The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 15 (The Delightful Mountains)
AmericasGodlyHeritageChristian and Hopeful arrive at the Delightful Mountains, a place of refreshment and teaching. Christian asks the shepherds there some questions and receives cryptic answers. In turn, the shepherds have some questions for the pilgrims and then offer them some hospitality. The next morning the shepherds show them Hill Error, Hill Caution, and the by-way to hell and also let them look through their perspective lens. They then send the pilgrims on their way with a map and some helpful advice.10 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 11 (Meeting Talkative)
AmericasGodlyHeritageChristian and Faithful continue on their path to the Celestial City. They meet Talkative, who seems to be a fellow believer, but upon closer inspection he is found to be wanting in his beliefs and actions. After Talkative leaves them, they meet Evangelist. Evangelist tells them they are champions for persevering on their journey, but for one of them, the journey is about to end.4 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 10 (Meeting Faithful)
AmericasGodlyHeritageChristian catches up with the owner of the encouraging voice, Faithful, and they decide to continue their journeys together. They discuss life in the City of Destruction after Christian left. Then Faithful relates his journey thus far, which includes resisting temptation, being beaten unconscious, and addressing those trying to make him feel discontented and ashamed of his actions and choices. No donuts were harmed in the making of this video! : )5 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 9 (The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death)
AmericasGodlyHeritageChristian has defeated the mighty Apollyon, but his trials are not over. Now he must face the deadly and terrifying Valley of the Shadow of Death. Despite being warned not to enter the valley, he does so, as he realizes he has no other choice. There, he faces fiends and Wicked Ones, deep ditches and quagmires, and Giants Pope and Pagan. He prays for help, and God answers his prayers in an unexpected way.8 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 9 Part 1 (Apollyon)
AmericasGodlyHeritageAfter the mountaintop high of his stay at House Beautiful, Christian descends into the Valley of Humiliation. There, he is confronted by Apollyon. Like the devil in Matthew 4, Apollyon tries to use words to manipulate Christian into returning to the City of Destruction. When that doesn't work, the gloves come off and the battle begins.12 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Chapter 8 (House Beautiful)
AmericasGodlyHeritageChristian encounters two lions on the path, but he is able to pass between them safely after some encouragement by Watchful. He then goes to House Beautiful, where he is interrogated. He passes the test and enjoys a meal and a good night's sleep. Then the ladies of the house show him the "excellence of that place," particularly the study and armory. After being suited up in his own armor, he sets off on the next phase of his journey.3 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Introduction
AmericasGodlyHeritageJohn Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is a best-selling classic allegory that has influenced Christians for centuries. In the Introduction, we look at what the title means; what allegory is; why Bunyan used allegory; and when, where, and why he wrote his book.14 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Historical Background Part 3 (Bunyan's Background)
AmericasGodlyHeritageBunyan began life by going to the school of hard knocks, and he was known for his coarse language and behavior. Yet, God grabbed ahold of him and guided him safely through a spiritual crisis. Bunyan then became known as a pastor and preacher. After refusing to recant his Puritan beliefs, he spent twelve years in jail, which gave him time to write.3 views 1 comment -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Historical Background Part 2
AmericasGodlyHeritageTyndale laid the foundation for the Reformation in England through his English translation of the Bible. Henry VIII tore England away from the Catholic Church and created the Church of England, but then Mary I returned the country to Catholicism. Elizabeth I pulled it out again and insisted on uniformity amongst all the churches. James I and Charles I increased persecution of those who didn't conform, which helped lead the country into Civil War and a period of much greater religious freedom.5 views -
The Pilgrim's Progress - Historical Background Part 1
AmericasGodlyHeritageWithout the Protestant Reformation, The Pilgrim's Progress would not exist. Here is a brief overview of how John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, and Martin Luther helped birth the Reformation. Warning: Discussion of martyrdom16 views