15 videos
Updated 7 months ago
My gameplay for the puzzle game SokoFrog. The game contains up to 150 puzzles a pretty fun little game.
Naglfar94 GameplaysWell, now the end of another gameplay series I have done on here. The journey here was pretty long yet at the same time sorta short but here we are at last the final part to my run through SokoFrog and I am gonna miss this adorable little game. I go ahead and finish up the remaining puzzles in the game which all continue to take place inside the dark ice cave and even now I still feel these were overall much more easier and bearable than the beach ones I got done with in previous videos dealing with these last 50 levels but these ice ones are pretty tricky sometimes in a few in the solutions to solve them I will give them that much. Anyway, I hope any and all enjoyed up till now! I know I had fun with this little game and glad I came across it and decided to give it a chance I will be back again and with more gameplay to come so stay tuned till then.16 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 14
Naglfar94 GameplaysGetting closer to the end of the game, there are not many puzzles left for me to play! Anyway in this set of the extra 50 levels in the game, I go ahead and clear the rest of the remaining beach-based stages and thank goodness to that because the beach with lilypads was driving me nuts playing them. The Last beach based stage being the worst which is level 134 when I first played them one it drove me literally up the wall and even had me quitting it a few times I was that stuck on it but luckily I found a way to effectively do it and that is to pretty much push both boxes across the lilypads at the same time as fast as possible before they sink. So a lot of quick moves needing to be made here on this one. After that is all over it is a return to the ice levels but with an extra twist of it is now dark just like back in the cave levels I played earlier in the game in the main portion. And I have to say playing these ice ones is a lot more bearable than the beach ones I just got done with.18 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 13
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlright getting even further through the extra 50 levels of this game and now I work my way through the dreaded beach stages of the extra 50 yeah I was not looking forward to getting to these as they are among the toughest..Or at least back when I first did these now it wasn't so bad but still a pain and a drag for me to do especially when it starts introducing the lilypads in the water that sink and stay gone forever! Yeah normally the lilypads they float back up however in these new types are introduced that have white in the middle of them those ones sink down and stay gone forever so if you mess any of these up you are royally screwed and need to start all over again.15 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 12
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack with yet more of this game and pushing further through the beyond 100 puzzles. I go ahead in this part and fly through what is left of the spike and box gimmick puzzles and then move onto the beach-based ones of this portion of the game ah the dreaded beach+umbrella+lilypad combo is here now the set of levels I dreaded getting to but the only way is to push on through these and that is what I do. Hard to believe this game is nearly done already haha.23 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 11
Naglfar94 GameplaysWell now here we go again back at it with more of this game. What you thought the game was done and over with in my last video? Nope like I said this game has 150 puzzles in it so there are still 50 more for me to go after completing the first 100! And let me just say that at this point the game has taken a difficulty spike from the rest of the game and from here on things are gonna start being a bit rough now especially once these levels change over to the beach-themed ones which I am dreading anyway this is the start of the extra 50!29 views 1 comment -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 10
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack at it with some more of this little adorable game and well folks this is the final stretch of the game yep this is the grand final...For the first half of the game that is, heh did I have any of you fooled for a moment at all? But yeah after this there are 50 more puzzles left in the game with ramped up difficulty from all the rest in the game. It feels like I just started this game yesterday with how fast I blew through this thing it is crazy and when I first played this game it felt like I went through so much slower. Anyway enjoy the ''end'' which isn't much as this game doesn't really have much in the way of an ending scene or story.18 views 1 comment -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 9
Naglfar94 GameplaysBeen a bit since I continued on well no not really but feels like a lot of time has passed. Now out of the dark cave areas of the game it is back to the brighter areas so hope your eyes are used to the bright again lol because my eyes at first were burning lol. A new gimmick is also introduced here in these levels with these levels focused on large boxes that you need to push inside of either pits or holes to create walkways to cross over, it is a pretty neat and fun gimmick and one that will stick around for quite a bit yeah the game really liked using this one quite a bit.30 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 8
Naglfar94 GameplaysGetting even further in this frog game and I continue on with the dark cave-themed levels in this and do the rest of them. After a bit of progress through these a new mechanic and gimmick is introduced and sadly the only time it is ever used in the game for awhile and that is the bombs which I do like using a lot and I think they are a neat addition to the game. You use the bombs to clear out paths so you can either move through them or push the blocks through which I find personally the most fun little gimmick added into this game.22 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 7
Naglfar94 GameplaysAh it has been a bit but there is still more of this little game to go! So picking up from the previous video I go through a new set of stages with these being probably some of my favorite in the game as these ones use darkness and they appear to be inside a cave of some sort these are loads of fun to play but man the dark really can start screwing with your eyes after awhile especially with the bottomless pits which are all pitch black! I have actually ran myself into them a few times by mistake when I play these levels but luckily I don't have that happen here. My best advice is to walk around the stage and not run too fast.25 views -
SokoFrog:Playthrough 6
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack at it with more SokoFrog and here I go through the remainder of the ice-themed levels. It was a lot of fun doing these ice ones and they are among my favorites in the game. The next type of stages after this make use of darkness to limit your vision and it is inside of what I think is a cave those will be real fun going forward. It is crazy how fast I have progressed through this game, already in the 50's for puzzles and just a bit more at this rate and pace till I get to 100 and then later 150.18 views