Westworld Predictive Programming CRISPR Graphene Oxide Black Goo 5G Human Remote Control!
KimOsboelThis video shows and tell you exactly what the Agenda 2030 plan is for humanity. And all children.... What is the Nanotechnology CRISPR, Graphene Oxide, Dark Matter, Back Goo & 666 Mark of the Beast? Yeah, Trust the Fucking 'Science' right? [Documentary from January 20th, 2022, Reloaded, now with subtitles!] https://rumble.com/v4pf9n3-what-is-the-nanotechnology-crispr-graphene-oxide-dark-matter-back-goo-and-6.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/LwB3GBxS1S7G/ https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/what-is-the-nanotechnology-crispr https://t.me/KimOsboel/54146 https://t.me/Secret_history1/78161.88K views 2 comments -
Nicholson1968: Morgellons Hexagons Transhumanism The Spiritual Battle Extreme Censorship!
KimOsboelNote: Do you know What 'Morgellons' is? What is 'Morgellons'? (Links below) [10.04.2021] https://www.bitchute.com/video/tHSADQUXtFek/ Viktor's World: There are 'Morgellons' 'worms' in the masks (masks) [04/05/2021] (Danish) https://www.bitchute.com/video/9Nc96XMP43Vk/ Rapper B.O.B. What is 'Morgellons'? [28.09.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/fPasOrzMlJhb/ mRNA 'NANO-Tech Babies' are the new Transhuman Generation! Morgellons, Parasites on the Rise! https://www.bitchute.com/video/STGOFhDnkUTF/ https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=Morgellons&ia=web Showing 10 of 1775 matches https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=morgellons&kind=video&sort=views My shareed Nicholson1968 videos, Showing 10 of 31 matches. https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=kim%20osb%C3%B8l%20nicholson1968&kind=video&sort=views Date: Nicholson talks about Harald Kautz' presentation, which happened in 2015, so the video cannot be older than 2015. Nicholson1968 153K subscribers 211 videos You may see somethings you have never seen anywhere else on the internet here.Somethings may blow your mind and shock your world you live in,but thats what needs to happen to those asleep! HE WHO CONTROLS THE DNA,CONTROLS EVERYTHING! THE SECRET OF 666! This site is not about Anti-Jew,Anti-American,Anti-Christmas,Anti-Easter..its about Anti-Christ who is the real enemy! www.nicholson1968.com/ and 7 more links https://www.youtube.com/@nicholson1968 https://www.youtube.com/@DouseewhateyecBlogspot/videos https://rumble.com/c/c-1036954 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nicholson1968/ Source: Waking Gods Child 2.41K subscribers 1,396 views Jun 26, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TCPwpurqXg https://www.youtube.com/@WakingGodsChild https://www.youtube.com/@WakingGodsChild/videos1.96K views 3 comments