Islamic and Quran sermons and study
26 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Islam is submission to God
Friday Islamic Sermon, Unity and Faith
Free HumanityA Call to Action,Brothers and sisters, let us leave here today with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Let us not be mere spectators to the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Let us be active participants in the struggle for justice and liberation. Let us remember that Allah (SWT) is with those who are patient, those who are united, and those who strive in His cause. May Allah (SWT) guide us, protect us, and unite us in His service. Wa akhiru da'wana anil hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin. And our final prayer is that all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. Friday Islamic Sermon, Unity and Faith , the holy Quran , God is the greatest, Allah lord of all worlds, one God , God is one, omar samson, free humanity , 2024 https://quran.com/116 views -
Friday Islamic Sermon: The Duty of Unity in Facing Evil
Free HumanityAll praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. We seek His help, His guidance, and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and the consequences of our deeds. Whomever Allah guides, none can misguide, and whomever He leaves astray, none can guide. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is His servant and messenger. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, today we gather in this blessed house of Allah to reflect upon a vital aspect of our faith—our duty to stand united in the face of evil and injustice. The Quran repeatedly calls upon the believers to uphold justice, to stand firmly against tyranny, and to resist the forces of evil that seek to spread corruption on earth. Unity in the Face of Evil Allah, the Almighty, reminds us in the Quran: *"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you—when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together, and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided."* (Surah Al-Imran, 3:103) This verse calls us to unite under the banner of Islam, to hold firmly to the rope of Allah, and to avoid division. It is through unity that we find strength, and it is through collective action that we can effectively confront the forces of evil in the world. The Obligation to Fight Injustice and Evil Allah says: *"Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing."* (Surah An-Nisa, 4:58) And in another verse: *"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both."* (Surah An-Nisa, 4:135) These verses are a clear command for us to establish justice on earth and to stand firm against oppression, even if it is difficult. It is a holy duty for every Muslim to fight against those who perpetrate evil, who commit genocide, who spread corruption, and who stand as enemies of Allah and His creation. The Destruction of Genocidal Entities In our time, we witness acts of genocide, oppression, and injustice that shock the conscience of humanity. These are not merely political issues; they are moral and religious imperatives that demand our attention. Allah commands us: *"And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, 'Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper'?"* (Surah An-Nisa, 4:75) It is our duty, as believers, to not only condemn these acts but to actively work towards their destruction. We must strive to eradicate the evil of genocidal entities, the hypocrites who claim righteousness but spread corruption, and the devil worshippers who turn people away from the path of Allah. The Hypocrites and Their Deceit Allah warns us about the hypocrites, who are among the most dangerous enemies to the unity and safety of the Ummah: *"Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allah, but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing [themselves] to the people and not remembering Allah except a little."* (Surah An-Nisa, 4:142) These hypocrites, who may outwardly appear to be among us, are in fact working to sow division and spread evil. It is imperative that we remain vigilant and united, exposing their deceit and standing together to thwart their plans. Dear brothers and sisters, our faith calls us to action, not merely to words. We must not only condemn evil but also actively work against it, as an expression of our devotion to Allah. The fight against injustice, oppression, and evil is not just a political duty; it is a sacred obligation, a part of our faith, and an act of worship. Let us remain steadfast in our unity, hold firmly to the rope of Allah, and strive together to establish justice on earth. May Allah grant us the strength to stand against evil, the wisdom to recognize hypocrisy, and the courage to fight for the oppressed. *O Allah, grant us unity and strength. Protect the oppressed and grant them victory over their oppressors. Guide us to be firm in our faith and resolute in our actions. Ameen.* *All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.* *O Allah, forgive our sins and the sins of all Muslims. O Allah, grant us the strength to fight against oppression and tyranny. O Allah, unite the hearts of the believers and make us steadfast in our faith. O Allah, make us among those who establish justice and eradicate evil. Ameen.* Omar Samson, Friday Islamic Sermon,The Duty of Unity in Facing Evil, Free Humanity, Holy Quran , Free Palestine, scripture, motivation, speech , sermon, unity is strengt, fighting evil an onligation117 views -
Did Islam destroy or save western civilization?
Free HumanityDr. Roy Casagranda, pushes back against the artificial East-West paradigm and show how the so-called "Dark Ages" was in fact a period with enormous intellectual achievement. After laying out the contradictions within the construct of the paradigm of western civilization, Dr. Casagranda examines how Muslim Persian, and Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Arab philosophers preserved and advanced Western civilization while Europe wallowed in the Medieval era , Did Islam destroy or save western civilization?, Islamic 🕌📝 contribution to world science and the renaissance , 1001 inventions and the library of secrets, 1001 inventions , pioneers in science and wisdom, Arabia, Who saved western civilization from total collapse?, lecture, history, truth, christianity , islam, golden age, dark age, renaissance , art, inventions, science, politics, ethics , war, prosperity, fall of Rome, plague, famine, economy, medicine, trade, Arabic, Latin , Phoenicien , Omar Samson, Free Humanity, scholars, schools , genius inventors, methematics, pharmakia, al kemhia , alchemy, numbers, numerology, theology, Al Jazari ,The Father Of Robotics , Grand Engineer , Golden Age, mathematics, automata , robotics, engineer, inventor , thinker , scientist, ground breaking work , Arabic, Islamic, Omar Samson, Free Humanity, al ghul, al gebra , al gorithm ,al phabet235 views -
How to pray in islam🤲
Free HumanityGod is the greatest, ❤️ Friday special : How to pray in islam, Quran , Islam , study, bridges , connection , research , alliance, work, prayer, washing, step by step, little by little, we will all unite , one kingdom of God , one family of the believers, One God ☝️,omar samson, free Humanity,tutorial , guide Step 1 – Make your intention to pray Step 2 – Raise your hands to your ears and say Allahu Akbar Step 3 – Place your hands over your chest Step 4 – Keep your eyes focused on the ground Step 5 – Recite the opening chapter of the Qur’an Step 6 – Perform the ruku (bowing down) Step 7 – Return to standing up again Step 8 – Perform the sujud (prostration) Step 9 – Say this phrase in sujud Step 10 – Rise up from sujud and sit for a moment Step 11 & 12 – Perform sujud again and then return to a standing position Step 13 – Perform the tashahud110 views -
The Lion of Ishmael, Imam al-Mahdi and Jesus(Isa) ﷺ pbuh 👑 🦁
Free Humanityescatology , Islam, Quran , Hadith, Bible, Thorah , Scripture, Muslims , Christian ,Jews, Friday sermon, Omar Samson, Free Humanity , lion of Ishmael, part 2, kingship, lion king , symbolism, historical , context, spiritual, metafysical, hidden is occult, deep , lost child of God, leaders of the new covenant, dueteronomy 18:18, sheeple, truth, isaac , abraham, hajar, rome, council of nicea, council of rome, altering of the bible, The coming of Imam al-Mahdi and Jesus ﷺ(Isa) to save the world is a significant aspect of eschatology in both Islamic and Christian traditions, though the narratives differ between the two religions. Here’s a detailed explanation of each perspective: ### Islamic Perspective #### Imam al-Mahdi In Islamic eschatology, particularly within Shia Islam, Imam al-Mahdi is a messianic figure believed to be the ultimate savior of humanity. He is considered the twelfth and final Imam, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatimah and her husband Ali. **Beliefs and Role:** 1. **Hidden Imam:** Shia Muslims believe that al-Mahdi was born in 869 AD and has been in occultation (a hidden state) since 874 AD. He will reappear at the end of times to restore justice and peace. 2. **Restoration of Islam:** Al-Mahdi will purify Islam from innovations and deviations that have crept in over time, restoring it to its original form as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. 3. **Universal Justice:** He will establish a government based on divine principles, bringing justice and equity to the world, and will eradicate tyranny and oppression. 4. **Signs of His Coming:** Various signs will precede his emergence, including social chaos, natural disasters, and widespread corruption. #### Jesus (Isa) in Islam In Islamic eschatology, Jesus (Isa) is also a significant figure who will return to the world to assist al-Mahdi in establishing justice. **Beliefs and Role:** 1. **Second Coming:** Jesus did not die on the cross but was taken up to heaven by God. He will return to Earth near the end of times. 2. **Support to al-Mahdi:** Jesus will join forces with al-Mahdi. Together, they will fight the false messiah (Al-Masih ad-Dajjal), a figure of great evil and deception. 3. **Breaking the Cross:** Jesus will clarify the misconceptions about his identity, particularly those propagated in Christian theology, and reaffirm the monotheistic teachings of Islam. 4. **Universal Peace:** After defeating the forces of evil, Jesus and al-Mahdi will usher in an era of peace, justice, and adherence to God's will. ### Christian Perspective #### Jesus (Isa) In Christian eschatology, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a central doctrine. Unlike in Islam, there is no equivalent figure to Imam al-Mahdi in Christian tradition. **Beliefs and Role:** 1. **Second Coming:** Christians believe that Jesus will return to Earth in the future. This event is seen as the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and the ultimate triumph of God's plan. 2. **Final Judgment:** Jesus will judge the living and the dead. This event is often associated with the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment, where the righteous are granted eternal life and the wicked are condemned. 3. **Millennium Reign:** Some Christian traditions, particularly within premillennialism, believe that Jesus will establish a 1,000-year reign of peace and righteousness on Earth (the Millennium). 4. **New Heaven and New Earth:** Following the final judgment, there will be a new creation—a new heaven and a new earth—where God's presence will dwell with humanity, and there will be no more suffering or death. **Similarities and Differences:** - **Similarities:** Both Islam and Christianity share the belief in a future savior who will establish justice and peace. Both traditions also include the return of Jesus in their eschatological narratives. - **Differences:** In Islam, Jesus' return is closely linked with the emergence of al-Mahdi, whereas in Christianity, Jesus is the central figure in the eschatological climax. Additionally, the Christian narrative includes the final judgment and the creation of a new heaven and earth, concepts that are less emphasized in Islamic eschatology. ### Conclusion The coming of Imam al-Mahdi and Jesus to save the world represents a profound hope for divine intervention in both Islamic and Christian traditions. Despite differences in details and emphasis, both religions foresee a future where justice, peace, and divine will prevail, culminating in the ultimate redemption of humanity. The prophecies of the Lion of Ishmael, a figure in Islamic eschatology often associated with Imam al-Mahdi, present a rich and nuanced tapestry of beliefs and traditions that merit deeper exploration. This lecture delves into the historical, symbolic, and theological aspects of these prophecies. ### Historical Context #### Lineage of Ishmael - **Ancestry:** Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, is considered a patriarch in Islam. His descendants, according to Islamic tradition, are the Arab peoples. This lineage is significant because it establishes the prophetic and spiritual heritage of al-Mahdi. - **Prophetic Tradition:** The Prophet Muhammad himself is believed to be a descendant of Ishmael, connecting the Islamic ummah (community) directly to the Abrahamic legacy. ### Symbolism of the Lion #### The Lion as a Symbol - **Courage and Strength:** The lion symbolizes bravery, power, and leadership. In the context of Islamic eschatology, it represents the formidable and righteous nature of al-Mahdi, who will confront and defeat the forces of evil. - **Royal Authority:** The lion is often associated with kingship and divine authority. Al-Mahdi's rule is seen as divinely sanctioned, bringing justice and restoring the moral order. ### Prophetic Traditions (Hadith) #### Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad Several hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) mention the coming of al-Mahdi. These are collected in various Islamic sources and emphasize different aspects of his mission and attributes. 1. **Appearance and Name:** It is said that al-Mahdi will share the Prophet’s name (Muhammad) and his father's name (Abdullah), linking him closely to the Prophet’s family. 2. **Signs of Emergence:** The hadiths describe numerous signs that will precede al-Mahdi’s arrival, such as widespread injustice, natural disasters, and significant celestial events. These signs create a sense of anticipation and readiness among believers. 3. **Role and Mission:** Al-Mahdi’s mission is to restore true Islam, eradicate tyranny, and establish a just and equitable society. His rule will be characterized by peace and prosperity, fulfilling the prophetic vision of a righteous leader. ### Specific Prophecies #### Detailed Descriptions 1. **Black Banners from Khorasan:** One of the most famous prophecies is that al-Mahdi’s army will carry black banners and emerge from the region of Khorasan (part of modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia). This symbolism has been interpreted in various ways, including a literal army or a movement of spiritual revival. 2. **Unification of Muslims:** Al-Mahdi is prophesied to unify the Muslim ummah, which will have been divided by sectarianism and political strife. This unity will be critical in establishing a strong and just leadership. 3. **The Seven-Year Rule:** Some traditions specify that al-Mahdi will rule for seven years, during which time he will bring about significant changes and reforms. This period is seen as a time of unprecedented justice and piety. ### Theological Implications #### Messianic Expectations - **Divine Justice:** The prophecies highlight a divine plan where al-Mahdi acts as an instrument of God’s justice. This reinforces the belief in a higher power orchestrating human history towards a just and moral end. - **Moral Renewal:** Al-Mahdi’s emergence is also seen as a call for moral and spiritual renewal among Muslims. Believers are encouraged to adhere to Islamic principles in anticipation of his arrival. - **Interfaith Connections:** While primarily an Islamic concept, the idea of a messianic figure who will bring justice and peace resonates with similar themes in other Abrahamic religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity. This common ground can foster interfaith dialogue and understanding. ### Interpretations and Debates #### Sunni and Shia Perspectives - **Shia Islam:** In Shia belief, al-Mahdi is the twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, who went into occultation and will reappear. The detailed Shia narratives provide a specific lineage and historical context for his return. - **Sunni Islam:** While Sunnis also believe in al-Mahdi, their interpretations can be less specific regarding his identity and the details of his emergence. Some Sunnis view the Mahdi as a future leader who will emerge without the same historical continuity emphasized in Shia thought. #### Contemporary Relevance - **Modern Movements:** Various Islamic movements have claimed to be aligned with the prophecies of al-Mahdi, sometimes even declaring their leaders to be the Mahdi. These claims are often controversial and can lead to significant religious and political tensions. - **Apocalyptic Literature:** The prophecies of al-Mahdi contribute to a broader genre of apocalyptic literature within Islam, which interprets current events in light of eschatological expectations. This literature influences contemporary Islamic thought and geopolitics.152 views -
How to make Wudu, clean yourself before prayer 🧼 🤲
Free HumanityHow to make Wudu, clean yourself before prayer 🧼 🤲 , Happy friday , in this short animated video, you will find detailed and correct instructions on how to clean yourself and bring you to a state of Wudu, every muslim must wash himself like this at least 5 x a day, Omar Samson, holy Quran ,hadith, Islam, practise , ritual, God is the greatest, peace, ❤️ Free Humanity51 views -
Prophecy of the Lion of Ishmael 🧬 🦁 , part 1 🔥
Free HumanityProphecy ,Lion of Ishmael 🦁 , part 1 🔥 , Brothers and sisters! Today, we gather to reflect upon a profound and ancient narrative, one that bridges the vast expanse of time and unites diverse cultures under the umbrella of faith and destiny. This is the story of Ishmael, the lion from the lineage of Abraham, and his descendants, the Arabs. It is a tale that resonates deeply within the sacred texts of the Bible and finds its echoes in the corridors of history. In the Book of Genesis, we encounter Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham, born to Hagar, the Egyptian handmaiden. Ishmael, a name meaning "God hears," was destined to become a great nation. As we delve into his legacy, we see that God's promise to Abraham extended not only to Isaac but also to Ishmael. "I will make him a great nation," God proclaimed, and so it came to pass. The lion of Ishmael roared across the deserts, his descendants growing into a formidable people, the Arabs. Their story is one of resilience, strength, and divine purpose. The Arab nations, children of Ishmael, played a pivotal role in the unfolding of God's grand design, as prophesied in the Scriptures. Deuteronomy 18:18 states, "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him." This passage is often interpreted within the Judeo-Christian tradition as foretelling the coming of a prophet from among the Israelites. However, there is another perspective that merits our attention. Many scholars and believers see this prophecy extending beyond the confines of Israel, anticipating a messenger from the lineage of Ishmael, signifying a covenantal shift towards the Gentiles of Arabia. The Arab people, as the heirs of Ishmael, have a profound connection to this prophecy. The rise of Islam in the 7th century CE, under the prophethood of Muhammad, has been seen by many as a fulfillment of this divine promise. Muhammad, born in the heart of Arabia, brought forth a revelation that emphasized monotheism, justice, and compassion, values deeply rooted in the Abrahamic tradition. His message, the Quran, is viewed by Muslims as a continuation and culmination of the earlier scriptures, affirming the shared heritage of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Throughout history, we witness the impact of this covenantal transition. The Islamic Golden Age, a period of remarkable scientific, cultural, and intellectual flourishing, stands as a testament to the profound contributions of the Arab people to human civilization. The preservation and enhancement of knowledge during this era owe much to the legacy of Ishmael and the divine promise fulfilled through his descendants. Yet, this narrative is not without its complexities. The scriptures have undergone numerous translations, interpretations, and, at times, alterations. Prophecies have been added and removed, leading to diverse understandings and sometimes, misunderstandings. It is imperative that we approach these texts with a spirit of reverence and a commitment to uncovering the truth. By doing so, we honor the profound legacy of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, and the interconnected destinies of their progeny. In conclusion, the story of the lion of Ishmael and his children, the Arabs, is one of divine promise, prophetic fulfillment, and enduring legacy. It calls upon us to recognize the shared heritage of the Abrahamic faiths and to seek unity in our common origins. As we reflect on Deuteronomy 18:18 and the broader scriptural narratives, let us embrace a vision of inclusivity, understanding, and respect for all peoples. May we continue to seek wisdom and guidance from these ancient texts, fostering a world where the roar of the lion of Ishmael echoes in harmony with the voices of all God's children. Thank you. Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Deuteronomy , genesis, Isaac ,pbuh, Ishmael, pbuh, Jesus, pbuh, Mohammed pbuh, great nations , israel, evil , cursed, covenant change, God is the greatest, scripture, evidence , legend , myth , truth, mystery , conspiracy, war on humanity , war on God, war on descendents of the prophets, satanism , Muslim , jews, Christians, the holy land, Egypt , Hajar of Egypt, Hagar, handmaiden, Abraham pbuh, genetics, heritage, pride, warriors, poets, monks, prophets, artists, traders, humans, Free Palestine , free humanity, semites, Arab, Arabic, Ishmaels mother was Egyptian!164 views -
Best Holy Quran Recitation Ever in HD
Free HumanityAbdul Basit Abdul Samad, Surah , Quran , Prayer , Recitation , jummah mubarak, happy friday prayer, recitation , singing, poetry , art , religion , spirituality, strong protection against jinn and demons!, tradition , family, ummah , anti satan, anti lgtbq, God is the greatest, Omar Samson, Free Humanity101 views 2 comments -
Beautiful Holy Quran recitation by the best singer Abdul Basit Abdel Samad HD
Free HumanityBeautiful Holy Quran recitation by the best singer Abdul Basit Abdel Samad HD, Friday , Quran study, prayer, Omar Samson , Free Humanity42 views -
Abdul Basit Abdel Samad , Holy Quran recitation , Surah Al-Furkan
Free HumanityAbdul Basit Abdel Samad , Holy Quran recitation , Surah Al-Furkan , Omar Samson , Friday , Quran , Free Humanity, chrislam is the way50 views