Introduction to SQL - Software School (2024-03-07)
Tech World Software SchoolGet introduced to Structured Query Language (SQL) to interface with relational database management systems (RDBMS). The lecture uses Programiz Online SQL Editor to practice the examples. You learn how databases have tables for different resources. Each table has a definition of columns that are used to define the attributes of an object. Each object is represented by a row in the table. Think about Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheets, where you have columns and rows. You first learn how to retrieve data from tables using SELECT. You learn to select all columns as well as specific ones. You also learn to eliminate duplicates with the DISTINCT keyword preceding the column name. You learn to narrow down and filter rows by specifying conditions with WHERE. The lecture goes on to show you how you can insert data into a table. You also briefly learn how to order rows by a column. Then you learn how to delete rows with DELETE. The lecture also shows you how to modify records with UPDATE. You learn to combine tables together with a JOIN. You also learn how to count rows and add an alias to a column. You briefly see how you can also group rows by a specific column.13 views 1 comment -
Introduction to CSS - Software School (2024-02-29)
Tech World Software SchoolAn introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to change the visuals of a web page written in HyperText Markup Language (HTML). You learn how to use a type selector to style all paragraphs in a document with basic CSS properties such as color, background color, and text align. The lecture also teaches how to use the browser developer tools (DevTools) to help you with development. It allows you to change the style and see the outcome in real time. It is very useful to debug CSS. You also learn other CSS properties related to the font of a text. For example, changing the size, family, and weight. The lecture also teaches you how to select HTML elements for styling according to their ID or class attribute.9 views 1 comment -
Introduction to HTML (including Forms) - Software School (2024-02-22)
Tech World Software SchoolAn introduction to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to create websites. You learn how to build paragraphs, mark inline text with strong importance or emphasis, add headings level one through six. The lecture also goes over bulleted and numbered lists. You learn to link text to another page using the anchor tag. The lecture also shows you how to display images. A brief intro to composing a form is also presented, so you get exposed to controls such as text field, text area, date field, button.18 views -
Introduction to React frontend library - Software School (2024-02-15)
Tech World Software SchoolMake a donation: https://linktr.ee/nbktechworld112 views 1 comment