Is Calvinism Orthodox?
19 videos
Updated 8 months ago
A detailed look into Calvinism and how it does or doesn't correlate to the Bible.
Dispensationalism, What it is, What it isn't, compared w/Covenant Theology - Pastor Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearIn this video Dispensationalism is simply explained. What it is and what it is not. There is a comparison between Dispensational and Covenant Theology so people will understand the differences in each.33 views -
Pastor Scott and Herb Butterworth Discuss Calvinism
Bible Made ClearHerb and Scott have a conversation about the video series on Calvinism. A number of opinions are expressed regarding the unbiblical nature and philosophy of the Calvinistic system.11 views -
Addendum to Romans 3, Calvinism's Total Depravity Claim
Bible Made ClearCalvinist's use Romans 3 to teach their version of total depravity, meaning total inability. In this addendum video some of the topics brought up in the last video are further discussed and concluded in this video.27 views -
Romans 3 and Calvinism's view of Total Depravity
Bible Made ClearCalvinist's use Romans 3 to teach their version of total depravity, meaning total inability. In this video the text is analyzed to discover if it in fact teaches the Calvinistic view of total depravity.14 views -
Talking TULIP with Pastor Scott and Herb Butterworth, pt2
Bible Made ClearThis video interview is the conclusion of the video series on the question as to whether or not Calvinism is Orthodox. Scott and Herb expand on some of the areas that the video series provides, as well as talking about the TULIP acronym and its meaning. This is part two of a two part split on this video interview, the completion of the TULIP acronym are discussed.23 views -
Talking TULIP with Pastor Scott and Herb Butterworth, pt1
Bible Made ClearThis video interview is the conclusion of the video series on the question as to whether or not Calvinism is Orthodox. Scott and Herb expand on some of the areas that the video series provides, as well as talking about the TULIP acronym and its meaning. In this part one of a two part split on this video interview, a foundation is set and the first 3 points are discussed.27 views -
How Orthodox is Calvinism pt13, Addendum 7, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearThis is part thirteen and the final (an addendum) to the short series on a look into Calvinism and how it measures up against orthodox bible teachings and the essentials of Christianity. This series is designed to educate on the subject of Calvinism so that Christians can intelligently decide if they will subject themselves to its theological principles. This video is a continuing walk through the gospel and how Calvinism has a detrimental effect upon it. We examine the 5 areas in Scripture that reveal that God can reach an unsaved person without regenerating them to get a response, and a final summary of the themes discussed in the video series.10 views -
How Orthodox is Calvinism pt12, Addendum 6, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearThis is part twelve (an addendum) to the short series on a look into Calvinism and how it measures up against orthodox bible teachings and the essentials of Christianity. This series is designed to educate on the subject of Calvinism so that Christians can intelligently decide if they will subject themselves to its theological principles. This video is a continuing walk through the gospel and how Calvinism has a detrimental effect upon it. John MacArthur quotes on dispensationalism are discussed and the contrast of both dispensational theology and covenant theology are discussed as they affect the gospel.19 views -
How Orthodox is Calvinism pt11, Addendum 5, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearThis is part eleven (an addendum) to the short series on a look into Calvinism and how it measures up against orthodox bible teachings and the essentials of Christianity. This series is designed to educate on the subject of Calvinism so that Christians can intelligently decide if they will subject themselves to its theological principles. This video is a continuing walk through the gospel and how Calvinism has a detrimental effect upon it. Much of the focus are on John MacArthur quotes revealing self-contradictions because of his Calvinistic beliefs, and his distortion of the gospel and spiritually dangerous perspectives.13 views -
How Orthodox is Calvinism pt10, Addendum 4, Scott Mitchell
Bible Made ClearThis is part ten (an addendum) to the short series on a look into Calvinism and how it measures up against orthodox bible teachings and the essentials of Christianity. This series is designed to educate on the subject of Calvinism so that Christians can intelligently decide if they will subject themselves to its theological principles. This video walks through the gospel and how Calvinism has a detrimental effect upon it.15 views