this is the plan. it's biblical!!!
1 video
Updated 2 months ago
and with this, Hollywood is on fire, 3 earthquakes today, Zuckerberg getting rid of fact checkers... God is good, all the time. thank Q to our Creator and all serving the people
QspecialForcesANON: If you google the address of Canada corp you can even find the D.C. address about 6 pages in - this is true....Also read the USMCA (section 27 is best) USMCA + EO13848 = United States of America. **** I always wondered/assumed Mexico included, and suddenly is talking about Mexico similarly, even note Trump's speech today and the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. - ... And why does Elon say America will liberate Britain? This is mind-blowing...🔥🔥🔥 - https://x.com/davidjsorensen/status/1876422236414079293?s=09 - On Jul 14, 2018, Trump seized Great Britain under EO13848 for election interference. Like Trudeau stepping down today (removed) in Canada, also seized, Starmer is a hostile foreign invader holding Britain under coup & has to be removed. - DJT's EXECUTIVE ORDERS >>> EXECUTIVE ORDER 13912, Donald Trump Federalizes The National Guard and Reserves to Active Duty. -->>> https://rumble.com/v4f78y6-executive-order-13912-donald-trump-federalizes-the-national-guard-and-reser.html > 13818 > ● Confiscated private and corporate assets > ● Seized the NYSE > ● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption. > human trafficking >>> 13848 > ● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States > choice >>> 13959 > ● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence > Khazarian assets confiscated > ● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed > ○ 13818, 13848 and 13959 > ● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control! > ● DS money will be used up quickly > ● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.) > ● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead > ● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks > ● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets > ● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas > GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act > ● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11 > ● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world > ● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods > ● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities > ● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea > ● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments > ● World peace for 1,000 years > ● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth > ● Gold Standard! > ● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy > ● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices > ● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth > ● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) >> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/27808 ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER: NUREMBERG CODE ACTIVE DEATH PENALTY FOR >>HIGH CRIMES >>TREASON >>CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY >>>> EXECUTIVE ORDER 13912, Donald Trump Federalizes The National Guard and Reserves to Active Duty. -->>> https://rumble.com/v4f78y6-executive-order-13912-donald-trump-federalizes-the-national-guard-and-reser.html8.97K views 88 comments