RealAmericasVoice‘The Steve Gruber Show’ with your host Steve Gruber is your morning source for common sense commentary on the important news and issues of the day. Watch weekdays at 6:00 AM EST. Visit show archive: https://americasvoice.news/playlists/show/the-steve-gruber-show/ LISTEN TO RAV ON ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST PLATFORMS: https://americasvoice.news/podcast-platforms/ 🚨SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SUBSTACK: https://realamericasvoice.substack.com/subscribe 🔥GET YOUR RAV GEAR: https://realamericasvoice.launchcart.store/ 🔗VISIT RAV NETWORK LINKS: https://linktr.ee/realamericasvoice 📢JOIN OUR COMMUNITY: https://ravsocial.locals.com4.22K views 1 comment -
The Coup Against America: FBI & Democrats Caught Protecting Illegals!
The Crypto RealmThere’s a coup happening in America! Democratic politicians are defying presidential orders to deport illegal immigrants, warning criminals about ICE raids. Border czar Tom Homan says those aiding illegals will face prosecution. Investigations point to the FBI leaking intel on upcoming deportations. America is being drained of its wealth and resources—who's really in control? Stay informed and stand up for your rights! #ImmigrationCrisis #BorderSecurity #IllegalImmigration #DeepState #ICE #TomHoman #FBI #PoliticalCorruption #AmericaFirst #BreakingNews The Lord Rebuke You Shirts. 15% Of Sales Go To Charity https://eternityoflight-shop.fourthwall.com 💲Crypto Exchanges Coinbase North Americas Most Trusted Crypto Exchange https://coinbase.com/join/TR4QRX8?src=referral-link Crypto.com Use my referral link https://crypto.com/app/rqfyfc3k2w to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get bonus :) Newton A Great Canadian Crypto Exchange Use my referral link to sign up with Newton, and we'll both earn $25 when you trade over $100! https://web.newton.co/r/A5W9U2 🚨CRYPTO HARDWARE WALLET LEDGER https://shop.ledger.com/?r=0623129b4c5b81 views 2 comments -
MAID: Why the Government Wants You to Kill Yourself - Kelsi Sheren
Asher PressKelsi Sheren is a former Canadian Artillery Gunner, coach, author, host of The Kelsi Sheren Perspective and a TEDx Speaker. 00:00 Introduction 01:06 What is M.A.I.D? 14:23 How do they justify euthanising children? 16:40 Augusta Precious Metals advert 18:15 How can you euthanise people for just being depressed? 21:31 What do we do with people who are genuinely seriously mentally unwell? 26:10 Electro-shock therapy 29:21 M.A.I.D is a self reporting system with no safeguards 33:57 Palliative care 37:02 Shopify advert 38:20 Is cost saving the reason this is being pushed? 46:12 Government overspending 49:44 How much of this is to do with ideology? 51:15 MUD/WTR advert 52:44 What are people doing to push back? 58:11 They're trying to kill as many people as possible 01:03:57 What's the thing we're not talking about that we should be? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBgh-yxZtzY443 views -
Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying Chemtrails to Incite Civil War in America
RAVriesExplosive footage from a courageous whistleblower pilot has captured undeniable evidence of a chemtrails operation funded by none other than Bill Gates. This footage shows a plane dumping massive amounts of mind-altering and mood-controlling substances over New York just days after the presidential election. . At the same time, an insider from the World Economic Forum warns that the elite are ramping up this so-called “chemtrails agenda” across the U.S., with plans to manipulate public sentiment, stir unrest, and even ignite civil conflict. . But this time, their plans are unraveling, as whistleblowers step forward with one mission: to expose and dismantle the operation. . The tides are turning. People around the world are waking up - and we’ve got allies in high places. One thing’s certain: the elites are desperate, and the will do anything to avoid facing justice for their crimes. 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary - By Dane Wigington https://rumble.com/v1uxtde-the-dimming-geoengineering-documentary-by-dane-wiggington.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: NWO EXTINCTION THREAT: What’s the most effective way to exterminate a population? STARVATION! What’s the only undetectable way to force a famine? WEATHER CONTROL! -- HAARP -- We Can Change WEATHER, Cause HURRICANES, Droughts, Floods, Earthquakes https://rumble.com/v5hs6d8-extinction-threat-whats-the-most-effective-way-to-exterminate-a-population-.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: "These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington | Redacted w Clayton Morris | Link to The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary & other documentaries below in the description box https://rumble.com/v5i6kcd-these-hurricanes-are-controlled-we-have-the-proof-dane-wigington-redacted-w.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: WHY THESE TOWERS CAN NUKE AN ENTIRE COUNTRY - WEAPONIZED CELL TOWER FEATURES LARGE KILL RADIUS https://rumble.com/v1yc1zc-why-these-towers-can-nuke-an-entire-country-weaponized-cell-tower-features-.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Weaponized Cell Phone Towers: 21st Century’s Silent, Invisible Killer by Design https://rumble.com/v1yb93w-weaponized-cell-phone-towers-21st-centurys-silent-invisible-killer-by-desig.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Geoengineering – The HUMAN THREAT to Humanity and ALL OTHER LIFE on Planet Earth | Conversation with Dane Wigington -- Find many more links to documentaries BELOW in the description 👇🏼👇🏼 https://rumble.com/v5ggr3x-geoengineering-the-human-threat-to-humanity-and-all-other-life-planet-earth.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: CLIMATE CRIMES -- Governments Are Murdering Millions of People Through Ultra-Hazardous Weather And Climate Modification Operations | With link to the report and many other documentaries BELOW in the description https://rumble.com/v5exmfh-climate-crimes-governments-are-murdering-millions-of-people-through-ultra-h.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) Why we should all consider ourselves LUCKY that CO2 levels and TEMPS are rising again!! -- Find Links to Many More Climate Crime Vids in Description Underneath the Video https://rumble.com/v4kl35n-climate-the-movie-the-cold-truth-find-links-to-many-more-climate-crime-vids.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD https://rumble.com/v1q0zzy-the-great-global-warming-swindle-full-documentary-hd.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: OVERCAST - CHEMTRAIL DOCUMENTARY - GEOENGINEERING DOCUMENTARY 2021 -- Find many links to Other Geoengineering documentaries below in description area https://rumble.com/v4fs54c-overcast-chemtrail-documentary-geoengineering-documentary-2021-find-many-li.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Must see - Shocking statements from the world's most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith. How long can you hold your breath? https://rumble.com/v2rbobc-must-see-shocking-statements-from-the-worlds-most-recognized-geoengineer-dr.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: UNconventional Grey - Produced and Directed by Michael J. Murphy (R.I.P.) https://rumble.com/v3djabw-unconventional-shade-of-grey-produced-and-directed-by-michael-j.-murphy-r.i.html#comment-278053010 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? (2012) An investigation into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs (weather control) https://rumble.com/v3d7wuo-why-in-the-world-are-they-spraying-2012-an-investigation-into-one-of-the-ma.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: What in the World Are They Spraying (2010 Full Length Version) - The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering coverup revealed https://rumble.com/v3cxaok-what-in-the-world-are-they-spraying-2010-full-length-version-the-chemtrailg.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Holes in Heaven? H.A.A.R.P. & Advances in STOLEN Tesla Technology - HAARP, A Globalist Crime Syndicate Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Stolen Tesla Technology Turned Against ALL God’s Life on Earth (1998) https://rumble.com/v3bkfb6-holes-in-heaven-h.a.a.r.p.-and-advances-in-stolen-tesla-technology-haarp-a-.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: ESSENTIAL - NEED TO KNOW - Why Climate Change is NOT an Emergency (Saturday, May 27, 2023) https://rumble.com/v3c80z8-essential-need-to-know-why-climate-change-is-not-an-emergency-saturday-may-.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: FALLEN ANGELS PLAY THIS HAARP (2020) - Babylon’s Weather Modification - Full Documentary https://rumble.com/v3bvalw-fallen-angels-play-this-haarp-2020-babylons-weather-modification-full-docum.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Chemical Colony Collapse -- 90 Second Alert -- "Air pollution is changing the way flowers smell, leaving pollinators lost and the ecosystem in peril." Are we next? https://rumble.com/v4de9bx-chemical-colony-collapse-90-second-alert-air-pollution-is-changing-the-way-.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=50 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: IS GEOENGINEERING MAKING FOREST FIRES WORSE? - The HighWire with Del Bigtree https://rumble.com/v3gtigq-is-geoengineering-making-forest-fires-worse-the-highwire-with-del-bigtree.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Ken Rohla - Biowarefare, GMOs, and Geoengineering - FYM Conference 4 https://rumble.com/v3fab0t-ken-rohla-biowarefare-gmos-and-geoengineering-fym-conference-4.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=46 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization (2014) https://rumble.com/v3ae0ki-climate-engineering-weather-warfare-and-the-collapse-of-civilization-2014.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Weaponized Weather is A Mighty Weapon: Get a Taste of Germany Washing Away Due to Low Pressure System Lambert June 22 - 23, 2023 https://rumble.com/v2wanrs-weaponized-weather-is-a-mighty-weapon-get-a-load-of-germany-washing-away-du.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Behind The Green Mask UN: Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire - Open Mind Conference 2013 Skanderborg Denmark https://rumble.com/v28vcla-behind-the-green-mask-un-agenda-21-rosa-koire-open-mind-conference-2013-ska.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: February 8, 2023 Did The NWO Globalist Crime Syndicate Use HAARP To Punish Turkey? https://rumble.com/v28sk1u-february-8-2023-did-the-nwo-globalist-crime-syndicate-use-haarp-to-punish-t.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Fascist Communist Corporate United Nations Agenda for the 21th Century -- A brief summary & revelation by the late Rosa Koire https://rumble.com/v27mk4o-the-fascist-communist-corporate-united-nation-agenda-for-the-21th-century-b.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Once Upon A Time... LIFE!! Then came human.., & From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology https://rumble.com/v3f0nug-once-upon-a-time...-life-then-came-human..-and-from-chemtrails-to-pseudo-li.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Geoengineering Expert Rosalind Peterson - Documentary https://rumble.com/v27cjhc-geoengineering-expert-rosalind-peterson-documentary.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Father Of Weaponized Weather https://rumble.com/v3c7iho-the-father-of-weaponized-weather.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Judith Curry: How Climate “Science” Got Hijacked by Alarmists https://rumble.com/v3c8fpa-judith-curry-how-climate-science-got-hijacked-by-alarmists.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Hurricane Hilary: Failure Or Mission Accomplished? https://rumble.com/v3b7rog-hurricane-hilary-failure-or-mission-accomplished.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Kate Shemirani & Mark Steele: 528Hz-60GHz – Your Water, Cells & DNA Are Under a 5G Energy Weapon Attack!! https://rumble.com/v27b6dg-kate-shemirani-and-mark-steele-528hz-60ghz-your-water-cells-and-dna-are-und.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary - By Dane Wigington https://rumble.com/v1uxtde-the-dimming-geoengineering-documentary-by-dane-wiggington.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: LISTEN TO A FEW EXPERTS ON WHAT IS BEING SPRAYED IN THE SKIES https://rumble.com/v1uveig-listen-to-a-few-experts-on-what-is-being-sprayed-in-the-skies.html 👇🏼🔻👇🏼 Dane Wigington's GEOENGINEERINGWATCH WEBSITE Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ Source: https://rumble.com/v5p0578-pilot-testifies-bill-gates-spraying-chemtrails-to-incite-civil-war-in-ameri.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20People%27s%20Voice1.36K views 18 comments -
The Zionist Occupied CORPORATE GLOBALIST "Government" of Trump 47
RAVriesGreg Reese substack: https://gregreese.substack.com/1.26K views 6 comments -
The End of Time - Novelty Theory - An excerpt from Terence McKenna's last interview. Find the link to the ENTIRE INTERVIEW BELOW in the description box
RAVriesIn this video, Terence McKenna explains his theory behind why the universe keeps getting more complex (Novelty Theory). This audio is from Terence McKenna's "Final Interview" in 1998. . Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American ethnobotanist and mystic who advocated the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants. He spoke and wrote about a variety of subjects, including psychedelic drugs, plant-based entheogens, shamanism, metaphysics, alchemy, language, philosophy, culture, technology, ethnomycology, environmentalism, and the theoretical origins of human consciousness. . McKenna formulated a concept about the nature of time based on fractal patterns he claimed to have discovered in the I Ching, which he called novelty theory, proposing that this predicted the end of time, and a transition of consciousness in the year 2012. His promotion of novelty theory and its connection to the Maya calendar is credited as one of the factors leading to the widespread beliefs about the 2012 phenomenon. . Watch Terence McKenna's entire last interview HERE 🔻 🎥 Watch: Terence McKenna 's Final Interview (October 1998) https://rumble.com/v411g0m-terence-mckenna-s-final-interview-october-1998.html Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL0yfxDe6jE7.57K views 7 comments -
Pilot weigerte sich, Chemtrails zu versprühen: Kündigung! | Pilot refused to spray chemtrails: Termination! German spoken, English subtitles
RAVriesSource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE_00gfXuV8753 views 10 comments -
IS THERE A HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND RECENT UFO NEWS? | Find direct links to Wernher von Braun and Carol Rosin's warnings about the ALIEN HOAX videos -- and many more related videos -- BELOW in the description box
RAVriesThe HighWire steps into new territory to discuss the recent interest taken by our government and the mainstream media in the possibility of UFO’s visiting earth, including an actual congressional hearing on the topic. Is this for real, or is there a hidden agenda? . AIRDATE: November 21, 2024 🔻👇🏼🔻 OTHER RELATED: 🔻 🎥 Watch: Project Bluebeam: The NWO Plays Its Hand | Be sure to also watch the videos linked in the description BELOW, about Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex https://rumble.com/v5blc7p-project-bluebeam-the-nwo-plays-its-hand.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex Extraterrestrials Wars - Disclosure Project Arch. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death https://rumble.com/v2bonb8-von-brauns-legacy-dr.carol-rosin-corporate-manager-at-fairchild-industries-.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=9 🔻 🎥 Watch: Dr. Carol Rosin, Wernher von Braun: NASA's Hoax Extraterrestrial Threat Deception to Weaponize Space + Extra Corroborating Empirical Footage https://rumble.com/v1odzeu-dr.-carol-rosyn-wernher-von-braun-nasas-hoax-extraterrestrial-threat-decept.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: THE COSMIC HOAX: AN EXPOSÉ (2021) -- WAKE UP CALL!! https://rumble.com/v2bkaco-the-cosmic-hoax-an-expos-2021.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Alien Agenda Planet Earth - The Cosmic Conspiracy - An Exploration https://rumble.com/v2ccuzi-alien-agenda-planet-earth-the-cosmic-conspiracy-an-exploration.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Above Top Secret: The Technology Behind Disclosure (2021) https://rumble.com/v2c7hho-above-top-secret-the-technology-behind-disclosure-2022-wernher-von-brauns-w.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Phenomenon (2020) Full Movie - The Responsibility That We Share With Each Other Is To Stop Collaborating. The moment when enough of us witdraw our collaboration from the globalist system, it has fallen, and humanity can live a life worth living for https://rumble.com/v2c3jnk-the-phenomenon-2020-full-movie.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: SIRIUS DOCUMENTARY (2014) - THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. If we as a humanity want to collapse the entire paradigm as it is, and change the whole world, then we ALL HAVE to understand what it is, that we’re up against to begin with https://rumble.com/v2bhy2o-sirius-documentary-this-is-an-absolute-must-watch.-if-we-as-a-humanity-want.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: UNACKNOWLEDGED - An Exposé of The Greatest Secret In Human History - Dr. Steven Greer (2017) https://rumble.com/v2bgaxm-unacknowledged-an-expose-of-the-greatest-secret-in-human-history-2017.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. Contact; Consciousness, and the Human Future (2020) - Full Documentary. An Urgent Call to Humanity for Disobedience. "It really is "We the People" that have to do it!" ~ Dr. Steven Greer https://rumble.com/v2bdv9o-close-encounters-of-the-fifth-kind-full-documentary.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: UFO Secrets - & More - Disclosed After Death by Air Force Analyst FULL VIDEO. Dr. Steven Greer interviewing William J. Pawelec. https://rumble.com/v2bz9m6-ufo-secrets-and-more-disclosed-after-death-by-air-force-analyst-full-video..html?mref=6zof&mrefc=5 🔻 🎥 Watch: How To Communicate With Extraterrestrials (ETs): They DO NOT Want You To KNOW THIS! Dr. Steven Greer https://rumble.com/v2bpihg-how-to-communicate-with-extraterrestrials-ets-they-do-not-want-you-to-know-.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The World Is Waking Up -- ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL MUST WATCH -- THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? https://rumble.com/v2ay170-thrive-official-movie-what-on-earth-will-it-take.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: LIFE CHANGING - THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes https://rumble.com/v2b01tq-thrive-ii-this-is-what-it-takes.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: Farewell address by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17, 1961; Final TV Talk 1/17/61 -- On January 17, 1961, in this farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a "military-industrial complex." https://rumble.com/v2bm5ko-farewell-address-by-president-dwight-d.-eisenhower-january-17-1961-final-tv.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: ALL WARS ARE PRIVATE BANKERS WARS. STOP COLLABORATING With Our Common Enemy, FULFILLING THEIR New World Order PLAN! https://rumble.com/v1wxl0i-all-wars-are-private-bankers-wars.-stop-collaborating-with-our-common-enemy.html#comment-201082512 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Illuminati & CFR, Communism & the Communist U.N., & So Much More, Exposed -- Stunning 1967 Dissertation: Myron C. Fagan Exposes the Infiltration of Rothschild Luciferians in the US 'Government' https://rumble.com/v29x5eg-stunning-1967-dissertation-by-myron-c.-fagan-exposes-the-infiltration-of-ro.html 🔻 🎥 Watch: The Reality of Truth https://rumble.com/v2b4fy8-the-reality-of-truth.html1.16K views 7 comments -
How John Deere Robs Farmers Of $4 Billion A Year
RAVriesJohn Deere is costing American farmers $4.2 billion a year by restricting them from fixing their own tractors. Apple, Amazon and major automakers use the same strategies on everything you own. It's bad for consumers and local mechanics, but excellent for corporate profits. ----- More Perfect Union’s mission is to build power for working people. Here’s what that means: . We report on the real struggles and challenges of the working class from a working-class perspective, and we attempt to connect those problems to potential solutions. . We report on the abuses and wrongdoing of corporate power, and we seek to hold accountable the ultra-rich who have too much power over America’s political and economic systems. . Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaOS6bGta7M729 views 1 comment -
THE LAST CARD: "ALIEN INVASION" - Will You Fall For The UFO Hoax? | Find the direct links to more related videos below this video in the description box
RAVriesA European police detective reveals that the final trick of the elites will be to fake an alien invasion (SOMETHING WHICH IS NOTHING NEW TO MANY AMONG US HERE), to have the excuse for a one world government, lockdowns and vaccines. Will you fall for the UFO hoax? 🔻 🎥 Watch: Project Bluebeam: The NWO Plays Its Hand | Be sure to also watch the videos linked in the description BELOW, about Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex https://rumble.com/v5blc7p-project-bluebeam-the-nwo-plays-its-hand.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Dr. Carol Rosin on Wernher von Braun (2001, National Press Club Washington DC): NASA's Hoax Extraterrestrial Threat Deception to Weaponize Space + Extra Corroborating Empirical Footage https://rumble.com/v1odzeu-dr.-carol-rosyn-wernher-von-braun-nasas-hoax-extraterrestrial-threat-decept.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Von Braun's Legacy - Dr. Carol Rosin, Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries in the 1970's on the Military Industrial Complex Extraterrestrials Wars - Disclosure Project Arch. She worked closely with Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death https://rumble.com/v2bonb8-von-brauns-legacy-dr.carol-rosin-corporate-manager-at-fairchild-industries-.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: 2024 Eclipse: A Space Force Project https://rumble.com/v4nzw1q-2024-eclipse-a-space-force-project.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: THEIR LAST CARD | IT’S ALL A LIE (Watch first 2 videos linked below in the description box) -- ALIENS And Earthquakes By the HAND of man. #NEWMADRID https://rumble.com/v5jsygt-their-last-card-its-all-a-lie-aliens-and-earthquakes-by-the-hand-of-man.-ne.html 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: FOOD FOR CONTEMPLATION: Black Sun April 8, 2024 Also read text under video https://rumble.com/v4n8au9-food-for-contemplation-black-sun-april-8-2024-also-read-text-under-video.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Solar Eclipse with a TWIST! Did you know this..? https://rumble.com/v4nlewu-solar-eclipse-with-a-twist-did-you-know-this...html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Rothschild Reuters Feeding the World Another PsyOp Feed -- New Warnings For April 8th Solar Eclipse https://rumble.com/v4m2za0-rothschild-reuters-feeding-the-world-another-psyop-feed-new-warnings-for-ap.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: An Alarming Precedent?? It Happens In 11 Days... https://rumble.com/v4lvuyi-an-alarming-precedent-it-happens-in-11-days....html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: NWO Hijacks Upcoming Biblical Event - Bowne Report https://rumble.com/v4kefjf-nwo-hijacks-upcoming-biblical-event-bowne-report.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: 2024 Eclipse XX Question For ALL: Are you SEEING these kind of things happening near you? https://rumble.com/v4n0zbn-2024-eclipse-xx-question-for-all-are-you-seeing-these-kind-of-things-happen.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: NOW DON’T GET YOUR KNICKERS IN A TWIST -- "You have 2 weeks to prepare" This could be a BIG DEAL! -- NATIONAL GUARD BEING CALLED UP FOR SOLAR ECLIPSE. RESIDENTS ARE BEING URGED TO STOCK UP WITH ONE TO TWO WEEKS OF FOOD IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT https://rumble.com/v4jld0e-now-dont-get-your-panties-in-a-twist-you-have-2-weeks-to-prepare-this-could.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) https://rumble.com/v23eyba-aaron-russos-america-freedom-to-fascism.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Dance of Mother Earth. Cycles of Time & Cycles of Change -- GLOBAL WARMING HOAX & SCAM DESTROYED -- Cyclical Global Warming & Cyclical Economies https://rumble.com/v1uu9t6-cycles-of-time-cyclical-global-warming-and-cyclic-economies-have-always-bee.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary - By Dane Wigington https://rumble.com/v1uxtde-the-dimming-geoengineering-documentary-by-dane-wiggington.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: WHY THESE TOWERS CAN NUKE AN ENTIRE COUNTRY - WEAPONIZED CELL TOWER FEATURES LARGE KILL RADIUS https://rumble.com/v1yc1zc-why-these-towers-can-nuke-an-entire-country-weaponized-cell-tower-features-.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: LISTEN TO A FEW EXPERTS ON WHAT IS BEING SPRAYED IN THE SKIES https://rumble.com/v1uveig-listen-to-a-few-experts-on-what-is-being-sprayed-in-the-skies.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: HUMAN FARMING - The Story of Your (OUR) Enslavement - Stefan Molyneux https://rumble.com/v1ymmzq-human-farming-the-story-of-your-our-enslavement-stefan-molyneux.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: The Milgram Obedience Study and What It Reveals about Human Nature -- Has Everyone A Monster Inside Of Them? https://rumble.com/v25yviy-the-milgram-experiment.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: Weaponized Cell Phone Towers: 21st Century’s Silent, Invisible Killer by Design https://rumble.com/v1yb93w-weaponized-cell-phone-towers-21st-centurys-silent-invisible-killer-by-desig.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Level Event (2019) https://rumble.com/v1yajy2-5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event-2019.html?e9s=src_v1_upp 🔻 🎥 Also Watch: ALL WARS ARE PRIVATE BANKERS WARS. 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