Dr. explains the permanent damage to the heart, lung, brain and spinal chord
UtterfluxA Dr. explains, in detail, the permanent damage to the heart, lung, brain and spinal chord from all the Covid Vaccines.20 views -
Covid Vaccine Spike Protein In Many Organs
ProgressiveTruthSeekersCovid Vaccine Spike Protein In Many Organs April 16, 2023 Dr. John Campbell Post vaccine, post mortem blood clots. Formed after death (incompatible with life). Blood from a living patient with acute peripheral circulation ischaemia, (after cooling the blood sample). Might be a consolidation of proteins previously dissolved in the blood. Relatives turning to pathologists March 2022 onwards, suspecting deaths might be vaccine caused. A disturbing and very complex histological picture, 15 pathologic studies in the series so far, found patterns that can be attributed to vaccinations. Methods Involved a range of other analytical specialists. We have a toxicological problem before us. Things have been overlooked in the past. There is a poison at work which is produced in the body, which means we must look of it in the tissues. Infection has been excluded. Methodology test We have proved that spike protein in produced in the muscle it is injected into. We are able now to prove that this can occur I almost all cells and organs the body. Diffuse endothelialitis Endo thelial itis Active spike protein produced in adipose tissue Clustering around capillary endothelium (Biopsy from living patient, 8 months post vaccine) Left, swollen blood vessels with SP, right, brown stained SP with obliterative vasculitis. Damage to vascular endothelium, thrombogenic exposure. Foreign bodies in the lungs but not in the alveoli. Also FBs found in the spleen, pancreas, heart. Probably FBs are cholesterol. Cholesterol released from atheromatous plaques, accumulation of protein, amyloid like deposits, found in tissues including the brain. Original: https://youtu.be/kEE5OfiVS7o = Subscribe to Dr. John Campbell: https://www.youtube.com/@Campbellteaching Free poster and book downloads: https://drjohncampbell.co.uk1.17K views 3 comments -
All mRNA Vaccines will cause harm - Prof. Dr. Bhakdi
mwgfdIn a interdiciplinary symposium, the internationally renowned scientist and virologist, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, makes an emphatic appeal to his medical colleagues all over the world: „Stop giving mRNA-vaccines! Go back to your books and remember the basics of infectiology! The immune system must not be trained by vaccines, it trains itself from birth on!“ In his statement, Dr. Bhakdi executes in a very illustrated way the difference between the development of antibodies as a natural response by immune cells after a disease or infection and the immunological processes that occur after a vaccination. Besides, he provides detailed information on the fact what happens in the body when the cells get in contact with mRNA-serums, like immune deficiency and damage of heart, liver, brain or endothelial cells. The pharmaceutical company Biontech Pfizer has been unknown until the end of year 2019 and then became, in lightning speed, the main producer of the Covid-19 vaccine. Dr. Bhakdi can proof in unequivocal documents that this company obviously didn’t do all preclinical studies and, therefore, the results were not sufficent. Nevertheless, Biontech Pfizer convinced the German Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and other authorities to go on with clinical studies. The brisance of the fact based information cannot be ignored any longer from medical scientists and doctors. Otherwise they would admit that it seems that they may have forgotten what they have once learnt at university… In einem interdisziplinären Symposium richtet der international renommierte Wissenschaftler und Virologe, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, einen eindringlichen Appell an seine medizinischen Kollegen weltweit: „Hört auf, mRNA-Impfstoffe zu verabreichen! Kehrt zurück zu euren Büchern und erinnert euch an die Grundlagen der Infektionslehre! Das Immunsystem braucht keine Impfungen, um trainiert zu werden!“ In seinem Statement führt Bhakdi nicht nur anschaulich den Unterschied der Bildung von Antikörpern aufgrund einer Infektion im Vergleich zu den immunologischen Vorgängen nach einer Impfung aus, sondern er erklärt darüber hinaus sehr ausführlich, wie die Injektion eines mRNA-Impfstoffes nachhaltig das Immunsystem schwächt und die Zellen in Blutgefäßen, Leber, Herz oder Gehirn schädigt. Dass das bis Ende 2019 völlig unbekannte Pharmaunternehmen BioNtech offensichtlich das Zulassungsverfahren für Impfstoffe abgekürzt und wesentliche Ergebnisse in präklinischen Studien gar nicht abgewartet hat, sondern gleich in die klinische Phase übergegangen ist, während des deutsche Paul-Ehrlich-Institut und andere offizielle Stellen darüber informiert waren, belegt Bhakdi anhand eindeutiger Dokumente. Die Brisanz der faktenbasierten Informationen können Ärzte und Wissenschaftler nicht länger ignorieren, legen sie doch damit offen, dass sie das, was sie einst an der Universität gelernt haben, anscheinend vergessen haben…40K views 33 comments -
Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Lynnette Milakovich (COVID-19 Vaccine & Brain Damage)
BradonaDr. Peter McCullough Interviews Lynnette Milakovich (COVID-19 Vaccine & Brain Damage)1.05K views 1 comment -
Covid Vaccines, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped.
Patriot Post 📣😎🇺🇸U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing all sorts of harm in the body. CDC, FDA misinformation causing death and injury.455 views -
Doctors Speak Out Against the Covid Vaccine
MystromixU.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing all sorts of harm in the body. CDC, FDA misinformation causing death and injury.90 views -
U.S. Doctors Warn the World, STOP TAKING TOXIC, LETHAL COVID Vaccines
Truths Unlimited🚨 BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines, they are #toxic, #lethal, ineffective & must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus, causing all sorts of harm in the body. CDC, FDA misinformation causing #death and injury. Join 👉🏻 @HarveyRisch https://t.me/HarveyRisch/1902.59K views 3 comments