More Horrifying Reasons NOT to get the Covid Vax
Uncensored StormOAN talking about how British researchers are calling UK govt to halt all vaccine use immediately.. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** You won’t see this on sky news or bbc but news channels around the world have our back, Please, if you are considering taking the expiramental "vaccine", please think again. Follow the science. Forward to friends. This is serious. And again, IT'S NOT A VACCINE!! >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com #justsayno #saveyourself #notworthit #itsnotavax205 views 1 comment -
Matthew Hancock Making the Jab Compulsary Across the Pond
Uncensored StormYour children? Listen to this criminal. Why haven’t we arrested this tool? I thought this was just a conspiracy theory? Just like all conspiracy theories, it's only a theory til it comes true. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #conspiracyfacts31 views -
Eric Clapton Talks About the COVID Vaccine
Uncensored StormEric Clapton Talks About His Experience of The COVID Vaccines - including losing the use of his hands for 3 weeks. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **192 views 5 comments -
Mortifying! Company Expects to Lose Vaccinated Staff within 3 Years.
Uncensored StormThis woman runs a recruitment company specializing in providing workers for the oil and gas industry. She claims that she has been told the big oil and gas companies are making lists of all their employees that have taken the COVID Vaccine and expects that will need to be replaced within the next 3 years. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **143 views 1 comment -
Dr Robert Malone, Inventor of the mRNA Vaccines
Uncensored Storm15 Minute video with Dr Robert Malone - The inventor of the mRNA Vaccines Summary : They didn't expect the Spike Protein from the vaccine to move from the muscle in the arm from where it was injected and travel to other parts of the body causing harm. They believe the Spike Protein could even reach the bone marrow and lead to people developing leukaemia (Blood Cancer) - only time will tell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMB1dRJNHe8 Full 3 Hour Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_NNTVJzqtY **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **240 views 1 comment -
Vax Remorse: Magnets Are Not Just On The Vax Spot Anymore!
Uncensored Storm🚨Do YOU know people personally, who have had the jab and are now magnetized. Leave a comment and let us know.. Be sure to leave the brand of vax, if known.🚨 Like many others,, magnets started to stick to just her vaccination spot. Now that phenomenon has spread throughout her body. Doctors can't figure it out. It's only since her covid shot. 🚨Do YOU know people personally, who have had the jab and are now magnetized. Leave a comment and let us know.. Be sure to leave the brand of vax, if known.🚨 **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **139 views 3 comments -
Dr. Byram Bridle Spike Protein Dangers
Uncensored StormThe Potential Dangers of The Spike Protein **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** https://youtu.be/Sis1Sddzbqk Dr. Bridle is an associate professor and viral immunologist in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph. His research interests include developing a better understanding of how the immune system responds to viral infections as well as designing immunotherapies for the treatment of cancers and infectious diseases. #justsayno #novax #spikeprotein #trustthescience1.61K views 1 comment -
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi : Do Not Give Your Child the Covid Vaccine
Uncensored StormAn urgent appeal from microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. We are not anti vax, we are anti covid vax. There's a difference. Follow the science. Please listen carefully. >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com https://t.me/PlanetLockdown https://planetlockdownfilm.com/ #covidvax #followthescience #firefauci **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **270 views 4 comments -
MRNA Vaccine Studies Were Stopped Because the Animals Were DYING! Okay for People Though...
Uncensored StormAnimal Studies in MRNA Vaccines Were Stopped As Too Many Died Full Video Here from Texas Senate Hearing https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/05/18/doctor-says-mrna-covid-shot-animal-trials-were-halted-because-animals-were-dying/ >>Patriot Merch @ https://www.uncensoredstorm.com https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=15926 **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com **523 views -
Digital Citizenship!? Digital ID for the Internet Plan Zoom Call
Uncensored Storm⚠️ DIGITAL ID FOR THE INTERNET ⚠️ The World Economic Forum recently did a livestream with Interpol, Cloudflare, and a cyber security company to discuss the upcoming cyber pandemic agenda. The Cloudflare COO hints to digital identity / citizenship for internet users. They want to connect everything you do on the internet to a digital ID. The Cyber Polygon event will happen July 9th. It seems they will later launch a massive false flag cyber attack to try and bring forth more tyranny and digital citizenship. They will tell the public everyone needs a digital identity to keep the internet safe. They will say it is to prevent terrorism. They will try to use fear as a way to gain more control. **Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/uncensoredstorm ** **Follow on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/UncensoredStorm ** **Patriot Merch & Blog: https://www.uncensoredstorm.com ** #digitalcitizens #cyberattack #populationcontrol #cloudflare #digitalidentification #digitalid #allaboutcontrol #controlthemasses #nomorefreedom #standup #justsayno71 views