Command Affirmations
11 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Combat the negativity of the world concerning wars, viruses and violence by speaking these confessions.
Command The Morning Decree Part 1 (CM1): 17 min. Power Prayer by Pillars & Strategies
Pillars & StrategiesThis is a dynamic 17 min. CM1 Prayer provided by Pillars & Strategies that should be prayed daily by mature saints who understand their authority in Christ. We own exclusive rights to the voiceover and background image for this powerful Prayers and Decrees spoken by E1Kaye on behalf of P&S. Original credit goes to Dr. Okukoya. Also check out CM2 (part 2) prayer which has also been released on our channel (linked here): https://youtu.be/jyd7L_QIQkg Please visit www.PillarsAndStrategies.com as we have tools to help you grow in authority and Kingdom empowerment. SIGN UP FOR FREE NEWSLETTERS: Don't miss a thing! https://pillarsandstrategies.com/get-newsletters FREE M.O.C COURSE NOW! "The Kingdom Mindset/Sonship Maturity" https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/m-o-c COMMAND THE MORNING PART 2 (CM2): https://youtu.be/tj3e9eQ2BR0 COMMAND GOOD SLEEP: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 COMMAND GOOD HEALTH: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below.22 views -
Command The Morning Part 2 Decree (CM2) Unlocking Next Level Power Prayer:
Pillars & StrategiesLevel 2 Command the Morning Decree. This CM2 should be prayed daily by mature saints who understand their authority in Christ! This video will aid you on engaging in the authoratitive realm through the living word of God when commanding your morning or day. Engage your visual perception through spoken word + sound and stand in faith! We own exclusive rights to our CM2 video with anointed Prayers and Decrees spoken by E1Kaye on behalf of the P&S Network. Our previous CM1 version has gone global with over 1.2 Million views and is international. Step into the next level with this daily CM2 version! #warframe #pillarwheel333 SIGN UP FOR FREE NEWSLETTERS: Don't miss a thing! https://pillarsandstrategies.com/get-newsletters FREE M.O.C COURSE NOW! "The Kingdom Mindset/Sonship Maturity" https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/m-o-c ======================================================== COMMAND THE MORNING CM1 Part 1: https://youtu.be/8sq1Pb9xejA COMMAND GOOD SLEEP: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 COMMAND GOOD HEALTH: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ======================================================== ]📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ======================================================== Disclaimer: This video is protected by the Unitied States Constitution of protecting free speech as well as the Sulivan Act.29 views -
Overcome Depression and Sorrow!!! Powerful Motivational Video by Pillars & Strategies
Pillars & StrategiesPowerful and influential prayer that promotes hope in the midst of depression and suicidal thoughts. Soul peace is obtained through salvation and deliverance. SIGN UP FOR FREE NEWSLETTERS: Don't miss a thing! https://pillarsandstrategies.com/get-newsletters FREE M.O.C COURSE NOW! "The Kingdom Mindset/Sonship Maturity" https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/m-o-c Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below13 views -
Command Courage Fear No Evil 20 min. Affirmations by Pillars & Strategies
Pillars & StrategiesPowerful prayer you can listen to/repeat to help you take courage in a fear filled world. Combat the negativity of worldly news reports concerning wars, viruses and viloence by speaking these "Fear No Evil" confessions. God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. The purpose of this video is so you can easily listen/repeat on the go (starting at 2:59 secs) in just 20 minutes. SIGN UP FOR FREE NEWSLETTERS: Don't miss a thing! https://pillarsandstrategies.com/get-newsletters FREE M.O.C COURSE NOW! "The Kingdom Mindset/Sonship Maturity" https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/m-o-c —————————————————— Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== Other Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below23 views -
Command Good Sleep 2 by Pillars & Strategies: 3 Hours of Scripture Soaking to Combat Insomnia (CGS2)
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to you by Pillars & Strategies: Command Good Sleep 3hr. calming video to help combat restlessness and/or insomnia. This is a peaceful audio video that can be prayed softly in the background of your room or via headsets to help aid you into good sleep if you are battling fear, insomnia, worry, anxiety or stress for mind, body and soul peace. This is also a very effective video for children who have problems sleeping. Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Movement *Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below17 views -
Command Good Sleep by Pillars & Strategies: 3 Hours of Scripture Soaking to Combat Insomnia
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to you by Pillars & Strategies: Command Good Sleep 3hr. calming video to help combat restlessness and/or insomnia. This is a peaceful audio video that can be prayed softly in the background of your room or via headsets to help aid you into good sleep if you are battling fear, insomnia, worry, anxiety or stress for mind, body and soul peace. This is also a very effective video for children who have problems sleeping. Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Movement *Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below19 views -
Command Good Health by Pillars & Strategies: 3 Hours of Scripture Soaking
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to you by Pillars & Strategies. Command Good Health 3hr. extended version to help prevent or combat sickness and disease and/or medical issues. This is a powerful prayer that should be prayed repeatedly and/or daily if you are battling illnesses, physical impairment, negative medical diagnosis or if you need healing in the mind, body or soul. #biologicalwarfare #biologicalweapon #rebuke Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Movement *Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below20 views -
Command Good Health by Pillars & Strategies: 15 min. Prayer to Combat Biological Warfare
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to you by Pillars & Strategies: Command Good Health 15 min. Prayer. This is a powerful prayer that should be prayed repeatedly and/or daily if you are battling illnesses, physical impairment, negative medical diagnosis or if you need mind, body and/or soul peace. The purpose of this video is so you can easily repeat the confession on the go in just 15 minutes. #biologicalwarfare #biologicalweapon #rebuke Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Communion/DNA Cleanse (10 min video): https://youtu.be/uhw3ODyP6VQ Extended version of "Command Good Health" (3hr video): https://youtu.be/tHq3g4tr7KQ Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ================================================================== Help us keep content coming if this video blessed you! Please Like/Subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below18 views -
Slaying the Giants of Sickness and Disease by Pillars & Strategies
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to You by Pillars & Strategies. It's Time to Drive and Cast Out Sickness and Diseases. Join in FAITH and ACTIVATE Boldness because Deliverance is Now! Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Movement *Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ==================================================================23 views -
Slaying the Giants of Fear and Cowardness by Pillars & Strategies
Pillars & StrategiesBrought to you by Pillars & Strategies: It's Time to Drive and Cast Out Fear of All Kinds. Join in FAITH and ACTIVATE Boldness because Deliverance is Now! Visit www.PillarsandStrategies.com for Kingdom empowerment and learn how to be more effective in your prayer life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Join the Movement *Get Pillars & Strategies Gear: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG5DQ-yE0Xhq_6kUfV40DQ/store Victory Over Suicide: https://youtu.be/ITolaWH5eKI Rebuke The Stronghold of Pandemic Fear: https://youtu.be/rSzO7sFZ2pM Command Good Sleep: https://youtu.be/LTxB2PORCV4 Command Good Health: https://youtu.be/8iHukBAFOP8 ================================================================== 📢🌎Also you can watch/listen on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/pillarsandstrategies PodCasts: https://podcasts.com/pillars-strategies-radio-show-interviews iHeart Radio: https://iheart.com/podcast/269-pillarsandstrategies-93662577/ FaceBook: https://facebook.com/PillarsAndStrategies333 ================================================================== Ways You Can Support Us: Become a Member: Join Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/PillarsStrategies/join Purchase Clothing/Gear: https://pillarsandstrategies.myspreadshop.com/all 1 Time Donation Option: https://www.pillarsandstrategies.com/donate Like/Share/Subscribe to our Videos ==================================================================14 views