North Devon UK Playlist gatfer
40 videos
Updated 1 month ago
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St Anne's Chapel. Saunton. North Devon
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyA chapel, dedicated to St. Anne. mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the patron Saint of Seafarers4 views -
Braunton Marshes Virtual Tour 2023
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyDuring the years 1809-1810 the lords of the respective manors consulted with other owners of grazing rights and it was agreed to enclose the area with sea defenses to gain permanent pasture. An act of parliament permitting enclosure received Royal assent in 1811. By 1815 the enclosure and drainage had been completed. In 2017 nature began to claim it back. In 2017 the Horsey Island sea wall was breached at the culvert allowing sea water in. Since then, this breach has grown considerably huge and Horsey Island is now flooded twice per day by each incoming tide. As a result the whole Horsey Island grassland has been replaced by mudflats. The remaining outer sea wall bank is rapidly being destroyed to the point that little will be left of it ... which will leave the inner defense bank very vulnerable to the same erosion by the sea. It is only common sense to see that it is only a question of a short time before the inner bank is also breached by the sea and then vaste areas south of Braunton will be flooded by sea water including Braunton Marshes and Braunton Great Field. ... Hence the very reason for this video to record how it was so magnificent for future generations. website https://www.northdevonuk.co.uk/history/index.html27 views -
1987 BBC documentary - Barnstaple to Lynton railway - Part.2
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry Lamprey1987 BBC documentary - Barnstaple to Lynton railway - Part.21 view -
Lost Horizons - wind arrays now being planned all around the country.
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyCOPY by Larry Lamprey. 2012. Steve Crowther talks to people who are concerned about the huge new wind arrays now being planned all around the country and especially the giant "Atlantic Array" between the North Devon and South Wales coasts.5 views -
Braunton Bulb Farm1960s
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyThe Bulb Farm was run by Seymour Cobley Ltd from 1923 to 1969 on land beside the Braunton Great Field. About the original video ... The filmmaker is George Thompson of Woolacombe and the Braunton Bulb Farm was situated at Sandy Lane and owned by Seymour Cobley Ltd. The man at the beginning of the film wearing a Braunton cap and cycle clips is the man in charge of the greenhouses John Ackland, dipping the bulbs is Bill Baglole, the man loading the boxes is Alan Lamphrey, tractor driver Fred Hussell, lorry driver Harold Allen and another tractor driver Jim 'Jazzy' Patterson. All feature in this charming film. About The Bulb Farm ... The farm grew a variety of flowers from bulbs for the cut flower market. Daffodils, tulips, iris and gladioli made their way to markets all over the world, including Covent Garden in London. The firm employed up to 140 men, women and boys, who helped pack 30,000 flowers per week into boxes that were then loaded onto trains at Braunton station. The Bulb Farm ceased trading in 1969.5 views -
Roland Dibble
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyRoland Dibble. Local farmer and Braunton Marsh Inspector.4 views -
Roland Dibble. Braunton Marsh Outlet Drain
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyThe main drain outlet where the flood breach later occured3 views -
Boat Stories: Salmon Netting on the Taw & Torridge - North Devon
North Devon UK. Rumble Channel by Larry LampreyOnce upon a time almost everyone living by the Taw or Torridge in North Devon had access to a boat and tried to catch salmon. Licenses were introduced in the 1800s but for various reasons salmon numbers continued to dwindle. In 2002 the riparian owners (the rods men) offered to buy out the remaining nets men on the estuary for £10,000 each. Only three boats refused the money and continued to fish. Watch this story, told by 84 year old Stephen Taylor and his wife Sheila, documenting a traditional method of fishing which may soon disappear forever. Filmed & edited by Simon Vacher. Music by Becki Driscoll & Nick Wyke (English Fiddle) Directed & produced by Jo Stewart-Smith www.boatstories.co.uk www,northdevonmovingimage.org.uk7 views