𝄞♯♫ Sol's ABSOLUTE Circle- Head To Tail
105 videos
Updated 2 days ago
The Complete Narrative- GENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT- (A WIP) Discover a treasure trove of content on our channel, featuring captivating indie music videos and thrilling sci-fi short stories that blend genres and push creative boundaries. Dive into the world of alternative music with our curated indie discoveries, showcasing emerging indie music bands that are redefining the soundscape. Get lost in enigmatic sci-fi mystery narratives and explore the intense sounds of experimental metal and math metal bands. Don't miss our collection of new alternative music videos and visually stunning animated short films that bring sci-fi concepts to life, alongside the intricate compositions of progressive metal. Join us for an exhilarating journey through music and storytelling!
1 Do Ordinator Tools Make Ordinator Fools?
MatthewMillaisGray(Do), ORDINATOR (Homophones: Ordinator, Ordinateur) tools, Make ORDINATOR (Homophones: Ordinator, Ordinateur) fools? We (get to) choose. From ordinary to extraordinary. It's up to you! Humanity has come to this moment now. All, It's struggles (Homophone: troubles), ALL, It's achieved. All, It's gains & loss, ALL, It's conceived, Hands to the plough, TETRACH (king of earth), ELAH (Polysemy: אַלָהּ GOD, god, gods) tools, (Use technological tools), Furrow straight rows ahead, A paradigm shift, Pioneering spirits, To new horizons, New views, From what's here given, To the CITY OF HEAVEN! Plough earth by hand, To STARS above land, Our path we chart. Ordinator's tools, The fire we SPARK since tales, Prometheus. We are GOD'S, We ARE DEUS (Homophones: Dias, De-ace, Deus Ex Machina, Deis- chance for opportunity), As the POETS said. We rise to life, Spirits far from dead! In our hands, the future brews, Ordinator's tools, the future choose! Humanity, it has come to this moment now. All, It's struggles (Homophone: troubles), All, It's achieved. All, It's gains & loss, ALL, It's conceived, Hands to the plough, Technological tools, Furrow straight rows ahead, A paradigm shift, Pioneering spirits, To new horizons, & new views, From what's here given, To the CITY OF HEAVEN! Paths above land, Our path we chart. Ordinator's tools, The fire, We SPARKS, Since tales, (Of) Prometheus. We are GOD'S, we are DEUS (Homophones: Dias, De-ace, Deus Ex Machina, Deis- chance for opportunity) What paths we chart, It made us tools, The fire, We SPARKS, Its tales, DEUS. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.19 views -
2 Taxed To Love You
MatthewMillaisGrayTaxed to death, In life, Is that what's true? Death & taxes, Or love for you? (Chorus) Tax, tax,... Taxed to love!? Taxed to love you!? Regulation!? Liberation!? Salvation...!? Taxed to love you!? Beyond death & strife!? Love brings us to life! (Verse 2) Taxed to death, In life, Is that what's true? Death & taxes, Tax, tax,... Taxed to love!? Taxed to love you!? Regulation!? Liberation!? Salvation...!? Tax... Taxed to love you!? Beyond death & strife!? Love brings us to life! Taxed to death in life!? In life? Is that what's true? Death & taxes. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.2 views -
3 Uninspired
MatthewMillaisGrayChasing inspiration, Out of juice, With little use, The mind too contrived, Tired, uninspired, Stranded imagination, Heart on the rocks (Homophone- hard) Lightning in a b...,bottle (stammering, nervous, tired) Can it be caught again with truth? Uninspired! Uninspired! Let love find the way again. (Verse 2) Laboring tirelessly, Day & night, Fatigue set in, Interest thin, Through repetition, Trying too hard, magic's lost! Uninspired! Trying too hard, magic's lost! Distraught, at a loss! (Chorus) The harder I try, the worse its gets! Uninspired, tired! Do I give up not try? Better leave it to die? It's a lie, It's a lie, It's a lie! Love always finds the way! When... Uninspired. (Bridge) Every night has its day. Love always finds the way. Elation, motivation from... Uninspired, Tired, dismay! (Chorus) The harder I try, the worse its gets! Uninspired, tired! Do I give up not try? Better leave it to die? It's a lie, It's a lie, It's a lie! Love always finds the way! When... Uninspired. Every night has its day. Love always finds the way. Elation, motivation from. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.1 view -
4 Drop The Mask
MatthewMillaisGrayMask, mask, Making my face..., What a disgrace, To the human race! The mirror of truth shows a broken soul! Drop the mask! Just drop it! (Chorus) Truth fantastic! Ethics elastic. Caught in between realities, An alien land, An alien self in denial! A troubling psychosis! Drop the mask! Just drop the mask, Just stop it now, For crying out loud! (Verse 2) Mind mirror, Truth witness, Am I redeemable? Doomed in past karma? Reaping something terrible? Drop the mask! Be authentic. (Chorus) Truth fantastic! Ethics elastic. Caught in between realities, An alien land, An alien self in denial! A troubling psychosis! Drop the mask! Just stop the mask, Just stop it now, For crying out loud! (Verse 3) Truth fantastic! Ethics elastic. Caught in between realities, An alien land, An alien self in denial! A troubling psychosis! Drop the mask! Just drop the mask, Just stop it now, For crying out loud! What a tangled web we...(weave- think) (Verse 1) Mask, mask, Making my face..., What a disgrace, To the human race! The mirror of truth shows a broken soul! Drop the mask! Just drop it! (Verse 4) The mirror, (homophone, me mirror, [mind mirror]) Truth witness, Am I redeemable? Doomed in past karma? Reaping something terrible? Drop the mask! Be authentic. (Verse 5) Drop the mask! Be authentic & real! For goodness sake! (Homophone, for God's/god's/good's sake) Just drop the mask, Be authentic & real! Be positive! Just drop the mask. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.5 views -
5 Aversion
MatthewMillaisGrayOh, oh, oh, twisted world! Aversion lingers in my soul. A boundary towards your toxic hypocrisy, Yeah, you sense that? It's aversion to your sweetest words and false front persona! (Chorus) I just can't stand (it) anymore! Aversion reaction to your deception! This high control makes me sick, Growth denied, Air too thick, Superficial love, a false parade. No surprise for what it's made... (Verse 2) Aversion howling at the moon, Against hypocrisy, and its tune. Gritty defiance, Reclaimed voice, No longer blind, A critical choice! My soul cries out in extersion! (homophone- its tersion, torsion, stress or deformation, twisting, wiping, rubbing off, terson brain hemorrhage, tension) Aversion reaction to your deception! This high control makes me sick, Growth denied, Air too thick, Superficial love, A f...f...,false parade. (Stutter, or so riled as if holding back a curse) No surprise for what it's made... (Outro) Aversion howling at the moon, Aversion's cry for truth & freedom! CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.1 view -
6 Gotta Get Out
MatthewMillaisGraySick and tired, A contrived routine, Puppet around, Lost my so called mind, Couldn't get free, Stuck in a matrix, That's suffocating me, Frustrated as hell! [Chorus] Gotta scream, gotta shout, Had enough, Gotta, gotta get out! No more playing nice, To the started fight, Forget passive & silent. (Verse 2) Sick and tired, A contrived routine, Puppet around, Lost my so called mind, Couldn't get free, Stuck in a matrix, That's suffocating me Frustrated as hell! [Chorus] Gotta scream, gotta shout, Had enough, Gotta, gotta get out! No more playing nice, To the started fight, Forget passive & silent. (Bridge) Gonna (Homophone: Gotta) get a real life! (Homophone: love) (Verse 3) Ex (homophone: as) frustrated, As contrived routine, Puppet around, Lost my so called mind, Couldn't get free, Stuck in a matrix, That's suffocating me, Frustrated as hell! [Chorus] Gotta scream, gotta shout, Had enough, Gotta get out!!! Gotta get out! (Outro) No more playing nice. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list. -
7 Stand For Vindication
MatthewMillaisGrayIn the darkest hour, When HOPE seems to fade, We rise above, Unafraid, We won't back down, We won't give in, Together we'll fight, Until we win, Oh yeah, Oh oh oh! [Chorus] Stand for vindication, Raise your voice up high, Courage and determination, Will never be denied, We'll break the chains that hold us down, & soar into the sky! Stand for vindication, That our spirits never die! Yeah! (Verse 2) Libel & slander, Are such a sin, The force of lies just can't win! We won't back down, We won't give in, Together we'll fight until we win! Yeah, yeah! [Chorus 2] Stand for vindication, Raise your voice up high, Courage and determination, (Will) never be denied, We'll break the chains that hold us down, & soar into the sky! Stem those limitations, The web of life's frustrations, The DIVINE heart's inclination, Heal with innovation, Forgive & live! [Chorus 3] Stand for vindication! Raise your voice up high, With courage and determination, Will never be denied, We'll break the chains that hold us down, & soar into the sky! Stand for vindication! Let our spirits never die! Yeah! CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.7 views -
8 Conscious Of Conscious
MatthewMillaisGrayFront lines (Homophone: lives), fearless and bold, Transcend limits, break the mold, Face fear, stand tall, Spirits eternal, heed the call. Conscious of conscious! (Verse ) Beyond veils, Shadows fade, Make truth, make love. No fear of end, [No fear, of En-Dor (Homophone: Endure, Endor- The Fountain of Dor, עין־דאר)] Or, dance eternal, Spirits steadfast. (Chorus) Front-line, fearless and bold, Transcend, break the mold. Face fear, stand tall, Spirits eternal, heed the call. Conscious of conscious! (Verse 2) Beyond veils, Shadows fade, Make truth, make love. No fear of end, Endure, Dance eter-nal, Spirits steadfast. (Chorus 2) Front-line, fearless and bold, Transcend, break the mold. No fear, of any fall! United strength, Tear-less & bold, Transcend, break the mold. Face fear, stand tall, Spirits all, Spirits eternal heed the call. Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious. (Verse 3) Beyond veils, Shadows fade, Make truth, make love. Noooo, no fear of end, Doing a dance eternal! Spirits steadfast. (Chorus 3) Front-line, fearless and bold, Transcend, break the mold. Face fear, stand tall, Spirits ALL! Spirits eternal, heed the call. Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious. (Verse 4) Beyond veils, Shadows fade, Make truth, make love. Noooo, no fear of end, Doing a dance eternal! Spirits steadfast. (Chorus 4) Front-line, fearless and bold, Transcend, break the mold. Face fear, stand tall, Spirits ALL! Spirits eternal, heed the call. Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious! (Outro) Conscious of conscious! Conscious of conscious. Conscious,... of conscious. Conscious of conscious! [Whisper] Conscious of conscious! CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.17 views -
9 Convalescent Dreams
MatthewMillaisGrayThrough the shadows, I saw the light, A glimmer of hope in the darkest night, With every beat, my heart will rise, From the depths of despair, I've reached the skies, The symphony played, a healing sound. [Chorus] Convalescent dreams, taking flight, Guided by the electric guitar's light, In harmony we find the strength to cope, Through every struggle, we find hope . (Verse 2) The orchestra of life, We find our way, A symphony of healing night & day, The lead guitar sings a voice so clear, Washing away pain, Every fear, [Whispers] Hear it now! [Chorus] Convalescent dreams, taking flight, Guided by the electric guitar's light, In harmony we find the strength to cope, Through every struggle, we find hope, hope, hope, hope... [Chorus] Convalescent dreams, taking flight, Guided by the electric guitar's light, In harmony we find the strength to cope, Through every struggle, we find hope, hope, hope, hope... (Outro) In the orchestra of life, We find our way, A symphony of healing night & day, The lead guitar sings a voice so clear, Washing away pain, Every fear. In the orchestra of life, We find our way, A symphony of healing night & day, The lead guitar sings a voice so clear, Washing away pain, Every fear, [Whispers] Hear it now! CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.6 views -
10 Imagine, Ideas Shape Heart of Creation
MatthewMillaisGrayImagine, Depth of mind, Dreams to find, A world of delight, Thought, births, New universe! Extraordinary is delivered. (Chorus) Imagine, Heavens and beyond skies frontiers, Imagine, Majestic and grand, symphony spoken revealed, Imagine, Realm of dreams unsealed, Imagine... (Verse 2) Cor-ri-dors in mental eye, Behold the KINGDOM of wonder, Fantasies are real, Imagine... Imagine, Depth of mind, Dreams to find, A world of delight. Heavens and beyond skies frontiers. Imagine, Majestic and grand, symphony spoken revealed, Imagine, Create, soar, (Homophone: CREATOR) to found realms of melody divine, and angels calls! Imagine, In the time! Corridors in mental eye, Behold the KINGDOM of wonder, Fantasies are real, A brush stroke, A pen's movement, Strummed guitar, Imagine... Create, soar, to found realms of melody divine, and angels calls! Imagine, Id is (Deep subconscious. Homophone: Ideas, Inner, In the) shape, heart of creation, Dreams escape, Imagine, Imagine, Ideas (Homphone: Id is) shape, heart (Homophone: art) of creation, Dreams escape. Imagine. (Outro) Imagine, Ideas shape, heart of creation, Dreams escape, Imagine, Imagine, Ideas shape, heart of creation, Dreams escape, Imagining. CREDITS: Audacity, Dell, DuckDuckGo, Gimp, Google Chrome, Linux, Meta, Microsoft, MyPal, OpenAIChatGPT3.5, Picsart, Royalty free sounds, Samsung, You.com, YouTube, Please note that this list encompasses various tools, applications, programs, services, and emerging AI and computer tools used in the creation process. While this strives for balance in including all the relevant tools, this is not an exhaustive list.6 views