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Pedro DoAmaral: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 60]

8 videos
Updated 7 months ago
In this first ‘short story’ podcast, we discuss what we expect to see in the field of medicine and health in 2022. From artificial intelligence to peptides, Caspar Szulc and biomedical student Pedro DoAmaral (known for his insightful posts on Instagram under handle @thucydides__) cover what you should be excited about and be on the lookout for in the year to come.
  1. Short Story – What to Expect in 2022 with Pedro DoAmaral
  2. Is Cold Plasma Therapy the Next Big Thing in Medicine?
  3. The Future of AI and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
  4. What Will Supplements of the Future Look Like?
  5. What is the Right Amount of Stress for Our Bodies?
  6. Why Quality and Moderation is the Best Medicine
  7. Will 2022 Bring a Paleo Resurgence?
  8. Will the Truth About Fauci Finally Be Revealed in 2022?