Spiritual House Cleansing | Biokinesis Subliminal
Neil Cross SubliminalsPIX: thiagoroda@hotmail.com SPIRITUAL HOUSE CLEANSING TO FIX YOUR LIFE AND THE LIFE OF YOUR FAMILY!!! * This One Is My Mother (Diva Berti Roda) Request!!! *This one also Bring Connection with Good Energies Around, Good Vibes, Vigor, Health, Luck and Protection. ** ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! U$D80 each personalized subliminal (5 files each; 1 movie, 1 cover artwork, 1 affirmations artwork, 1 mp3 file for apple, 1 m4a file for android) Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: neilcrossrequest@gmail.com Subject As Urgent! This music 332 Hz been recorded with the intention to clean your house of telluric and negative energies, bad and evil spirits, also vigor, luck, wealth, abundance and health. It will help elevate your vibration with our attraction angelic harmony frequency. It is a Forced MEGA Combo! This track is embedded with frequency of 332 Hz #Subliminal #SpiritualCleansing #SpiritualHouseCleansing #cleanhouse #deleteevilspirits #bringharmony #combo #wealth #healing #attracteverything #pleiadianintelligence #relaxation #peace #trip #love #light #replication #darknessremoval Subliminal Affirmations: My pineal gland is now creating the necessary supercells to turn everything I listen in this audio true, permanently Thiago Antonio Roda (Neil Cross) is giving his power and his light to cleanse and destroy telluric energies in my house. My house is free of dark and evil spirits My House is clean spiritually My house and the place I live is amazing and full of joy and happiness and luck My family is lucky The money, luck and happiness flows to our house and family My House is protected against evil and dark forces My neighborhood is quiet always My House is always clean and full of joy and light We are all lucky, wealthy, protected and healthy, young. Permanent Thank you Universe, thank you Gods. We are all happy now and forever It can be used with or without headphones. This music has been recorded with the intention to send out miracles to all who listen to this masterpiece. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. Song: Breathing Planet. by Neil Cross148 views -
manifest extreme wealth + financial freedom subliminal "dollaz on my head" by gunna (slowed by me!)
FFast money— make sure to listen at least once + as many times as you'd like after that! the more you listen, the more effective it is — you can listen with or without headphones — all of my subliminals are unisex unless a specific sex is stated otherwise — there are zero binaural beats and frequencies. this subliminal is completely safe and trustworthy. — this is downloadable, preferably in .wav or .mp3 format. feel free to use in a bundle! — try to listen consistently for at least 2-3 weeks. if you still aren’t noticing results, feel free to change subliminals. — take breaks as needed. if you are experiencing headaches or motion sickness, chill for 30 minutes to an hour and try again. try to stay hydrated in an effort to prevent motion sickness. — detach and trust the process. subliminals are a form of manifesting and shifting your reality. you are getting results as you are reading this. YOU have the power, so your results are going to come as quickly or slowly as you want them to. don't overcomplicate subliminals. all you have to do is listen, trust this tool, and trust yourself. good luck always x song: "dollaz on my head" by gunna (slowed by me!)34 views -
burn calories affirmations and subliminals
mmoirasimsthis works like a weight loss subliminal but the affirmations are more focused on burning calories/fat ♥ + the benefits: * burn up to 1111 calories * burn all excess fat * fast metabolism * lose weight * tight, firm skin What is a subliminal? Behind the music there are voices which contain messages called affirmations, which are things like "i am skinny" or "i am beautiful"(these are just examples, not actually in this subliminal) and these bypass your conscious mind and your subconscious picks these up and acts on them producing real results!! For even more effective results: learn how to hack your subconscious mind through proven neuroscience techniques and lose weight in JUST 15 minutes. Want to gain access to the only weight-loss program developed around cutting-edge brain science with a 100% satisfaction guarantee (or you will get your money back with no questions asked)? CLICK HERE ► ► https://tinyurl.com/244zpcbx44 views -
"SHOT CALLER" manifest extreme wealth + financial freedom subliminal (listen once)
LLuxuriousRichLife𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣 — manifest an unlimited amount of money in an instant, large sums of money come to you effortlessly, attain complete financial freedom, manifest your ideal luxury lifestyle effortlessly (house, cars, clothes, vacations, etc), any amount of money you spend comes back to you by 999,999,999,999,999 fold. Make sure to listen at least once + as many times as you'd like after that! the more you listen, the more effective it is — you can listen with or without headphones — all of my subliminals are unisex unless a specific sex is stated otherwise — there are zero binaural beats and frequencies. this subliminal is completely safe and trustworthy. — try to listen consistently for at least 2-3 weeks. if you still aren’t noticing results, feel free to change subliminals. — take breaks as needed. if you are experiencing headaches or motion sickness, chill for 30 minutes to an hour and try again. try to stay hydrated in an effort to prevent motion sickness. — detach and trust the process. subliminals are a form of manifesting and shifting your reality. you are getting results as you are reading this. YOU have the power, so your results are going to come as quickly or slowly as you want them to. don't overcomplicate subliminals. all you have to do is listen, trust this tool, and trust yourself. good luck always x song: "dollaz on my head" by gunna (slowed!)55 views -
Money Affirmations with Reverse Subliminals (LISTEN DAILY!)
Mind Align MediaListen to these Money Affirmations with Reverse Subliminals every day to help change your mindset around getting rich, being worthy of money, wealth & success! Money Magnet Affirmations with Reverse Subliminals (LISTEN DAILY!) This audio plays the affirmations you hear forward & in reverse to affect your Subconscious Mind on a deeper level. For the best listening experience, please use headphones. ================================================ 🎥 VIDEO REQUESTS - Have a request for an affirmation video? Visit Here to Leave Your Video Idea Requests: https://bit.ly/MindAlignMedia-Requests ================================================ 📢 LEAVE YOUR FEEDBACK - We are listening! Have some constructive feedback for us to help us improve? Feel free to share in the comment section, or email us at MindAlignMedia@gmail.com ================================================ 🤝 SUBSCRIBE to Mind-Align Media & Realign Your Mind Today: https://bit.ly/Sub-MindAlignMedia ================================================ 🎥 FOOTAGE licensed through Pexels and all creative commons footage is listed below and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. https://www.pexels.com/video/a-close-up-shot-of-a-pile-of-money-5466776/ ================================================ 🎼 MUSIC: Ambient Drone Theme - Anton Vlasov https://pixabay.com/music/ambient-ambient-drone-theme-15792/ ================================================ ► FAIR USE: Any third-party content used complies with fair use and is transformative in nature with added meaning and commentary for educational purposes. However, if you would like your clips removed, please contact us at: mindalignmedia@gmail.com ================================================ Money Affirmations with Reverse Subliminals (LISTEN DAILY!)70 views -
Subliminal Classic Music - Attract Wealth and Success
jjoel528hzThis audio has powerful subliminal affirmations that can help you attract prosperity, success, money, and power. Positive affirmations are recorded for your subconscious mind, which is below your conscious mind's listening capacity. This subliminal audio session is set to classical music and will assist you in meditating and tuning into high vibrating frequencies, allowing you to harness and amplify the law of attraction's power in your life. ► WARNING: This should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. Earphones or Headphones are optional. ► RECOMMENDATIONS: Listen as frequent as possible: - Before and after listening to other subliminals - Before bedtime - at least 2 to 3 times daily for 30 to 90 days - Stay hydrated. Gradually drink water while listening. ▼▼▼CREDITS▼▼▼ Meditative Mind – Background music/sounds Pixabay – Royalty free videos Subliminal Audio embedded by John Horton - (C) Copyright 201831 views -
subliminal frequency wizard: subliminals for quick and effective weight loss
mmoirasimsThis subliminal is designed to help you lose weight quickly and with ease...use with caution! What is a subliminal? Behind the music there are voices which contain messages called affirmations, which are things like "i am skinny" or "i am beautiful"(these are just examples, not actually in this subliminal) and these bypass your conscious mind and your subconscious picks these up and acts on them producing real results!! For even more effective results: learn how to hack your subconscious mind through proven neuroscience techniques and lose weight in JUST 15 minutes. Want to gain access to the only weight-loss program developed around cutting-edge brain science with a 100% satisfaction guarantee (or you will get your money back with no questions asked)? CLICK HERE ► ► https://tinyurl.com/244zpcbx48 views -
BillionaireBrainWavesManifesting the life you want. This is a review page! 🧬 🚀 💵 👇👇 The Language of Abundance: https://bit.ly/4bbd12j The Billionaire Brain Wave : https://bit.ly/4dAWk1A Quantum Millionaire: https://bit.ly/3WDHaCJ the wealth signal : https://bit.ly/3yqalz1 Listening to subliminals are a great way to reprogram your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind controls 95% of your thoughts and mold your life. This subliminal is designed to make you attract a ton of money and become richer!41 views -
Become Famous Forced | Biokinesis Subliminal #BecomeFamousSubliminal #Subliminal #Biokinesis
Neil Cross SubliminalsATTRACT AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF FANS ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! ITS ALSO A COMBO, READ THE AFFIRMATIONS!!! * ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! $80 each personalized subliminal (5 files each; 1 movie, 1 cover artwork, 1 affirmations artwork, 1 mp3 file for apple, 1 m4a file for android) * Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: thiagoroda@hotmail.com Subject As Urgent! or Instagram DM @ncsubliminals ***Its for achieving Fans All Over The World. Linked to your social medias or the Work you do. *This one Makes you attracting an infinite amount of Fans, Folowers and Subscribers! This music 450 Hz been recorded with the intention to attract an infinite amount fans, followers and subscribers in your Artistic or Job Area. It will help elevate your vibration with our attraction angelic harmony frequency. It is a Forced MEGA Combo! This track is embedded with frequency of 450 Hz #Subliminal #Famous #BecomeFamous #manifestmiracles #fans #followers #attractfans #wealth #healing #attracteverything #pleiadianintelligence #relaxation #peace #trip #love #light #replication #darknessremoval Subliminal Affirmations: My pineal gland is now creating the necessary supercells to attract instantly and make everything I listen in this audio true now permanent. This audio has the power to replicate its effects by ten thousand times per second now permanently. I can attract now an endless amount of fans for the work I do now. I have millions of followers and true dedicated fans.I gain much money now. My social medias has millions of followers now true. I can attract now easily an endless amount of fans all over the world. I am lucky, healthy, protected, happy, wealthy, young. Thank you Gods, Thank you Universe for my Fortune, health and luck, my protection and youth. True Now And Forever It can be used with or without headphones. This music has been recorded with the intention to send out miracles to all who listen to this masterpiece. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help. Song: Magical Gravity. by Neil Cross96 views -
♡Old Money♡ - ✯ rich lifestyle + aesthetic subliminal ✯
soda subswelcome! ★benefits★ get extremely rich, attract more money every day, be effortlessly wealthy, get more money than you can spend in your life, live a luxurious, successful, sophisticated life, have a generational legacy, exude regal elegance aesthetic -unisex -any race -100% safe -includes a booster -fast and permanent results -can be combined with other subliminals -headphones recommended, but not neccessary -listen in a comfortable volume -you don't have to look at the picture -listen how many times you want, I recommend twice a day you can leave your suggestions for future videos in the comments below! disclamer: subliminals work through the subconcious mind, it's a system of beliefs that I and many people share, it may take some time before you see the results. subliminals are not a substite for a professional help.23 views