Alex Jones breaks down his visit to the Bohemian Grove
PepeLivesMatterAlex Jones breaks down his visit to the Bohemian Grove. Why are our politicians, celebrities, businessmen, and powerful figures gathering around a Moloch statue performing occult rituals in secrecy in the woods? "I start walking...And, oh my gosh, there's the pond and there's the owl... And so they mixed in Babylon, druidic Canaanite, Faustian stuff…they bring out a horse that's horse drawn with the effigy of a child. They call the goddess to come. They call these other gods to come. So it's kind of an amalgamation. Like the Bible says of all these religions, they then put the child there on the effigy. I was sitting there in the crowd thinking, you know they're not taking this really seriously as it was starting I said this is just fun because I haven't seen the whole ritual yet and and I had that time to go back and look what they were actually saying. But there were a lot of the men in the crowd when the light was on their faces of the torches right by me going…*breathing heavily* And this is some billionaire you know you could tell And I was recognizing a lot of them but you know I know that guy I know that guy but you couldn't place him And some of these really rich powerful people and they were I saw I was looking around the light because I'm there at the back There's a few behind me And in front of me I'm looking at their faces. And I'm like whoa. It's basically…the oldest story that he was due over and over again I mean you have in the you know time of Abraham God's saying go get me a ram and sacrifice it because that was food. That was meat. That was a big deal to give this up. And to say God is number one. And then God says give me your son actually to see if you'll go all the way and then the angel stops him. And if you look at every culture and society, that's basically where sacrifice comes from. So this is more of what they did, in ancient England and in Europe with the sin eaters, where a person had died they would put a piece of bread on their stomach. And then but have someone come in that would eat it who was willing to take their sin. So instead of Christ taking on our sins as the ultimate sacrifice, they put the sins on the effigy of a child, and then it begs for its life. And they say no For the next year, our cares are gone All of our problems are put on this and then these men that are taking it serious... I'm looking at them and they were trying to transmute their problems onto this ritual to have you reap what your sow or karma However they see it pass over them and be put into this effigy…that they then burn. And it was very hardcore. They said this is going back to four thousand years ago in Egypt and walking right through all these different Moloch, all these different gods. But it's a story of can he at the end escape the devil? And so they're saying no we do know and we are foul so we're being the devil So it was a very sophisticated very dark…"12.3K views 4 comments