Eco Guards Created Musics
10 videos
Updated 3 months ago
This play list is composed of songs that the Primary leader of the Eco Guards has written and created for this Stand on Guard with Me Channel
Fallen Watchers, Shining Lights Music Album, Track 2, Descriptive Visual Video Version
Stand on Guard with MeFallen Watchers, Shining Lights Music Album,Track 2, Descriptive Visual Video Version. Well I thought many of you would prefer the Descriptive Visual Video Version. Hopefully you can Enjoy. Written, Created and Compiled by; JeffRey E McCluskey52 views -
Nailed Innocents, Shining Lights Music Album, Track 26.
Stand on Guard with MeNailed Innocents, Shining Lights Music Album, Track 26. Previously Known As "They Nailed My Jesus To The Cross". One of Several Artistic Works, or Songs that were Hymn Book Published in 1981 & 1983, when he was 16 and 18 years of age. This song was written during the time when Jeff lived and helped to manage Christian Home Centre's in Moncton NB, and also performed from 1981 to 1984 by JeffRey E McCluskey, at the Little Lighthouse Street Ministries, and several other Church locations over those years throughout many other places in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and was also performed in 1982 at the new Salvation Army Citadel Complex in Moncton NB Canada. During their Battle of the Bands Competition and Joyous Celebration. JeffRey and his accompanying Partner and Guitar instructor Mr. Zoel Belliveau. After their performance they were given a spontaneous Standing Ovation from the many Hundreds of Individuals in attendance. Over the many years that would follow, JeffRey would occasionally perform this artistic work / song, during several AsGuardian Ministries fellowships, but also mostly during the limited times, that others would request such an action. He Hopes you Enjoy this Audio Version, and Hopes to have the Video Version Released Soon, for not only your hearing pleasure, but also your viewing pleasure.78 views -
Fallen Watchers, Shining Lights Music Album, Track 2, Audio Version Only
Stand on Guard with MeShining Lights, Fallen Watchers, Track 2, Audio Version Only Written, Created and Compiled by; JeffRey E McCluskey42 views -
Eternal Being, Shining Lights Music Album, Track 1
Stand on Guard with MeEternal Being, Shining Lights Music Album. Track 1, Visual Video. Salutations & Welcome. One and all. To our video, in these newly consolidated channels, and combined series of artistic real life stories, of the Rise of the Eco Guards, Stand on Guard with Me. As indicated in our last video production "Perfectionist Artists". I've completed the video for the first track or song for my first Music Album from Shining Lights, entitled Eternal Being. I hope you enjoy this song and video, and remember what I said in the last video, about many artist feel this way when completing or showing their works. But really, I believe our true Creator, or Alpha and Omega Awareness, otherwise known as our Great Creator, or Almighty God, feels this way. Anyways, Enjoy.58 views -
Freedoms Paths
Stand on Guard with MeA Rock Song inspired by those peoples that Stand on Guard for our Freedom. Created by; J E McCluskey78 views -
A Farmers Anthem, I Stand with Dirt, for Dirt is Great
Stand on Guard with MeI Stand with Dirt, for Dirt is Great A cool little song inspired by the perspective, that all elitists, found within the attendees of the World Economic Forum, have indicated, as it relates to what They think about the greater number of humanity. For They think we are all Dirt. But also a perspective view, of what Dirt is truly good for. While we also support our Farmers, Forestry sectors, in maintaining our ways of life. But also a partly educational video, concerning the value of good dirt, or soil. Created by; Jeffrey E McCluskey55 views -
Stand on Guard with Me, While We Look Inside
Stand on Guard with MeOriginally created in 1991, the song. "Hearts, Minds and Souls", was Written, Created & Performed by a younger, Jeffrey E, McCluskey. There are individuals, and events in everyone's lives, that effect us greatly. When they leave this place, and are transfigured, their absents leaves great holes, in the hearts, minds and souls of those that remain as mortal beings. What you do with their teachings, and with those blessed loved ones memories, proves the character of what type of person you've become, and any possible legacy's, brought on by those that helped shape your journey, through this life, and beyond. But also the manner in which you teach, and inspire those currently around you. For they are all beloved, and their vibrational frequencies resonate throughout the universe, until its combinations are complete. Therefore, they are never truly gone. This current rendition of this song, is dedicated to all of our loved ones, and the impacts they have, and had upon us all. May their light, and eternal spirits, and souls, forever shine. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. This version, as well as the prior is © 1991-2024 by; Jeffrey E. McCluskey / Jemco Incorporated 199059 views -
Funny's TM's, or Funny's Perceptively Funny Trademarks
Stand on Guard with MeHello there, and welcome to this video. Originally and perceptually created between 1975 to 1979, this stupidly somewhat funny song, was a different interpretation, or take. On some of the meanings behind some products, which are found within local grocery stores. But this later transpired into a singing rendition, concerning all the many jokes that allot of children, use to pull on their parents, and others. For they joked about these things, when being forced to go with our parents, to these grocery stores. Funny's TM's. Was Written, Created & Performed by a younger, Jeffrey E, McCluskey, for many of those years, for those same friends, at some of their youthful gatherings. It was suggested many years later, that he place it on Youtube, a great many years after its creation. But it never really was seen by many. Hopefully, you can attempt to enjoy this different type of song, while not taking offence to the stupid antics. That said, It's been re-titled as, Funny's Perceptively Funny Trademarks, performed by a goofy type of backwater person, by the name of Funny.. Anyways, I hope you find it entertaining, or maybe even funny, here we go. This version, as well as the prior is © 1979 -2024 by; Jeffrey E. McCluskey & Jemco Incorporated 199042 views 2 comments -
FLUSH It, Like a Man.
Stand on Guard with MeFLUSH It, Like a Man. This song and shorter rendition, plus commentary, is very politically charged. So hold on, while we flush it, out. It's based on Political Satire, and some loosely gain facts, that shed light upon the political state of affairs, as well as so many other matters, in our once great country of Canada. But it's also a depiction, of how the Eco Guards Organization, was treated for over the last 40+ years, by these political types. For they tried to highjack the Eco movements goals, but failed miserably. That's because they don't understand anything about our Eco System's. Nor, do they apparently want to learn, from those with practical experience, knowledge and cumulative proper actions, that could help them to understand, or truly comprehend, the balance approach that's required. For we must all collectively collaborate within our Country, within our Laws, Rights and Freedoms, and work together, for all our futures. For it was never only about protecting our planet, it was about protecting humanity, and our planet at the same time. So that we, as well as future generations could enjoy meaningful lives, within our one and only planets biosphere. Anyways, we hope you have a good laugh, and enjoy this WEAVINGS. Here we go. The opinions expressed in this video, are not those of the majority of Canadians. At least not as far as we know. But they are those of many individuals within many segments of our society, whom have learned the truth. For they feel, that if certain Political Party's and Candidates are allowed to continue, that our forms of Democracy are beyond endangered. For those Politician's serve the interests of Foreign Powers, not those of their constituents. Whether they be those of other country's, or even those of a great deal of elitist, found within the ranks of the attendee's of the World Economic Forum. Regardless, their penetrating influences, that they so love to tout as part of their achievements, stretches forth and far, throughout our lands, and can be found throughout many Bureaucratic Institutions. That said, it's truly time for Elections Canada, to put a stop to these types of practices. For if any potential or current Candidates names are found to be, in any part associated with those types of Foreign Groups, those representative should be forbidden from ever attaining any nomination within any of our Democratic Institutions. Therefore, in order to truly represent, the Will of the People's of Canada. It's required, if not it's our duty, to vote in any election. And if it's known concerning these individuals, we should eject them from our places of law making. Moreover, if this is not achieved properly, then our democracy fails to live up to the expectations, of all our people's. For we can no longer allow any political party's to attain overwhelming powers, with just under, or even much less than 50% of the overall votes. While being influence, with such destructive manners, towards our people's. If you truly want political change in this country, then it's up to all of you, to Stand on Guard with Me, and bring out the voters. And that's regardless, of the vetted candidates anyone properly votes for, because that's what true democracy, is suppose to be about. Created by; Ex-Politician, Jeffrey E McCluskey219 views 3 comments -
Political Blues
Stand on Guard with MePolitical Blues Was a song I wrote, and use to perform, a great many years ago, prior to my involvement within the political arena within New Brunswick, as a Green Party Candidate for Moncton Centre in 2014. But has been slightly modified since then. I think it's a cute song, but there's no accounting for people's tastes. Anyways, Hopefully you can enjoy this song.111 views