CrossTalk: Leaked Government Data Proves that Covid Vaccines Killed 1000s of Innocent People
Stew Peters NetworkToday on CrossTalk News, Edward Szall speaks with Steve Kirsch about his upcoming release of leaked government data which shows undeniable excess deaths among those who received the covid-19 vaccine. Support Frankie’s memorial fund https://www.givesendgo.com/RIPEvenMoreBased KEEP CROSSTALK FREE AND ON THE AIR By Supporting our Sponsors!! Protect Your Wealth, Buy GOLD and Get up to $10k in FREE SILVER using this link: https://link.goldco.com/CrossTalkNews High Quality Prepper Food, now with $100 Buckets! Visit Https://heavensharvest.com Use Promocode CROSSTALK For Discounts45.9K views 99 comments