Where Does Hate Come From?
TTalkToTheBodyTime and time again they were exiled from many Nations. Was it a coincidence or perhaps these Nations didn't want the power grab and usury to control them. Join us now Channel: https://t.me/TartariaHistoryChannel Chat: https://t.me/TartarianEnglishGroup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You only have to look at what has happened since 2020 to answer that question. As the world was being steamrollered into global communism, it also came on the back of genocide and famine, classic Khazarian-Bolshevism which is modelled on zionism. So as the clever ones supported Trump and avoided the depopulation shot....the hate came firmly from the left-wing liberals and their cultural marxism. The riots, the burning, the looting, the murdering, the screaming, the shadow-banning, the cheating, the pedophilia, the satanism ALL came from the left. The "far-right" were actually on the side of God, the side that tried so damn hard to save the fools on the left. And who sewed the seeds of marxism? why that would be the zionists in the city of London, Israel, and Washington DC, and all their satanic foot soldiers of the deep-state, the media, the freemasons, big pharma. So really the hate comes from within those who are too foolish and lazy to discover the truth. Switch off the tell-a-vision, start listening, less screaming....oh and stop eating at McDonald's...oh boy these liberals need to toughen up, rid themselves of the Stockholm Syndrome and realise that it was the zionists behind the covid genocide, and the debt slavery, and three world wars, and the Bolsheviks and more...When the liberals finally come to their senses and listen then they will start their awakening. The Jews have for many many years remained silent, very very very few have uttered the words Khazarian, Ashkenazi, Khazaria, Khazars, and just like Muslims they are silent as mice, so long as things favour them. Jews and Muslims are silent towards their extremist control group, it's easier to distance themselves, keep quiet, say nothing and claim all is ok. Christians on the other hand have no problem calling out and targeting extremist control groups. but of course they get accused of being racists by liberals. The patriots all over the world who are on the side of God and have been fighting peacefully for years want unity, but it's not easy when liberals refuse to listen and instead assist the communists in their satanic endeavours. Patriots worldwide was TRUTH and JUSTICE and exposure of the hidden criminal genocidal elements who for years have lurked behind the green curtain. Patriots do not care what skin colour, sexuality, what you wear, what religion you are, so long as you fight for truth, justice, and freedom.238 views 1 comment -
Gaza - Nazi Zionist IDF Drone Strike on Civilians Collecting Water
TTalkToTheBodyhttps://t.me/moralobligation/1666 "Palestinians in Gaza rushed to the water tanks to draw the last of what was left in them, so they gathered around the water pipe to fill their bottles with whatever remaining water was available. #BOYCOTT_ISRAEL Defense Force (IDF) took advantage with a bomb dropped directly above them to kill them. Spread this clip so that people know about the barbarism and atrocity committed by #BOYCOTT_ISRAEL 🔍 https://t.me/moralobligation " "The apparent crimes listed above were carried out according to various precepts in the Talmud, which fairly brims with exhortations to rid the world of non-jews, idolaters, and such like. The solution to this vermin problem is summed up in Zohar I.25a "Let them be wiped off the face of the earth." And as we all know, there is nothing superior to the holy Talmud, J. Buckstorf, Rescentsi Operes Talmud, page 225, meaning genocide can be kosher sometimes, because Talmudic law, like Israeli law, takes precedence over mere international treaties" Land of The Zog by Gary Smith Zohar 1,25b 666 ZOG J U "The" Jewish Utopia Professor Rabbi Michael Higger PhD 1932123 views 3 comments