For Fuck's Sake Friday
62 videos
Updated 15 days ago
frequently furious & foul-mouthed fulminations on fluctuating files
For Fuck's Sake Friday ~ The Epstein NOTHINGBURGER
Ardent PardyMy Content: Weekly gaming stream on Saturdays on my other channel - https://rumble.com/c/ArdentPlays (1300(ish) Newfoundland Time) Ardent's After Pardy ~fun-pilling the news one meme at a time~ Weekly podcast/news & meme round-up on Sundays (1200(ish) Newfoundland time) Trivia Tuesday Join me, live, for a trip into the deepest & maybe darkest niches of internet knowledge as I start from a random point of curiosity & see where it leads... TerraNova Tuesdays ~ a Newfoundland-centric series ~ current events, history, legends... who knows? Wordsmith Wednesdays ~ random readings of literature of varying varieties~ (These also appear on YouTube most times.) Thinking Man's Thursdays ~ occasional oration on ordinaries ~ For Fuck's Sake Fridays ~ when I just cut loose, profanely and - I hope - powerfully ~ Support Me: ( $none ) YouTube/Rumble: Like, Follow, Chat, Comment ( $some ) Rant/Subscribe on Rumble | Ardent-Pardy.redbubble.com NEW DESIGNS ADDED AT RANDOM & OCCASIONALLY UNANNOUNCED Socialize Me: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093035949296 Gab- https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR- https://gettr.com/user/ArdentPardy Parler- https://app.parler.com/ardentpardy Tw(X)tter- https://x.com/ArdentPardy TruthSocial- https://truthsocial.com/@ArdentPardy58 views 4 comments -
PushBack Happening LFGoooooooo!
Ardent Pardya little black pilling a little white pilling, it is what it is Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 830pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Rambling About Current Events
Ardent Pardyjust some thoughts on how I see things, bugs, shtf, Etc Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 830pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Livestream 830pm NFLD Time ~ Pop Culture Resistance
Ardent Pardyso, tonight's live stream will be a little different and a little more focused than usual. the topic tonight will be pop culture resistance and - as always - the Eternal AMA. Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 830pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Rippaverse, Building Parallel, Pop Culture Pontificating
Ardent PardyRippaverse.com is crushing it, here's hoping we all can. Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 830pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Fuggit Friday - Joy
Ardent PardyKeeping the sense of childhood wonderment alive in adulthood is extremely beneficial. Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 830pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Manners Are Racismus?!
Ardent Pardywhen I first discovered the concept that some people thought of manners as white supremacy I was floored. Please like, share, subscribe - don't forget to bash the Bell - and, most especially, comment. IF you see any value in the work I do, or just want to help out, I encourage you to support me directly via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos & #AskArdent livestream (Sundays 930pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream on Saturdays starting at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to their website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Stop Demanding Revisions & Support Those Creating The New
Ardent PardySo, this started off as a discussion of the word spaz related to Beyonce and Lizzo and evolved into a discussion about gatekeeping and retcons and supporting new creators. Please like,share, subscribeandcomment. IF you wish to support me directly, you can do so via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos (& #AskArdent livestream Sundays 930pm Newfoundland time) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA You can also find me on the Sultans of Shadilay livestream Saturdays at 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay and I will be contributing to the website~ SultansofShadilay.com Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/jorjnl709 MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy1 view -
Ranty - Teaching (w/ a Faith chaser)
Ardent Pardyso this ended up being way more ranty than I expected.. speaking about teaching and finishing with a discussion about faith Please like,share, subscribeandcomment. IF you wish to support me directly, you can do so via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos (+ random woodworking & #AskArdent livestreams) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA Sultans of Shadilay ~ Saturdays 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Text ~ 1 (709) 701-5466 (LION) Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/ardentpardy MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Odysee ~ https://odysee.com/@Jorj:7 Rumble ~https://rumble.com/c/c-1365621 Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy3 views -
Body Positivity Ramtle
Ardent Pardy[Ramtle]~ a rant and ramble combination Body positivity is a pseudo-religious ideological position that is guaranteed to do harm to those who adhere to its tenets. This is my first Rumble exclusive video. I would deeply appreciate your support. Please like,share, subscribeandcomment. IF you wish to support me directly, you can do so via Paypal~ ardentpardy@gmail.com If you are interested in purchasing any of the woodworking projects I have completed, you can find them on my GETTR account (link below) or email OffTheWallWoodcraft@hotmail.com Love you all, -Jorj Daily Videos (+ random woodworking & #AskArdent livestreams) ~https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QQafgyvCG-UKwFtJXNqjA Sultans of Shadilay ~ Saturdays 10:30 AM Newfoundland time~ https://youtube.com/c/SultansofShadilay Contact/Interact/Other Platforms ~ Email ~ ardentpardy@gmail.com Bitchute ~ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ipbxYk0RcpMV/ Discord ~ Ardent Pardy #9856 Dlive ~ https://dlive.tv/ArdentPardy Entropy ~ https://entropystream.live/ArdentPardy Gab ~https://gab.com/ArdentPardy GETTR ~https://gettr.com/user/ardentpardy MeWe ~https://mewe.com/i/ardentpardy Minds ~https://www.minds.com/ardentpardy/ Odysee ~ https://odysee.com/@Jorj:7 Rumble ~https://rumble.com/user/ArdentPardy Twitch ~https://www.twitch.tv/ardentpardy26 views 4 comments