EXPOSED PT 2: Fed Gov Involved in Multinational Money Laundering & Trafficking Ring, Shawn Taylor
Sarah WestallHelp keep Shawn Taylor and his family safe: https://www.givesendgo.com/StandWithShawn * Sign up for Substack at https://SarahWestall.Substack.com * Learn more or buy a LovePod at https://lovesatpods.ca/?ref=Sarahwestall * MasterPeace: Remove Heavy Metals including Graphene Oxide and Plastics at https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/my-account/uap/?ref=11308 * BodyAlign: Balance your body and energize your life at https://BodyAlign.com/sarah or at https://SarahWestall.com/shop * Investigator and former police chief, Shawn Taylor, joins the program in part 2 to discuss the money laundering and trafficking ring that has taken control of Arizona. It has corrupted the state's politics from the inside out resulting in unfathomable corruption affecting people throughout the country. Shawn Taylor's work along with Senator Mark Finchem and others will dismantle the corruption and it has put him in danger. Shawn needs our help. You can donate to keep him safe at https://www.givesendgo.com/StandWithShawn. You can support their important efforts at https://GoEFI.org or https://ElectionFairnessInstitute.org * MUSIC CREDITS: “In Epic World” by Valentina Gribanova, licensed for broad internet media use, including video and audio * Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. * Disclaimer: "As a journalist, I report what significant newsmakers are claiming. I do not have the resources or time to fully investigate all claims. Stories and people interviewed are selected based on relevance, listener requests, and by suggestions of those I highly respect. It is the responsibility of each viewer to evaluate the facts presented and then research each story further15.4K views 18 comments -
JamesRoguskihttps://MWGFD.org https://NotSafeAndNotEffective.com 310-619-3055787 views 2 comments -
NewsEvolution:"2025! Glad to Be Alive!!"Patty Greer, Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre
ExopoliticsTVNewsEvolution:"2025! Glad to Be Alive!!"Patty Greer, Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH NOW: https://rumble.com/v5xoyyk-newsevolution2025-glad-to-be-alivepatty-greer-laura-eisenhower-and-alfred-l.html639 views 8 comments -
Weather Warfare EMF moving to target us and our electronics. New diseases coming from the Vaxed!
michaelj53262 Week Only Show Specials: 3-Clay + 3 Oceans get 1 Kit Free! $120Value 3-Clay Free Intuitive Beets! $42 Value 4-Beets, Free Whole House EMF Harmonizer $80 Value 3-Intuistat, 1-Fermented Cardio NF, Free Intuitive Microbiome $45 value! Shop Intuitive Wellness Products to reverse the devastating effects of the vaccine impacts on cardiovascular, reproduction and greater potential for death at any time in history. Also increase overall health and resistance to all disease and inflammation. https://intuitivewellness.michaelkjaco.com/shop/?_gl=1*1la8ya0*_ga*NDU4NTI4NzI3LjE3MDgzMDM2ODI.*_ga_7YLK1Z11LP*MTcxMzk4ODIwMS4xOC4xLjE3MTM5ODkxODkuMC4wLjA. MEDI-BODY FX DETOX HOW TO VIDEO WITH INTUITIVE MEDI-BODY FX AND INTUITIVE OCEANS https://www.canva.com/design/DAGMEr6jCCo/uZ_ieqJ7rTqamYbqSpGx7A/watch?utm_content=DAGMEr6jCCo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor PREVIOUS FOOD DETOX HOW TO VIDEO WITH INTUITIVE ULTRA CLEANSE/INTUITIVE OCEANS https://www.canva.com/design/DAGEfWGVgqA/zKP_NPzlBzbuZQuhpKmtEg/watch?utm_content=DAGEfWGVgqA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor STOP!!! Don't use a cell phone without protection - 5G EMF is one of the TOP FIVE GREATEST HEALTH THREATS of our lifetime! 🚫📱 Watch real results!! See what our DNA thinks of nano graphene oxide and 5G super weapon & how Intuitive Warrior EMF Protection can help you and your family stay safe from EMF radiation! Don't risk your health—get your EMF protection now at https://emfintuitivewarrior.com/ INTUITIVE ULTRA CLEANSE/INTUITIVE OCEANS VIDEO ON DETOXING ALL FOODS: https://www.diseasediscoverychallenge.vip/food-dtox Denise Love LifeWave: https://www.lifewave.com/DeniseLoree38.1K views 156 comments -
Russia Becomes Safe Haven for Traditional Family Values
Greg Reese ReportGreg Reese Progressive Liberalism is an anti-human ideology https://gregreese.substack.com/ Russia is now officially offering safe haven for people trying to escape the anti-human agenda of modern day liberalism. Foreign nationals are now able to apply for temporary residence in Russia based on the rejection of their countries’ policies. Such as “destructive neoliberal ideals which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." Under this new immigration option, certain requirements will be waived, applicants will not have to prove knowledge of the Russian language, its history or its laws. The Russian Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as next month. In a recent interview with American journalist Charles Bausman in Moscow, it was discussed how many Russian Orthodox Christians believe an exodus to Russia is prophecy. “How did it turn out that this country, Russia, controls this enormous land mass, but it's only about 140 million people, and it's definitely not enough. You need like a billion people really to fill this large of a country, and it has the resources to support that kind of a population. And one of the things that some Christians say is, this is actually God's will that he left this giant country relatively empty with the idea that it would then be filled by people from all over the world who would come here and seek protection from the craziness that's happening, that seems to be taking over the West.” ~ Charles Bausman Tucker Carlson recently asked Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin, why he thinks the West is on the road to ruin. “I think that's when everything started. With individualism. When you identify individualism with the man, with the human nature, you cut all their relations to everything else. So individual, it was the key, and is still key concept, that was put in the center of liberal ideology. And after the fall of the Soviet Union, there was only liberalism. There were only two collective identities to liberate from. Liberation from gender. And that has led to transgenders, to LGBT, and a new form of sexual individualism. So sex is something optional. And the last step that is not yet totally made is liberation from human identity. Humanity optional. So you can choose your individual identity to be human, not to be human, and that has a name, transhumanism, post-humanism. To have the possibility to choose to be or not to be human. So classical liberalism was in favor of democracy. Democracy understood as the power of majority of consensus, of individual freedom, that should be combined somehow with the freedom of other. And now we have totally the next station already. The next phase. New liberalism. Now you are invited to liberate yourself from individuality. It is your duty to be a progressive. It is prescription. So liberalism fought during its history against any kind of prescription, and now, either be progressive liberal or you are done.” ~ Aleksandr Dugin “How do you explain this phenomenon I have noticed where for over 70 years a group of people in the West, in the United States, liberals, effectively defended the Soviet system and Stalinism. And many participated, personally participated in Stalinism. But in the year 2000, leadership of this country changed and Russia became their main enemy. Why the change?” ~ Tucker Carlson “I think that they have discovered, they have identified in Putin precisely what Putin is. So, he is a kind of leader, political leader, defending traditional values.” This hatred is not just casual, something casual or some mood. It is…” ~ Aleksandr Dugin Oh it's not casual. It's very serious.” ~ Tucker Carlson “It's metaphysical.” ~ Aleksandr Dugin Progressivism is the antithesis of traditional human values. The further one progresses on that path, the less human they become. Visit The Other Great Infowars Hosts and Shows: Alex Jones Show: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379862 Owen Shroyer of War Room: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379882 Harrison Smith of American Journal: https://rumble.com/c/c-23798924.59K views 8 comments -
Former Illuminati Leo Zagami on Middle East and Russia/Ukraine tensions.
michaelj5326Leo Zagami Website:http://leozagami.com https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Illuminati-10-Freemasonry-Societies-ebook/dp/B0D4MS84SF?ref_=ast_author_mpb Michael Jaco LANDING PAGE for people to get a "FREE" precious metals consultation with Dr. Kirk Elliott: https://www.kepm.com Special Discount in the Intuitive Wellness Store 1. Spend $500 in the store get $79.97 Ultra Cleanse and $69.97 EMF Harmonizer both for free! ($160 Value) added to your order. 2. Buy 3 Beet get Intuitive Immunity Free. ($22 Value) Added to your order. Shop Intuitive Wellness Products to reverse the devastating effects of the vaccine impacts on cardiovascular, reproduction and greater potential for death at any time in history. Also increase overall health and resistance to all disease and inflammation. https://intuitivewellness.michaelkjaco.com/shop/?_gl=1*1la8ya0*_ga*NDU4NTI4NzI3LjE3MDgzMDM2ODI.*_ga_7YLK1Z11LP*MTcxMzk4ODIwMS4xOC4xLjE3MTM5ODkxODkuMC4wLjA. STOP!!! 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Truth Social: Michael Jaco Twitter: @michaeljaco9 Telegram: https://t.me/unleashingintuitionsecrets TicToc: https://www.tiktok.com/@michaeljaco Podcast Channels: iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0... Podbean - https://michaelkjaco.podbean.com Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7pWLzHj... Amazon Music/Audible - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/684... Michaelkjaco Website - https://michaelkjaco.com/podcasts/50.7K views 86 comments -
Bill Gates: Confirmed Psychopath
Just News - updated regulary - ohne ZensurBill Gates: Confirmed Psychopath190 views -
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Tribunals of the US Military - Covers all of the Tribunals held at GITMO from 2018 - 2021
GitmoTV - TRIBUNALS for JUSTICEVideo Credit #DigitalSoldierPress 🔥 20 January - 8 February 2021 - Hangman at WASHINGTON D.C >> Military District >> foreign SOIL= GITMO --->>> https://rumble.com/v45skqu-20-january-8-februari-2021-hangman-at-washington-d.c-military-district-fore.html - 🔥 5:5 HOW TRAITORS & PEDO CRIMINALS HAVE END - LAST RATS ARE NEXT ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1jspx5-55-how-traitors-and-pedo-criminals-end.html - 🔥 A Thousand Pieces - Exposing the top down corruption within the CIA & FBI 🔥 --->>> https://rumble.com/v1w5cbe--a-thousand-pieces-exposing-the-top-down-corruption-within-the-cia-and-fbi.html - TRANSITION TO MILITARY POWER, WASHINGTON D.C SEIZED - LAW OF WAR IN FULL QPERATION MODE --->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/29857 - WASHINGTON D.C WAS NOT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. - 93 SENATORS EXECUTED for 🔥🔥🔥TREASON🔥🔥🔥 Senators voted to certify fraudulent Election of the Presidency --->>>> https://rumble.com/v4is2xb-for-treason-executed.html - EMPIRE OF THE CITY - WASHINGTON D.C >>> FOREIGN SOIL AND NOT AMERICA... --->>> https://t.me/GESARAandNESARA/13289 ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER: NUREMBERG CODE ACTIVE DEATH PENALTY FOR >>HIGH CRIMES >>TREASON >>CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY supported by https://t.me/GitmoTV https://t.me/TRIBUNALSforJUSTICE14.9K views 46 comments -
💥 Mar 15 2024 - Lindell U.S. Supreme Court Case Details Released > Attorney & Navy SEAL Kurt Olsen
Juan O Savin SITREP* Supreme Court Case Filed * Kurt Olsen Breaks Down The Evidence In The Petition To The U.S. Supreme Court * Investigators Found Plain Text Encryption Keys In The Machine Databases Via An Open Records Request * Read The Case http://LindellPlan.com Mike Lindell > X/Twitter https://twitter.com/realMikeLindell Kurt Olsen > Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@KurtOlsen Real America's Voice > The War Room https://americasvoice.news https://americasvoice.news/playlists/show/the-war-room55.6K views 77 comments