The Other Israel: The Whole Story of the Zionist Conspiracy
Dustin NemosThis documentary was created in 1987. A lot of these documentaries will feel redundant, but I have learned something new from every single one of them. This one came out quite awhile ago and was trying to warn us of what we are dealing with now. The only Jew that I can think of that may be possibly good is one that is biologically Jewish but chose to denounce Judaism. Unfortunately, one of the tasks to be a Freemason is to become a Catholic priest. Catholicism was one of the first religions that they infiltrated. They pretty much reside in the Vatican today, as well as Ukraine and Israel. I am fairly certain they have empires under the ground, possibly even at the bottom of the sea. They have a long history of this, and we continue to allow them to recover from defeat then try and take over the world again. Why haven’t we learned yet? Perhaps with the internet we will be able to catalogue their crimes and not forget what they have done. We have to relearn everything we were taught to figure this out. We have had to rely on friends, family and comrades to inform us of missing logic that was not included in our history books. We have had to depend on each other to expose this enemy and try to knock them back down again. Jews chose to only acknowledge the old testament, because it writes positively of their people and even names them as God’s chosen people. The new testament exiles them for their sins, but they never mention that part. It also says in Revalation 3:9 that they are the Şƴńơgőgưe of Śåţăń. I think by witnessing the ruins they have left in their wake of every civilization they’ve been allowed to occupy, we can understand why that is. Unfortunately, many Christians firmly believe they are God’s chosen people and they must be unconditionally defended. If the gentiles knew what was written in the Talmud, they would never allow them to become their neighbors in any case. They are permitted to lie to the Goy, which means swearing on a Bible in court doesn’t mean anything to them. The Talmud permits them to murder a goy without consquence. They can steal from the goy. If you think about it, it appears that everything written in the Talmud or Torah interchangeably is in direct opposition to what is written in the Bible. Like it was written to insult and purposefully oppose the laws that God had placed for us in order to live decent lives. They target every commandment and make a rule that violates it. It is all intentional. Watch this documentary and allow it to make you angry. They justify pęđóphįłįā using their book. What was said in the Torah/Talmud was never to be written down, because if we knew what was written in it, we would kįll them on sight. This comes from them directly. However, the Torah was written down some time after Christ’s death, and now we know how awful it really is. They were only allowed to spread the Talmud by word, this was a very important rule and i think now we know why. Source: @Mophobian https://x.com/Mophobian Video Source: Searching for the truth https://rumble.com/c/c-6661389 On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) Sleepy Joe Sleep Aid https://redpillliving.com/sleep If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... 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