TRIBUNAL VERDICT - Natural & Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice - 26.2.2023
FreeSpeechChannelWashington State, USA, 26th. February 2023 The formal Recording of the Tribunal Session reading out the Verdict constituting lawful in Personam Service of Process of the Enclosed Emergency Injunction and Tribunal Order to Immediately Cease & Desist a Criminal Conspiracy to Commit War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity. Verdict: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/.../natural-and-common-law... Source: https://rumble.com/v2b2816-tribunal-verdict-natural-and... https://t.me/s/Dr_Astrid_Stuckelberger 📷 Astrid Stuckelberger PhD MSc INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ISSUES CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST WHO & 194 member nations carrying out genocide & crimes against humanity through fraudulent “WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius” WATCH TRIBUNAL VERDICT NOW: https://rumble.com/v2b2816-tribunal-verdict-natural-and... NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/02/international-tribunal-issues-cease-desist-order-against-genocider-criminal-conspiracy-of-who-194-member-nations-carrying-out-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-through-fraudulent-who-pandemic/ GENEVA, SWITZERLAND -On February 26th, 2023 an International Tribunal lawfully carried out Service of Process of a Cease & Desist Order Against an international Genocider & Criminal Conspiracy by the WHO [World Health Organization] & 194 Member Nations at their international headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, just as this co-conspiracy was deceptively carrying out Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity under the Fraudulent cover of “WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius”. The lawful documentation of this historic event can be accessed at the Tribunal’s website at http://www.peaceinspace.org and at: Defendants World Health Organization [WHO] & Criminal Co-conspirators, Genociders & Defendants named & unnamed: Tribunal Cease & Desist Order & Writ of Mandamus to Constitutional Law Enforcement to Arrest and Incarcerate Defendants https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/2023/02/natural-and-common-law-tribunal-for-public-health-and-justice-wwwpeaceinspaceorg-to-a-2009-2023-lockstep-ongoing-c.html Depth & Depravity of the WHO The full depth and depravity of the WHO criminal co-conspiracy is documented and set out in a 237-page Cease and Desist Order and Writ of Mandamus that now can be publically accessed at: Download !!!!TRIBUNAL CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST - WHO - WHO CA+ CONVENTION + WHO INR REGULATIONS + CODEX ALIMENTARIS + USA +JOE BIDEN + + CANADA-TRUDEAU-WEF + 194 WHO MEMBER NATIONS - WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO LAW ENFORCEMENThttps://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/tribunal-cease-desist-order-against---who---who-ca-convention-who-inr-regulations-codex-alimentaris-usa-joe-biden-canada-trudeau-wef-194-who-member-nations---writ-of-mandamus-to-law-enforcement.pdf The Mission and Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal of Conscience The Mission and Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal of Conscience, like the 1969 Lord Bertrand Russell Vietnam Tribunal of Conscience against the unlawful War in Vietnam, is to enforce Natural law, Common Law, and Treaty Law such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights[1] and the International Criminal Court Statute[2] against genocide and crimes against humanity where the civil court structure is failing to do so. See this useful article on our Tribunal of Conscience “Private Tribunals of Conscience: Their History and Why They Matter” by Ralph Fucetola, JD[3] The International Tribunal of Conscience was founded on November 15, 2020 with the Issuance of an Indictment against Pandemic Perpetrators and a Final Judgment dated November 29, 2020. The Tribunal Judges, Advisers, and Counsel of the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice and the Tribunal Certificate of Safe Conduct can be found here [4] ACCESS LINKS HERE: [1] Universal Declaration of Human Rights https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights [2] International Criminal Court Statute https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/rome-statute-international-criminal-court [3] Private Tribunals of Conscience & Why They Matter https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/2021/07/private-tribunals-of-conscience-their-history-and-why-they-matter-by-ralph-fucetola-jd.html [4] Tribunal Judges, Advisers, and Counselhttps://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/2023/02/certificate-of-safe-conduct-under-international-law-for-tribunal-judge-natural-and-common-law-tribunal-for.html3.07K views 5 comments