BEZOS KISSES THE RING: Amazon’s Billionaire CEO Goes to Mar-a-Lago/Attorney Buzbee – of ‘Diddy’ Alleged Victims’ Lawsuits – Accuses Jay-Z of Using ‘Shadowy Operatives’ with ‘Fake Badges’ to Harass Clients Into Suing His Firm/Top Aide t
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(BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, "Do your due diligence!") War Castles: Masonic System of Global Command & Control ~ Sergeant Robert L Horton
Truths UnlimitedSERGEANT ROBERT LEROY HORTON (US ARMY CIVIL AFFAIRS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS COMMAND) trained US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES GREEN BERETS – explains how Russell Jay Gould and David Winn Miller saved our Republic in 1999. Most of you will find this very interesting, enjoy! SERGEANT MAJOR’S TRUTHER INFO [MeWe] https://mewe.com/join/sergeantmajorstrutherinfo [Spreely] https://www.spreely.com/page/SergeantMajorsTrutherInfo [Gab] https://gab.com/Sergeant_Major [Bitchute] https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sergeant-major/ [Brighteon] https://www.brighteon.com/channels/sergeantmajor [UGETube] https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@SERGEANT%20MAJORS%20TRUTHER%20INFO [OurTube] https://ourtube.co.uk/@SGMs_Truther_Info [NewTube] https://newtube.app/user/SGMs_TRUTHER_INFO [BrandNewTube] https://brandnewtube.com/@SergeantMajor [Lbry] https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@SergeantMajor’sTrutherInfo#21f9aff7cc7c7903e1554b8ca3134badae40e9eb Note: The SERGEANT MAJOR’S TRUTHER INFO group with 33,500 members was deleted by FaceBook/Government on 01/24/20. The SERGEANT MAJOR’S TRUTHER INFO channel with 50,000 subscribers was deleted by YouTube/Government on 02/14/20. “The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 – Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 – governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 – the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 – Spirituality and Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 – this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions.” — Sergeant Major The Act of 1871 created the USA Corporation, Trump is trying to bring back the Replublic of the USA and the stage is set. How it plays out is not clear to us therefore not clear to the Deep State. https://www.diannaploss.com/articles/sergeant-robert-horton-war-castles-overview https://unshackledminds.com/war-castles-understanding-the-deep-state-shipping-banking-wars-the-significance-of-robert-j-gould/ LEGALLY DEAD - LOST AT SEA - MARITIME LAW A must-see about the future of all people on this planet. WE ARE ALL UNDER THE LAW OF THE SEA & "LOST/ DEAD AT SEA" (Maritime Admiralty Law) Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller saved our Republic in 1999. https://youtu.be/Ct6PfOLqrH0 ***** This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credits, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video. https://youtu.be/Qv0QG63ORkA Fair Use Notice: Use the information found in the videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions. Creative Commons Public Licenses: Under the following terms; Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode7.67K views 11 comments -
SCOTT MCKAY AND RICCARDO BOSI – One of the best interviews in my opinion – Teymara
Teymara IncWARNING - SENSITIVE MATERIAL SHARED – ADULT VIEWING ONLY X39 patches purchased at www.Lifewave.com/Teymara Book a reading with Teymara: https://www.teymara.com/insightsessions First time 2hr reading session discount for followers $380AU Updated 1hr $250 AU Basic reading session 1hr $250 AU Bookings made at Teymara.com Click on the red square on the homepage. If you wish a face to face session with Teymara at her Melbourne or Daylesford office please call 0467 097 281 Follow Teymara: www.instagram.com/teymarainc www.twitter.com/teymarainc telegram: www.t.me/teymara_inc8.27K views 119 comments -
MESSAGE TO THE U.S INC - MUST LISTEN - message the US Corporation,founded 1871 by the Rothschilds & repto gang
QspecialForcesVideo Credit #DavidLesterStraight - THANK YOU TRUTH WARRIOR! EMPIRE OF THE CITY - WASHINGTON D.C >>> FOREIGN SOIL AND NOT AMERICA... - NOT USA > WASHINGTON D.C - MILITARY - NOT ENGLAND > CITY OF LONDON > FINANCE - NOT ITALY > VATICAN > RELIGION BUT WAS THE MAIN HQ OF SATAN... --->>> https://rumble.com/v4cvteb-empire-of-the-3-cities-states-washington-d.c-foreign-soil-and-not-america...html - YOU ARE NO POW ANYMORE BABYLON HAS FALL3N What was babylon.. —>>> https://rumble.com/v1ovouf-empire-of-the-city-city-of-london-vatican-and-dc-exposed.html - FLASHBACK 🔥 Q for Anons reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2fxpbi-q-and-anons-reveals-vatican-rothschild-reptilian-connection-behind-the-deep.html - ⚡️🔥ENJOY THE SHOW 🔥⚡️ CIA DIRECTOR'S CUT - NEW UNSEEN CLIPS - HERE'S A RARE LOOK BEHING THE CURTAIN THAT WILL AID YOU IN BEING ABLE TO SEE - THINGS THAT OCCUR IN OUR SOCIETY IN A CLEAR LIGHT WITH SCRUTINY - IT'S ALL A SHOW WHERE THE WHOLE WORLD IS A STAGE - MAY THIS DOCUMENTARY GIVE YOU EYES TO SEE & EARS TO HEAR --->>> https://rumble.com/v1xfkpg-enjoy-the-show-directors-cut.html - 💥💥 MOAB 💥💥Evidence linking the UK and many other governments to child trafficking Satanic Ritual abuse --->>> https://rumble.com/v4s9slb-evidence-linking-the-uk-and-many-other-governments-to-child-trafficking-sat.html - HIGH CRIMES, TREASON & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY CAUSES EXECUTION - PERIOD! --->>> https://rumble.com/v1jspx5-55-how-traitors-and-pedo-criminals-end.html - KILLUMINATI PART 1 & 2 - THE NEW NAZI WORLD ORDER --->>> https://rumble.com/v1m5hju--killuminati-part-1-and-2-the-new-nazi-world-order.html - CONNECT THE DOTS >>>> NAZIS = ZIONISTS = BOLSHEVIKS = MARXISTS = COMMUNISTS = PEDO >>>>>> KHAZARIAN SATANISTS - 🔥In The Name of Zion🔥 ( Full Documentary ) - ALL PARTS >>> ✡️ Part 1/9 - The Rothschild Declaration. https://rumble.com/v31jymm-in-the-name-of-zion-full-documentary-part-19-the-rothschild-declaration..html ✡️ Part 2/9 - The Wrong Enemy! https://rumble.com/v31k66u-in-the-name-of-zion-full-documentary-part-2-of-9-the-wrong-enemy.html ✡️ Part 3/9 - The Six Million. https://www.brighteon.com/7225f1b9-112f-4630-a568-7c521c09df88 ✡️ Part 4/9 - The Danger of Democracy. https://rumble.com/v31ktey-in-the-name-of-zion-part-4-of-9-the-danger-of-democracy.html ✡️ Part 5/9 - The Way of Deception. https://rumble.com/v31l42e-in-the-name-of-zion-part-5-of-9-the-way-of-deception.html ✡️ Part 6/9 - The War of Terror. https://rumble.com/v31l9qk-in-the-name-of-zion-part-69-the-war-of-terror.html ✡️ Part 7/9 - The Highest Art of Warfare. https://rumble.com/v31nwf6-in-the-name-of-zion-part-77-of-9-the-highest-art-of-warfare.html ✡️ Part 8/9 - The Great Replacement. https://rumble.com/v31o6e4-in-the-name-of-zion-part-89-the-great-replacement.html ✡️ Part 9/9 - The Jew World Order https://rumble.com/v31o80u-in-the-name-of-zion-part-99-the-jew-world-order.html ———————————————— CONNECT THE DOTS >>> Zionist Jews = KHAZARIAN SATANISTS Behind WW1 & WW2 ---->>> https://www.brighteon.com/418ee562-6e1c-456e-96b2-31477800abcd - How Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, in conversation with Tony Greenstein --->>> https://rumble.com/v316lvw-how-zionists-collaborated-with-the-nazis-in-conversation-with-tony-greenste.html - MUST VIDEOS >>>>>> 🔥 Khazarian Mafia: SATANISTS - CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters PART 1 of 2 ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v4cmd4r-khazarian-mafia-satanists-cannibals-adrenochrome-and-the-god-eaters-part-1-.html - 🔥 PART 2 - Khazarian Mafia: CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4bzuzo-khazarian-mafia-the-god-eaters-part-2-of-2.html - 🔥 THE JEWISH CRUCIFIXION OF RUSSIA - THE DARK TRUTH ABOUT THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION --->>> https://www.brighteon.com/cad8e43a-7fb7-4e50-b29f-a7fab0bbf462 - 🔥 THE KNIGHTS OF ZION (2019 FULL DOCUMENTARY) --->>> https://www.brighteon.com/a0909e27-26a8-4bc3-9954-3fd391e84697 - WELCOME TO THE TWILIGHT ZONE - THE CIA RELEASED DOCUMENTS ADMITTING THAT HUMANITY IN THE WORLD ARE LIVING IN A SIMULATION - EVERYTHING THEY TOLD US WAS A BIG FAT LIE - WELCOME TO THE TWILIGHT ZONE --->>> https://rumble.com/v1os356--welcome-to-the-twilight-zone-.html15.5K views 53 comments