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The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24

6 videos
Updated 2 months ago
The “Government Rests On His Shoulders” Conference is about sparking a Revival and Reformation that fulfills Christ’s Great Commission by making disciples who apply the Bible to every aspect of life, including civics! For more information on Liberty Christian Fellowship Church and how you can make an impact in your community, you can go to:
  1. Pastor Artur Pawlowski-The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24
  2. Alex Newman-The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24
  3. Denise Edwards-The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24
  4. Justin Hamm- The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24
  5. Ron Edwards- The Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders Conference 10/5/24