Jon Stewart Unleashes on MSM Late Show
Uncensored StormWhen the truth starts hitting mainstream media. The not-so-funny-truth told funny to make it palatable for the unbelieving public. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** MSM has begun red pulling. #ncswic48 views -
CNN Said Trump's Speech Did Not Draw Crowd...
Uncensored StormCNN said hardly anyone showed up at Trump's speech. Looks full to me & no one had to be paid to show up. No trucks sitting between people to help fill the empty spaces either to give the illusion of volume. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #fakenews #cnn62 views 2 comments -
Who Shook the Jar?
Uncensored StormMany have seen this already, but just in case, I thought I'd put it on here. It's a very short, simple way to understand who is the "bad guy" in all of the chaos; black vs white, women vs men, vaxed vs unvaxed, Republican vs Democrat, etc.. >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com #divideandconquer #therealenemy #politicians #msm **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **74 views -
MSM - You're Watching a Movie...So. Many. Actors.
Uncensored StormDeception, brought to you by the main stream media. Don't trust MSM! #msm #alllies **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** ---------75 views -
Media Blackout is Happening Now w/o Many Realizing It!
Uncensored StormMedia Blackout is Happening Now without People Even Realizing It! Do YOU know what's happening in Australia, Canada, France, any other country? Dig for #truth! **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #greatawakening #wakeup #thestormishere272 views 1 comment -
CNN Caught with their Fake News Coverage during Gulf War
Uncensored StormAll "News" on TV is fake and has been for a long time. Wake up to the mockingbird media. #cnn pretending they're in #iraq #saudiarabia #gulfwar **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **556 views 3 comments -
BBC Interview w/ Former LEO Regarding Chauvin Trial
Uncensored StormThe BBC got a former black police officer on to discuss Chauvin's convictions, they clearly weren't expecting the truth bombs and ended the interview prematurely. >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com11 views -
JOE: Oh, Joe. CGI Joe. MSNBC "News" 3.16.21
Uncensored StormOops! This aired on MSNBC yesterday.. Don't tell me mainstream media is honest! C'mon, man! 😆 BUSTED! **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #fakepresident #fakenews #watchingamovie #nothingisreal #fakepotus108 views -
More from CNN Director...
Uncensored StormMore undercover footage from. CNN Director, Charlie Chester, recognizing the narrative that we've known for so long...WATCH **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #exposecnn #msmlies #dosomething #bebrave #projectveritas24 views -
BREAKING! CNN Director ADMITS in 'Propaganda to Remove Trump'
Uncensored StormBREAKING: Part 1 - CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency … ‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because I Wanted to Be a Part of That’ **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **42 views