eating his flesh" and "drinking His blood" for eternal life means hearing and believing, and coming to Him. We start with John 1 and walk through John 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to show the context and what the Gospel of John is teaching in those chapters that is relevant to this.38 views